Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Cobruks (page 6)

Hey guys sorry its been a while since ive been online. My I just been realy down lately.
Jan 27, 2019 by Cobruks
"Lazania" is actually spelled Lasagna

You just triggered an Italian
Jan 25, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
Hello? Cobruks? Cobruks!


Soon, our deal will expire :P.
Jan 25, 2019 by Azelfeo
is boss
Jan 18, 2019 by stall_fest
HXH tho
Jan 18, 2019 by stall_fest
Why u like bakugan. me sad
Jan 18, 2019 by stall_fest
This is just wonderful. Now I can meet you on weekdays. Did you name yourself Cobruks? I'm called "The Poipole". Also, all Pokémon are available for use. We also need to schedule times to meet.
Jan 17, 2019 by Azelfeo
Alright!! I'll join right away!
But i have one question.
Is Luxray in there? because if he isn't ......
Jan 14, 2019 by Cobruks
I see... Okay! Well first, this is Showdown: And this is this site's Showdown server: And here's a useful video:

If you start using Showdown, we could have a battle (or battles) quickly and easily anytime when we're both online! I'm sure your Dad will help you out.

Here's one more useful thing:
Jan 14, 2019 by Azelfeo
Oh. Okay. Could you respond on my wall so I don't have to check your's :P? Please. I completely forgot about you until now! I was so busy. Oh and, you're on my friends list now. My weekend is practically over, but next weekend we'll probably battle. (Oh no! I never trained, or prepared! I'm probably just gonna through a random team together :P) Do you have an account on Pokemon Showdown? Also, we/you gotta make some battle schedules for next weekend.

WARNING: After we battle... I may delete you... From my friends list :P. But don't worry! You'll still an acquaintance! Do not question my logic.
Jan 14, 2019 by Azelfeo