Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I'd just like to know.


1 Answer

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I'll make this post a little guide for the two types of Scizbot

Internal Scizbot

This is the bot that is always on the server. And has the capability to battle users when challenged. The internal Scizbot has the following commands character " .". It has the following commands:

  • .guide (Gives a list of all the commands)
  • .say (Makes the bot say something in the room the command was used in)
  • .tell (Makes the bot use the /tell command which is a very crude"email" system on the server)
  • .seen (The bot will tell you when the user you asked it to search for was last on)
  • .salt (Solely for entertainment, this tells you how salty the argument is)
  • .whois (Gives you a remark on who the user is that you specified)
  • .helix (Consult the Almighty Helix fossil with this command to get an answer)
  • .maketournament (Makes the bot create a tournament according to the input arguments and then will start the tour after it's countdown has finished
  • .join/leave (Makes the bot join/leave the room you put as the argument)
  • .rps (A crude version of Rock, Paper, Scissors with the bot)

External Scizbot:

This version of Scizbot is more of a test bot for future commands to add to the server Scizbot. This bot will only come online when I run it. It has a lot of unique commands that are mostly joke commands that won't be added to the actual bot. It's command character is @.The relevant commands are listed below:

  • @joke (Gives you an arguably funny Chuck Norris joke)
  • @usagestats (Links you to PokemonShowdown's usage stats page)
  • @autoban (Automatically bans the argument when they enter the room they were autobanned from)
  • @unautoban (Un-autobans the argument from the current room)
  • @pickup (Returns a cheesy Pokemon Pick-up line because wynaut?)
  • @uptime (Gives you the bots current amount of time it's been online)
  • @greet (Greets the argument)
  • @shutdown (Kills the External Scizbot's process forcing it offline)
  • @set (Allows me to change the permissions needed to use any of the external Scizbot commands)

There are other External Scizbot commands but they're really pretty irrelevant so no point listing them. If you have further questions or bug reports don't hesitate to ask / tell me. (Yes I've seen the post about Scizbot's battle AI)

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Cool! :D