Max lv. is 5, so how do i ev train pokemon without getting them over
lv 5. I need some moves for my pokemon too. ^_^
> My team:
> Buizel: thinking to put these ev's- 252 sp. attack/252 HP/4 speed
> Moves: Surf, Brine, Sonicboom, ?????
> Elekid: thinking to put these ev's- 252 attack/252 HP/4 defence Moves:
> Moves: Thunder Bolt, Quick attack, ?????, ?????
> Gible: thinking to put these ev's- 252 defence/252 sp. defence/4 speed
> Moves: Outrage, stone edge, stealth rock, ?????
Please help me with Movesets too!
This is PkMN Platinum