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Can someone change the Cherrim Page Pic instead of having 2 forms 'squashed' together have two separate 'tabs' (I don't know what to name them) like Giratina's Origin and Altered form/forme.


1 Answer

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Best answer

Cherrim's 2 forms have no clear difference besides appearance. Giratina's forms have difference in ability; that's why it has 2 tabs.

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How about for people who wanna know the 2 forms? like if that person forgot the name of the form...
Mewderator is correct about why there are no tabs.
Also if you want to see the form names they are near the bottom of the page under the sprites.
Cherrim's form change isn't just aesthetic. When cherrim change form, they automatically get a boost to their stats as well... like mega-evolution. Sure, the rest of the party gains it, but cherrim take advantage of it 100% of the time when in harsh sunlight, which is what triggers the ability/form change in the first place.
@SkyFrost That's not really accurate. There is no inherent difference in the form change, Cherrim just has an ability that boosts stats in sun. That's its ability, not specific to the form.