Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Cdijk16 (page 1)

"I don't know anything about SM Monotype, so no. I'll RisingManectric to rate this."

That feeling when Manectric doesn't play SM monotype:
Apr 28, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Thing is, that's the middle of the night in my time zone.(GMT+5:30).
Oct 27, 2022 by Cdijk16
I see, thanks for telling me.
Oct 27, 2022 by Cdijk16
Just to let you know, chat is usually active at 6:00pm, Georgia, USA time, and doesn't usually die again until sometime around 9:00pm. Sometimes it is active a little later though. I have seen it active around 11:00pm-12:00am before. That's The only regular time it's active. Otherwise, you may find it active during other, early morning hours, but that's somewhat rare.
Oct 26, 2022 by TheRaptor
You're welcome.
Aug 29, 2022 by Cdijk16
Oh hey, never saw your message. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it!
Aug 28, 2022 by Amethyst
It's good to see more people playing  Gen 3. The most important thing for every team is to have an answer to Dragon Dance Tyranitar. Good answers to it are Swampert,Flygon and bulky Metagross., see Tar analysis for more details. Every team should have a reasonably bulky pokemon who resists rock to beat DD Tar and Aerodactyl. You also need a way to beat teams like this one:, with Tar,Skarm,Bliss,Pert,Gar and one free slot.
This video is a great starter guide to adv as well:
This thread is great to learn the various styles of teams:
If you have any team request, feel free to ask
Aug 11, 2022 by Cdijk16
Yo. I'm trying to get into ADV OU, and I've only played a couple matches so far. Is there anything important to know about the meta that's not fairly obvious already (e.g. Pokemon like Ttar and mence being very good)? Thanks :)
Aug 11, 2022 by Amethyst
Jun 27, 2022 by Cdijk16
How does it feel to be finally able to comment on RMT section without waiting for approval? :P

Also that was great RMT! +1
Jun 26, 2022 by xPsydxck