PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. This isn't restricted to the four moves you'll finish with post-game!
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team, use a team of six Pokemon, and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original teams only; don't post teams you found somewhere else, e.g. YouTube.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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are'nt in game teams not allowed?
Pokemaster is allowing Q's for games, but only one each. Just noting, don't go asking your own.
what is pokemon XD
It's a game about shadow Pokemon and snagging . FYI

7 Answers

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Mostly Citadark Team: Espeon, Tauros, Salamence, Dewgong, Tyranitar, Ninetales

Espeon: Helping Hand, Psychic, Protect, Psybeam
-Shame that the Eeveelutions have poor movepools in XD (even Vaporeon, due to lack of Surf or Muddy Water). Helping Hand helps support, Protect dodges Earthquake. Psychic and Psybeam are STAB, stacked to provide more PP.

Tauros: Return, Earthquake, Protect, Iron Tail
-Intimidate is very helpful in Double battles. It also gets Earthquake without needing the TM, meaning the TM can be saved for others. This is very useful. Return is STAB. Protect is to dodge Earthquake. Iron Tail is coverage, mainly for when I donb't want to use Earthquake.

Salamence: Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, Flamethrower
-Another Intimidate user, although this one is a Flying type, meaning it is already able to dodge Earthquake without need for Protect. Aerial Ace is STAB. Earthquake is coverage that hits everything. Flamethrower is coverage, which is boosted by Ninetales.

Dewgong: Surf, Protect, Icy Wind, Blizzard/Ice Beam
-Surf is STAB that hits all the foes. Protect is to dodge Earthquake. Icy Wind hits all the foes and slows them down, allowing you to hit them first. Blizzard and Ice Beam are STAB. Blizzard is less accurate, more powerful, and has less PP. Its main advantage is that it can hit all the foes. Ice Beam is more accurate and has higher PP though.

Tyranitar: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Protect, Crunch/Flamethrower
-Earthquake is coverage that hits all the foes. Rock Slide is STAB that hits all the foes. Protect is used to dodge Earthquake. Crunch is STAB that hits on the Special side, although Flamethrower can be used for coverage with help from Ninetales.

Ninetales: Heat Wave, Protect, Sunny Day, Solarbeam
-Heat Wave hits all the foes. Sunny Day boosts Heat Wave, as well as the Flamethrower of Salamence and perhaps Tyranitar, while also removing Solarbeam's need to charge. Solarbeam is coverage. Protect is used to dodge Earthquake.


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How are you supposed to USE Tauros? You're going to have about ten battles with it, and that's only if you're doing the aftergame.
1 vote

Before Citadark Team: Espeon, Dewgong, Tyranitar, Ninetales, Dusclops, Flygon

Espeon: Helping Hand, Psychic, Protect, Psybeam
-Shame that the Eeveelutions have poor movepools in XD (even Vaporeon, due to lack of Surf or Muddy Water). Helping Hand helps support, Protect dodges Earthquake. Psychic and Psybeam are STAB, stacked to provide more PP.

Dewgong: Surf, Protect, Icy Wind, Blizzard/Ice Beam
-Surf is STAB that hits all the foes. Protect is to dodge Earthquake. Icy Wind hits all the foes and slows them down, allowing you to hit them first. Blizzard and Ice Beam are STAB. Blizzard is less accurate, more powerful, and has less PP. Its main advantage is that it can hit all the foes. Ice Beam is more accurate and has higher PP though.

Tyranitar: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Protect, Crunch/Flamethrower
-Earthquake is coverage that hits all the foes. Rock Slide is STAB that hits all the foes. Protect is used to dodge Earthquake. Crunch is STAB that hits on the Special side, although Flamethrower can be used for coverage with help from Ninetales.

Ninetales: Heat Wave, Protect, Sunny Day, Solarbeam
-Heat Wave hits all the foes. Sunny Day boosts Heat Wave, as well as the Flamethrower of Flygon and perhaps Tyranitar, while also removing Solarbeam's need to charge. Solarbeam is coverage. Protect is used to dodge Earthquake.

