PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
0 votes

42561426 HP
0 Atk
43756t68 Def.
0 SP. Atk
85865656 Sp.Def.
65756757 Spd

Staraptor used Aerial Ace!
60 damage? Or less? Or more. The reason is because it's attack is 0 so would it do 60 since that is the base power of the move?


2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

In short, no. Damage would be 0 if your Atk/Sp.Atk somehow became 0.

Courtesy of Smogon:
Here is the Damage formula for DPP:

Damage Formula = (((((((Level × 2 ÷ 5) + 2) × BasePower × [Sp]Atk ÷ 50) ÷ [Sp]Def) × Mod1) + 2) × CH × Mod2 × R ÷ 100) × STAB × Type1 × Type2 × Mod3)

If you imagine a Diglett using Earthquake, you can immediately see that the damage becomes 0 after you input 0 in the [Sp]Atk slot because every other calculation would end up as 0 no matter what.

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1 vote

A Pokemon's Atk / SAtk can never reach 0. The lowest it can reach is 1.
