Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Data about TM and moves are complete? If I want search about changes generation VI to VII, I can depend on this page?

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One thing: This post belongs in the Meta section, not the Pokebase
Another thing: There might be a lot of errors since Sun/Moon is new.

2 Answers

4 votes

Yes, it's mostly complete but of course there may be some errors or omissions.

  • TMs list is complete, including exact locations for everything
  • Moves list is complete (the data comes direct from the game's code so there are definitely not any missing ones)
  • Move details are a work in progress. We have basic descriptions for everything but some of them need a little more in-depth detail. Some moves changes power in gen 7, I'll add those asap.

If you find any errors you can post them on the report minor errors post.

1 vote

I think so. It has a sun and moon filter so I would assume so. But, like A Geeky Jawa said (cool name btw), it is probably not going to be as reliable info as OR/AS until a couple of months or so. Plus, the data on all the UBs appear correct so far, so to answer your question, probably.

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