Dusclops: Will-o-wisp, Protect, Shadow Ball, Blizzard
-Blizzard hits all the foes. Protect dodges Earthquake. Shadow Ball is STAB. Will-o-wisp bruns the foe.

Flygon: Earthquake, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Giga Drain
-A Pokemon with Levitate, great for Doubles. Earthquake is STAB that hits all he foes. Flamethrower is coverage that gets boosted by Sunny Day. Dragon Claw is STAB. Giga Drain is coverage.

Bite should be on Espeon for something other than Psychic type to attack with.
0 votes

Vaporeon: Water Pulse (TM03) Bite (Start) Ice Beam (TM13) Blizzard (TM14)@Leftovers
Vaporeon is a very bulky Pokemon that can attack well, too. This moveset focuses on attacking. Water Pulse is here because nothing's better for STAB in XD. You get the TM by beating Area 2 of Mt. Battle. Bite is a filler that is known from the start as Eevee. Ice Beam is obtained at the Phenac Stadium, and it provides good coverage. Blizzard can be bought at Realgam Tower, and while it is a second Ice move, it is good to hit both opponents. They can both be useful in different situations. Leftovers are because it is bulky, but Mystic Water works too.

Ursaring: Return (Start) Earthquake (TM26) Rock Tomb (TM39) Facade (TM42)@Soothe Bell
Ursaring is a very powerful Pokemon that can beat a lot of opponents in one hit with Return at max power. Return is for STAB, Earthquake and Rock Tomb are for coverage, and Facade is to take advantage of Guts more when statused. TM26 is at the top of the Cipher Key Lair, and Rock Tomb requires you to beat Area 5 of Mt. Battle. Facade is from Area 4 of Mt. Battle, and while it is a filler move, it will be VERY powerful if you get statused due to Facade's special effect and Guts ability. While very weak, Lick can be useful if nothing on your team gets Thunder Wave. Soothe Bell is there to help keep Return at max power.

Shiftry: Giga Drain (Start) Brick Break (TM31) Shadow Ball (TM30) Fake Out (Lv 19 as Nuzleaf)@Miracle Seed
Seedot evolves the first time it levels up, and you get a Leaf Stone VERY early. It is somewhat overpowered for a while, so this is a good choice. Fake Out is useful for chip damage. Giga Drain is known from the start, and is decently powerful for STAB even though it is lacking in PP. Brick Break is obtained from defeating the Pyrite Colosseum once. Shadow Ball is obtained from the locked box in the Snagem Hideout once you get the key. These two are for coverage.
Miracle Seed is just there to boost the power of Giga Drain

Lunatone: Psychic (Start) Cosmic Power (Lv 31) Baton Pass (Start) Explosion (Lv 49)@Leftovers
This is a Baton Passing Lunatone. Psychic is to do some damage, Cosmic Power is to pass defenses to teammates, and Explosion is for suicide once you are at low health. Leftovers are to stay a bit healthier while setting up. Just a note: IF you want to pass Calm Mind instead, you must beat Area 7 of Mt. Battle. This is hard to do during the main story, but feel free to do it.

Arcanine: Flamethrower (Start) Bite (Start) Body Slam (Agate Move Tutor) Iron Tail (Round 3 of Realgam Colosseum)
Flamethrower is obviously STAB, Bite is a sort of filler but provides decent coverage. Iron Tail is for coverage, and Body Slam is there because it goes off of the better attacking stat.
EDIT: You may want Extreme Speed over Body Slam or Bite if the priority appeals to you.

Pidgeot: Wing Attack (Start) Steel Wing (Start) Double-Edge (Agate Move Tutor) Sky Attack (Also the tutor)@Silk Scarf/Sharp Beak
Pidgeot is an unappreciated Pokemon. It really can use some decent attacks. Wing Attack is STAB, and so is Double-Edge. Steel Wing is coverage. While Sky Attack is not all that reliable, it really can hurt if you're able to charge it. Pidgeot is a good user of the move because it is decently bulky. The held item depends on your preference, and they are to boost STAB moves.

