Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for ~Silver~ (page 152)

Kosh I love u will u marry me
Feb 8, 2021 by Amethyst
oh no! Kosh jool! What shall I do?!
Feb 8, 2021 by themodernage
Pokey Mohn Dee Bee: Jash Kewl's Arrival

It was a regular day on Pokey Mohn Dee Bee. Why was fangirling over Ecks, Glaydeon was spamming Premail's wall with links so he could use his Ockspert status to edit stuff, and Parrygone was making gimmick sets. But there was a different user in chat today, his name was Jash Kewl. "FUC U GLAYDEON 4 EDITING SPELING ERROES!!1!!1!!!!1!!111!1!1" Jash Kewl screeched. "Uh, I don't edit spelling errors. I'm not an Ockspert, Premail is, and I'm giving him the links so that he can edit-" "UR GOING ON MY FUCHED LITS" "What's a fuched lits?" Glaydeon asked, genuinely confused. "FUC U" "Dude there's no need to act like a jerk to Glaydeon." Premail stated. "UR A FUCHED 2 IM PUTTING U ON MY PROFILE" "I feel so threatened." Premail said sarcastically. "What's going on?" Parrygone asked as he entered chat. "SHUT UP U FUCHED" "Huh?" "UR GOING ON MY FUCHEDAD LIST" Parrygone was obviously very confused at this point. Jash Kewl's profile now looked like this:



- Gadon
- Piemal
- Porgen"

"Who the frick is Gadon?" Glaydeon asked. This enraged Jash Kewl even more. "UR FUCDED" "I wouldn't go that far." Jash Kewl was so mad he asked a META question:


asked 13 minutes ago by Jash Kewl
4 flags

Oh yeah that's likely.
commented 13 minutes ago by Primail

commented 11 minutes ago by Jash Kewl

My most sincere apologies for falgging tis questin.
commented 10 minutes ago by Glaydeon

Simply oxymoronic, Glaydeon.
commented 10 minutes ago by Ecks

What is?
commented 9 minutes ago by Glaydeon

@Ecks <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
commented 9 minute ago by Why

@Glaydeon that was simply horrendous grammar. You state you want better grammar and spelling on the site and bash other peoples', yet you misspell three words in a row. How simply hypocritical. This is why you'd make a terrible Ackspert.

@Why <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
commented 8 minutes ago by Ecks

Ah yes Ackspert. I aspire to be an Ackspert.
commented 8 minutes ago by Premail

Tf is an Ackspert?
commented 8 minutes ago by Ecks

"This is why you'd make a terrible Ackspert." -Ecks
commented 8 minutes ago by Glaydeon

I never said that, Glaydeon. Stop saying I say things that I never say, like Thunderbolt being STAB on Goomy, which is something I have never said.
commented 7 minutes ago by Ecks

i think that you should consider jash kewls words instead of just bashing him

its clear that glaydeon hurt his feelings so you should think about it
commented 7 minutes ago by shiepmahn

He literally called Glaydeon a 'fuchead' in chat because, according to him, she edited spelling errors, which was incorrect. He also called me and Parrygone fucheds as well, and everyone who has flagged this 'question'. So you're saying an idiot troll like him should be forgiven because his feelings might've been hurt from I don't even know what as he literally tried to cuss us out for no reason whatsoever because he's an idiot.
commented 6 minutes ago by Premail

thats not what i meant what i meant was that we shouldnt get mad at him just for saying a swear in chat

theres no need to be a jerk to jash for no reason so stop acting stupid hes just another user

how would you like it if i acted like this over a swear
commented 5 minutes ago by shiepmahn

You didn't say anything about him saying a swear in chat before. Also I think I'm acting pretty rational right now. He didn't just toss out a swear, like 'oh (insert swear here) I messed something up', he literally called over three people 'fucheds'. To their faces. In a public chat room that you could literally look at now. And in this 'question'. I'd say I have plenty reason to get mad at a troll. Also, if I was an annoying troll like him, I think I'd deserve it, and Glaydeon would agree.
commented 4 minutes ago by Premail

An end needs to be put to this. Judging by what you've said, and what I've seen in chat, Jash Kewl is deserving of a ban. In fact, he's the one behind many dupe accounts back in 2016 and so on. We banned his IP, but clearly he has a new one, which is banned as I say this.

If you have any more problems with a user like this, please contact me or any of the other mods.
commented 1 minute ago by Feez

And then Feez flagged and hid it. Jash Kewl wasn't seen again, and the group celebrated. However, Jash Kewl wasn't done. Even today, he lurks in the shadows, desiring payback against Feez, Glaydeon, Premail, and the entirety of Pokey Mohn Dee Bee...

The end.
Feb 8, 2021 by Gau
LOL nice name
Feb 8, 2021 by TheHappening
Epic name btw
Feb 8, 2021 by Amethyst
Good luck uwu
Feb 8, 2021 by Amethyst
Feb 8, 2021 by Amethyst
I didn’t know that’s a matter of Interest teehee
Feb 7, 2021 by AureliusReyes
My god-
Feb 7, 2021 by Amethyst
I dont need any birthday gifts, much less two lol. Thank you so much though uwu
Feb 7, 2021 by Amethyst