Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for ComndrCaiden37 (page 2)

Jul 27, 2023 by Anchor9
No. >:)
Jul 27, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Nice Decidueye grav!
Jul 27, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
Decidueye grav is cool
Jul 26, 2023 by mee
Jul 26, 2023 by BM™
You do, in fact, refer to him as CSimp.
Jul 17, 2023 by Spex
"Bye and gn csimp, BM, and Giru"

Now now, my guy, I have some concerns about how you refer to me on the internet.
You do not, in any way, shape, or form, refer to me as csimp.

Do you understand, partner?
(*Grabs axe*) DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!!
Jul 16, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Jul 11, 2023 by TheRaptor
Commodore Kai
Jul 7, 2023 by BM™
Welcome to the site!
Jul 7, 2023 by Gau