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Vaporeon - Water Pulse, Blizzard, Bite, Ice Beam (Item: Leftovers)
Water Pulse's TM is obtained after beating Area 2 of Mt. Battle. It's the strongest STAB move Vaporeon gets in XD. Blizzard is obtained rather early from Realgam Tower's shop. It is quite strong and hits both opponents, having various uses. Ice Beam is obtained shortly after Blizzard in the back of Phenac Stadium. It is a bit stronger than a STAB Water Pulse, and hits Grass-types that resist Water. Bite is super effective on Ghost- and Psychic-types, and it's the best thing that's there for this Pokemon. Eevee knows it from the start. Leftovers are there because of Vaporeon's high bulk. They are found on the S.S. Libra where Bonsly was standing, as well as held by Ardos' Shadow Snorlax.

Ursaring - Return, Earthquake, Lick, Metal Claw (Item: Soothe Bell)
Return is very strong when at full power, and the Soothe Bell helps boost its power. Earthquake hits both opponents, but Protect may be necessary for some of them. I tried to keep it simple with these last two moves, so you can have them right off the bat and won't have to do so much Mt. Battle to get Aerial Ace or Rock Tomb. Lick can do chip damage to Shadow Pokemon and paralyze them, and Metal Claw gives coverage on Ice-types.

Houndoom - Flamethrower, Crunch, Charm, Protect (Item: Charcoal)
Flamethrower's TM is found on the S.S. Libra, and is its best STAB. Crunch won't be learned unless you're doing the aftergame, since it's learned at level 59. Protect can guard from your own Earthquake or an opponent's attack. Its TM is bought from Realgam Tower's shop. Finally, Charm is a filler with a slight use. It's a special move that Houndour and Houndoom don't normally get. However, it has a rather low Defense stat and there are some incredibly strong physical attackers later in the game such as the Shadow Salamence, Tauros, and Rhydon that you meet in the last two battles of the game. It's known as soon as Houndour is purified. Charcoal is held by the Numel that is found in the Shadow Pokemon Lab.

Shiftry - Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Brick Break, Fake Out/Self Destruct (Item: Spell Tag or Miracle Seed)
Shiftry is great early on because Seedot evolves with one level, and the Leaf Stone is found at the end of the Shadow Pokemon Lab, meaning you can get Shiftry very early. Giga Drain is known from the start, and though it's lacking in PP, PP Ups are common in this game and can be easily used on this move. Shadow Ball is coverage and allows you to evolve without waiting to learn Faint Attack, as Ghost and Dark are almost the same offensively. Its TM is from the locked chest in the Snagem Hideout. Brick Break is, of course, for coverage, and its TM is obtained after beating the Pyrite Colosseum for the first time. Finally, Fake Out is for some free damage against your opponent, learned by Nuzleaf at level 19. Also, Self Destruct is an option for taking out strong opponents easily, learned via the move tutor in Agate. It is only available later in the game, though. The Spell Tag is on Shadow Banette on Citadark Isle, and the Miracle Seed is on Shadow Tangela in the Cipher Key Lair.

Dusclops - Shadow Ball, Helping Hand, Confuse Ray, Seismic Toss (Item: Leftovers)
Shadow Ball is STAB, but it might not do outstanding damage. It's known from the start. Helping Hand is also known from the start, and it's just to support the attacks of your teammates when you need to focus attack on one enemy. Confuse Ray, also known from the start, is great when you want to decrease your foe's damage output. Finally, Seismic Toss does damage based on your level instead of Attack stat, so it's great for a defensive Pokemon. It does consistent damage to the opponent and can be taught with Agate's move tutor as soon as Duskull evolves. Leftovers are near Bonsly on the S.S. Libra and held by Shadow Snorlax.

