Meta-PokéBase Q&A
10 votes

Since wall trading is of increasing popularity, I think it's time we have a scammers list similiar to showdowns. This will discourage scam and overall be helpful.

Check the answer below.

edited by
A what?
good idea :D
Ben people trade with the walls so if people make a false trade they will be reported and in future trades people can look here to see whether they are trading with a scammer or not
I don't think scamming is ban-able offense, but having a list for users to look over to avoid being scammed is definitely a good idea.
Yeah we don't need to ban, lemme change that tag
This is a good idea, however I see one problem that may have been overlooked. Users can simply change their name every time PM opens the username changes or constantly if they haven't posted in a particular section of the site I believe? Would work great if Indigo's suggestion was implemented though:
Put their FC with their username then.
Yeah sir Dan, you would search up the FC because as many accounts as our little scammer can have, I don't think he has that much rich man swag to afford so many DS's
Fair enough, I completely forgot about friend codes.
This is pure genius! Being scammed is terrible and if we can't simply ban scammers we should at least have a reference to look at!

But a bit of a problem, people wouldn't like being called scammers, there would be fights on walls and on the post constantly. Maybe if the report would be anonymous like the user report page? Sorry if that was your idea
If people didn't want to be called scammers then they probably wouldn't scam...
also if people will accuse non scammers to be scammers
So let me get the definition of 'scammer' right: Is scamming like trading someone a Phionie nicknamed Manaphy?
I have a system of proof that will be used to determine scammers, otherwise just ignore any false attacks at yourself.

@the noby, no that won't be scamming, because it's obvious that's a phione, and the trade won't take place if the trader wanted a manaphy
Was that edit rly necessary. There wasn't a reason to do that.

2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

I've developed a scammer database myself, Any user is free to search the database which currently contains over 2000 friend codes associated with scammers.

People can add scammers to the list providing they can post evidence.

You can check it out here:

Thanks ^_^

selected by
Woah dang, must have taken you forever o.o
If you really are the one who developed that, then the hardwork is duely appreciated.
Been working on it over the past few weeks after seeing how much upset it was causing people. I appreciate your comment. :)

2 votes

This has been up for four days now and nobody is just going to come along and approve it like you're all expecting. Everybody thinks it's a good idea so let's get on with it. Post an answer on this thread to make submissions to the list, and make sure you provide a reason.

Don't just post an answer saying "SentByRavens is a scammer he scammed me". Without some sort of story as to how you were scammed, your submission isn't really viable.


edited by
I was actually going to make this into a list already, but my wifi is terrible and my computer isn't working, those two together and my parents are too busy to fix it. If I can manage to get on a place to do a lot of typing, I'll turn this into a thread.
I can't imagine that this list will get very big any time soon, so it's not really an issue tbh. Take your time
Tru tru
The hell was that edit?