Regireca@Choice Scarf
Ability:Earthen Remedy
EVs:252 Atk/252 Spe/4 Hp
•Curing Vines
•Rock Slide
5 minutes ago by PrimalKyogre
Regicovid @ Choice Specs Nature: Careful Ability: Social Distancing EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD - Hyper Beam - Ancient Power - Sludge Wave - Lockdown
1 hour ago by PrimalKyogre
Nov 26, 2020
Regicovid @ Rocky Helmet Nature: Careful Ability: Social Distancing EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD - Heat Wave - Wrap - Sludge Wave - Lockdown
HP: 80
Atk: 50
Def: 100
SpA: 200
SpD: 100
Spe: 50
Social Distancing does raise its Evasiveness by 2 and may poison the opponent if hit with Contact.
Lockdown literally traps you and poisons you (exclusive to Regicovid.
Nov 26, 2020
What is VGC?
17 hours ago by ~BlazingStaraptor~
A format that is mainly doubles. It is the official formats that Nintendo the self hold. VGC doesn’t allow legendaries and all Pokémons are strictly level 50
Nov 26, 2020
VGC formats can be played in PS. you should find it in the sw/sh doubles section
Nov 25, 2020
"What is VGC?
2 hours ago by ~BlazingStaraptor~"
VGC is a doubles format, however unlike smogon's doubles OU, there are several restrictions different from DOU's. For one, in restricted years, you can use any Pokemon allowed in battle facilities like Battle Tree. Some legendaries are allowed, like the lati twins, the Kanto birds, the regis, but mythicals aren't allowed. Yes, that means you can use Pokemon that are usually ranked Ubers, like Naganadel, Mega Kangaskhan, etc... Some years however, Mega stones and Z-moves are banned. During years without mega stones and z-power, you can usually use some traditional legendaries like Groudon and Kyogre, but in their regular stage and not Primal. Also, unlike smogon's rules in VGC you can Dynamax, use Double-team and Minimize, and use Fissure, Sheer cold, Guillotine, and Horn Drill
Nov 25, 2020
252 SpA Calyrex-Shadow Pollen Puff vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Yveltal: 119-141 (30.2 - 35.8%) -- 41.1% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Dark Aura Yveltal Dark Pulse vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Calyrex-Shadow: 608-717 (178.2 - 210.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Nov 22, 2020
252 SpA Calyrex-Shadow Astral Barrage vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Calyrex-Shadow: 936-1104 (274.4 - 323.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Calyrex-Shadow Astral Barrage vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Calyrex-Shadow: 624-736 (182.9 - 215.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Nov 22, 2020
252+ Atk Arceus-Fighting Brick Break vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Tyranitar-Mega: 304-360 (88.8 - 105.2%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar-Mega Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Arceus-Fighting: 219-258 (57.4 - 67.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage
Nov 19, 2020
252+ Atk Life Orb Rayquaza-Mega Dragon Ascent vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zacian: 317-374 (97.5 - 115%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 Atk Zacian Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Rayquaza-Mega: 440-518 (125.3 - 147.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Nov 18, 2020