Gardevoir - Psychic, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Reflect (Item: Twisted Spoon)
Gardevoir is both an attacker and a supporter at the same time. I feel like it takes the place of both Espeon and Jolteon, except trading their speed for special defense. Psychic is, of course, Gardevoir's most reliable STAB move. Kirlia learns it at level 26. Thunderbolt is used for coverage against Flying, Water, Dark, and other types. Its TM is in the Cipher Key Lair. Thunder Wave, learned using the move tutor in Agate Village, is great for lowering the speed and threat of fast Pokemon, and more notably making Shadow Pokemon easier to catch. Finally, Reflect is used to guard from attacks on Gardevoir's weaker defensive stat, as well as protecting the rest of the team. It is known by Ralts from the start. Unfortunately, Colosseum and XD use RSE's level-up moves instead of FRLG's, meaning Kirlia can't use the move reminder to get Magical Leaf. Ralts comes holding a Twisted Spoon.

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This Pokemon team will be composed of Jolteon, Houndoom, Walrein, Claydol, Aggron, and Dodrio.

Jolteon- (Magnet)

Thunder Wave

Thunderbolt and Thunder are STAB, Bite is coverage, and Thunder Wave is extremely useful in helping to capture Shadow Pokemon. You start off with Eevee in the game. To get Jolteon, choose a Thunderstone from the Sailor in Gateon Port at the beginning of the game. It’s ability is Volt Absorb.

Houndoom- (Blackglasses or Charcoal)

Sunny Day

Crunch and Flamethrower are STAB. Solarbeam is coverage and Sunny Day can help make it a one turn move as well as make Houndoom’s fire type moves more powerful. You can find Houndour outside the Shadow Pokemon Lab held by Resix, one of the Hexagon brothers. At level 24, it evolves into Houndoom. The recommended ability for it is Flash Fire.

Walrein- (NevermeltIce or Mystic Water)

Water Pulse
Ice Beam
Body Slam
Rain Dance

Water Pulse and Ice Beam are STAB, Body Slam is filler, and Rain Dance ups the power of Water Pulse, as well as making Jolteon’s Thunder 100% accurate. You can find Spheal outside the Shadow Pokemon Lab, it is held by Blusix, one of the Hexagon brothers. Spheal evolves into Sealeo at level 32, and from Sealeo into Walrein at level 44. Thick Fat is it’s ability.

Claydol- (Leftovers)

Shadow Ball

Psychic is STAB and Shadow Ball is coverage. Explosion is a neat last resort. Toxic can be used to whittle down boss Pokemon. You can find Baltoy outside of Shadow Pokemon Lab, held by Browsix, one of the Hexagon Brothers. Baltoy evolves into Claydol at level 36. It’s ability is Levitate.

Aggron- (Metal Coat or Soft Sand)

Iron Tail
Brick Break

Iron Tail is STAB, Double-Edge is neat if you have Rock Head and Brick Break and Earthquake are for coverage. Aggron makes a great partnet with Claydol as Claydol is immune to Aggron’s earthquake, and Aggron takes little damage from Claydol’s explosion. You can find Aron at the Cave Pokespot. Aron evolves into Lairon at level 32, and Lairon evolves into Aggron at level 42. Rock Head is the recommended ability.

Dodrio- (Sharp Beak)

Drill Peck
Sky Attack

Drill peck and Tri-Attack are STAB, Sky Attack is pure power and Agility is for utility. You can find Dodrio in the beginning of Citadark Isle, it is held by Chaser Furgy, who also has a Shadow Raticate. Early Bird is the recommended ability for Dodrio.

There you have it. The best team for Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness!

