And maybe some other Pokemon. Here is a full list of the Pokemon I would do:
Zigzagoon Wailmer Turtwig Totodile Tailow Staryu Squirtle Snover Sneasel Chansey Clamperl Slowpoke Shroomish Shelgon Rhyhorn Ponyta Piplup Paras Omanyte Murkrow Mareep Mantyke Mankey Magby Machop Machoke Lickitung Ledyba Larvitar Krabby Koffing Houndour Horsea Hippopotas Haunter Growlithe Goldeen Gligar Glameow Gible Elekid Electrike Ekans Eevee Drifloon Dratini Diglett Croagunk Cranidos Chinchou Chimchar Cacnea Bronzor Aron
All of these Pokemon utilize different movesets and strategies from their evolutions.
Yeah I guess that'll be fine, I see you've done some already. Same as before, don't do more than a couple a day.
Also, can you use "Little Cup" instead of "LC" though, so it's easier for people to understand? And a tag of "little-cup". Thanks!
(See this one I edited: )