Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for ~Silver~ (page 62)

Yay, u replyed!

I just wanted to tell u that I've ordered my Nintendo Switch OLED and the fastest time it could come is Saturday. It is currantly Monday when I'm writing this.

Oh and I've also made a website!  please check it out.
Dec 27, 2021 by This Guy
city in north carolina that i was born in. driving there tomorrow morning and staying for a week with my nonna and grandpa
Dec 27, 2021 by y-chai
im going to greensboro soon im really excited c:
Dec 26, 2021 by y-chai
sorry for typos fat fingers tiny and inaccurate keyboard
Dec 24, 2021 by y-chai
hung out with that friend i galked about in the servwr and them told my mom a lie about who she was qith after i already told ny mom but my sister didnt knoq i told on her sksksk
Dec 24, 2021 by y-chai
email meeeeeeeee
Dec 24, 2021 by Amethyst
also doggo is a heavy sleeper shes been out for a good hour and has stayed thzt way through being carried and multiple people pettinb her

btw shes 8 weeks so very young uwu
Dec 24, 2021 by y-chai
i will when possible ;~; my parents still wont let me hzve electronicz. like they caught my sister in a lie znd she got her phone taken away for a day. they hzve no proof i did and its a month.
Dec 24, 2021 by y-chai
we got the puppy today and named her daisy ‹3 shes so sweet but pooky and emmie dont approve :c pooky keeps growling at her and ive never seen him be so mean to another dog. at least shes very soft and all she wants to do is play. we named her daisy because she is so sweet and calm
Dec 24, 2021 by y-chai