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0 votes

Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness Best Team:
Vaporeon: @Leftovers
Water Pulse (TM03)
Ice Beam (TM13)/ Aurora Beam (Lv36)
Bite (Start)
Hydro Pump (Lv 52)
Vaporeon is an overall good water type for Pokémon XD, with its decent Special Attack and Defences and with a great HP stat. Water Pulse is for STAB and is your best bet for a water type move that will last you through the game, plus its confuse chance could help you out on occasion. Ice Beam and Bite are for coverage and are strong moves for Vaporeon if you are having trouble getting Ice Beam you can use Aurora Beam instead and you can also use it until you get Ice Beam. Finally, Hydro Pump is STAB and as a sort of last resort or you need to take down a strong opponent fast.

Ursaring: @Silk Scarf
Return (Start)
Metal Claw (Start)
Brick Break (TM31)
Earthquake (TM26)
Ursaring is a strong and early normal type and a good asset to your team of six. Its main strengths are in its attack stats and can take a few hits if you need it to. Return is for STAB. Metal Claw is used for coverage and can also sometimes boost your attack by a stage which could help in the long run. Brick Break is used for coverage and can shatter reflect and light screen if they are ever activated. Finally, Shadow Ball is our final coverage move and if you really want to note it can decrease special defense.

Electabuzz (Zaprong): @Magnet
Thunder Punch (Start)
Ice Punch (Start)
Fire Punch (Start)
Cross Chop (Start)
Electabuzz is a fairly strong electric type even without its evolution in Generation IV. It can get through the game without any problems all you need to do to get the Elekid is to receive a shadow Togepi from a scientist and once you purify it you can trade it back to him. Thunder Punch is for STAB and can paralyze the foe. Ice Punch and Fire Punch are for coverage and can freeze or burn the target respectively. Finally, Cross Chop is for coverage and a powerful move for stronger opponents.

Tyranitar: @Blackglasses
Rock Slide (Lv22)
Dragon Dance (Start)
Crunch (Lv47)
Outrage (Start)
Tyranitar is a great attacker and can go through the game with next to no problems. Rock Slide is for STAB and can flinch. Dragon Dance is to raise Attack and Speed by one stage. Crunch is for STAB and can lower the target's defence. Outrage is for coverage and is a powerful dragon attack, but it can cause confusion so be cautious of that.

Arcanine: @Charcoal
Flamethrower (Start)
Bite (Start)
Extremespeed (Lv49)
Iron Tail (Move Tutor)
Arcanine is a solid fire type that has good attack and special attack stats along with good speed it can get you through the game. Flamethrower is for STAB and can burn the foe. Bite and Extremespeed and both coverage and Bite can also cause flinching. Finally, Iron Tail is for coverage and s a strong attack with low accuracy which is a downside but hitting with it can take out rock types just in case you need to.

Dodrio: @Sharp Beak
Drill Peck (Start)
Tri Attack (Start)
Sky Attack (Move Tutor)
Agility (Lv60)
Dodrio, even in the late game, is a great addition to your team and one of the best flying types in the game. Drill Peck and Tri Attack are both for STAB and Tri Attack can burn, freeze or paralyze the target each with a 10% chance. Sky Attack is STAB and the most powerful flying type move you can get. Agility is a filler move and is used for boosting speed by two stages.

0 votes

A Great team that got me through Pokemon XD was a team that really demolished cipher and it did require a little bit of Mt. Battle training and here it is

Espeon - TwistedSpoon
- Psybeam
- Bite
- Psychic
- Quick Attack
(get the TwistedSpoon from Shadow Ralts)
Ursaring - Silk Scarf
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Return
- Slash
(get the Silk Scarf from Shadow Zangoose)
Ampharos - Magnet
- Thunderbolt
- Shock Wave
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderpunch
(get Magnet from Shadow Voltorb)
Ninetales - Charcoal
- Heat Wave
- Flamethrower
- Quick Attack
- Body Slam
(get Charcoal from Shadow Numel)
Pidgeot - Sharp Beak
- Wing Attack
- Steel Wing
- Featherdance
- Any Move
(get Sharp Beak from Shadow Spearow)
Banette - Spell Tag
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Any Move
- Any Move
(Spell Tag is already on it when you get it)
