Dustoxs stats
HP 60 230 - 324
ATTACK 50 94 - 218
DEFENSE 70 130 - 262
SP. ATK 50 94 - 218
SP. DEF 90 166 - 306
SPEED 65 121 - 251
Beautiflys stats
HP 60 230 - 324
ATTACK 50 130 - 262
DEFENSE 50 94 - 218
SP. ATK 90 166 - 306
SP. DEF 94 94 - 218
SPEED 65 121 - 251
Well if you look at the base stats then Dustox is better in the Attack and Defense but the Beautifly is better in the specials and speed and to make it even harder the base stat totals are equal. I would say looking at the stats Beautifly is better but some people may disagree.
Hope this helps :)