Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Felix⠀ (page 62)

Yea show me! Send me a link and post it on my wall
May 25, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
Wait ur an artist? thats so cool!
May 24, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
Yea Barn mates. I think it's where all the lapidot shippers started... >:/

Hey if ur on u should come on chat and we can talk
May 24, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
Apparently French Barn mates is out. APPARENTLY BARN MATES IS REALLY GOOD. Have you seen it?
May 24, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil

*can't think of anymore puns*
May 24, 2016 by wokeboke
I went to Ottawa.
SUPA CHILL IS GOOD. That's fabulous! I would say most guys I know are less optimistic and more.......Salty. I bet it won't take you long to find someone better with a personality like yours, so it's not a big deal anyways :)

Whaaaaaat. You should just watch SU and Daily Motion. They have all the episodes(and in pretty good quality too) Plus, U can watch the French ones, because the French ones come out sooner!! AND THE FRENCH ONES, ONLY THE TITLE IS FRENCH. THE PEOPLE TALK IN ENGLISH. ITS JUST THE TITLE AND CREDITS IN FRENCH. Im pretty sure daily motion isnt an illegal sketchy website either.
May 24, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
Oh :<
It wasn't very nice to break up on text. Ur ok right?
Hope you feel better, I'm always here if you need me :D
Well. It's like past ten. And I kind of just got home :'I
From a trip, kind of dying.  

I cant believe Lapis is back. Shes one of my fav characters. <3 Have you seen it yet?
May 24, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
you did ask furret so wish granted :D

oh gods the horrible puns
May 24, 2016 by wokeboke
Aaaw what happened?
You dont have to talk about it if you don't want to tho.

Have you seen the new episode of SU?
May 22, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
Wait you got dumped yesterday? Aaaw are you ok? :'<
May 21, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil