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Wall for Gau (page 219)

ok so this team neds a lot of fixing

carfull natur isnt good on solgalo give ti modest for moer attack an replac moarning sun wit moongist beem and stelt rock is weak replace it with stond age ad give it rockum z

rawqaza cant learn dragon acent in gen 2 so repace it with sword dance to set up and swep and give it sassy natue so its stronger

pixe plate is bad on arces it doesnt have any fary moves so give it choce scarf for mor power and replace dfog with earthqrake

kygore cant be shiny and giev it red orv becase it boost powr and no 0 ivs make it weak pyokmuka coud defeat it so give it iron heda foor shiniies

timed isnt good on yvaltel so give it relax ad replace uturn with rost fore healing nad hyper impct for cover zygarurd

haha picachoo the arcuss anyway u cant have too of the saem pokeon on a teem so replaze it with this

etrntus max with coice bond
pressar ability ad miled natur
max evs and ivs
hyper bem shado bal reckover stmp

good set hyber beam is good shadoh ball is cover reecover is heal stomp is cover

ok hope ths helped
answered 1 minute ago by nonexistent_noob

I really want to find this user and see their other bad answers, but I can't fid them when I search them up. Do you have a link?
Feb 4, 2021 by themodernage
That seems really good! Except the fact that Jasia died. But I am always paranoid about upcoming gyms. I am grinding up for Wattson, mostly because he has a Self-Destructing Voltorb that can one-shot anything. Also it doesn’t help that 3/6 of my team is weak to Electric. But I have a Dustox with Protect that I am hoping to shield the Self-Destruct from. Here, I will show you the movesets for the (hopefully) OG Pokémon for Wattson’s fight.
Kicken’ (Combusken) M @ Oran Berry
Trait: Blaze
EVs: I didn’t keep track.
Careful Nature
Lv: 26
Double Kick - For the Magneton
Cut - Just HM
Sand Attack - Also just something it knows
Ember - Also for the Magneton

And Dustox
Wormy (Dustox) M @ Oran Berry
Trait: Shield Dust
EVs: Also didn’t keep track.
Relaxed Nature (I wish I could be relaxed about the gym fight.)
Lv: 21 (Gonna be higher)
Flash - HM Use
Moonlight - Healing
Psychic - Damaging move
Protect - Might be saving grace against the Self-Destruct.

And I will give you my moveset for the last Pokémon that isn’t weak to electric. Not Sqush, Taco, and French Fry because they will all probably die of I use them.

Hushie (Loudred) M @ Oran Berry
Trait: Soundproof
EVs: Guess
Gentle Nature
Lv: 21 (Gonna be higher)
Pound - Damaging move
Uproar - Also damaging move
Astonish - I dunno
Howl - This is all it can learn so far, ok?

Well, those are gonna be the Pokémon that beat Wattson! (I hope.)
Feb 4, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
"I think that your team is pretty good, but I have some suggestions. I did a battle with this team and won. Here is the link to the battle replay if you're interested. Here's what I think about each members of the team.
1: Shuckle
The EV spread is nice, as the defensive stats are similar. The HP EVs can help it have more longevity. The problem is Poison Heal Breloom and Gliscor. They can restored HP from Toxic. This is the set I would use:
Shuckle @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Infestation
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
Rest is to let Shuckle heal. Sleep Talk lets Shuckle attack while sleeping.
2: Ferrothorn
The moveset's pretty good, but try switching Leftovers for Rocky Helmet. With Rocky Helmet and Iron Barbs, the combo can do a bit of damage to those who make contact with Ferrothorn.
3: Salamence
The moveset is okay. From the looks of it, the Evs should mean that Salamence should be a sweeper. If you're fine with the moves for Salamence, try 252 HP, 252 Atk, and 4 Spe with Adamant Nature. With the EV spread of your Salamence, I would recommend this moveset:
Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Double-Edge
- Dragon Claw
- Iron Tail
4: Toxapex
The moveset is good, but for the item, use Black Sludge. There aren't many super effective moves that physically make contact with Toxapex. The problem here with the moveset are Grass/Poison Types. Maybe you could have it know Ice Beam instead of Haze?
You can try out this moveset:
Toxapex @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Toxic Spikes
5: Clefable
The moves are okay, but I would probably replace Thunder Wave with Toxic. For the EV spread, try 252 HP, 4 SpA, and 252 SpD.
6: Groudon
I think you shouldn't spilt the EVs into many stats. Maybe with the set, try 252 Atk, 4 SpD, and 252 Spe with Jolly Nature.
Note: I think you should swap Clefable for Mega Sableye. If you decide to, Salamence should hold the Shell Bell and have the ability Moxie.
This is a set for Mega Sableye:
Sableye @ Sablenite
Ability: Keen Eye ------->Magic Bounce(once Mega Evolved)
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Knock Off
- Will-O-Wisp
- Snatch
- Shadow Ball
This Mega Sableye can Snatch any stat raising moves, making it a problem for baton pass teams. Your team also has status condition moves, putting pressure on baton pass teams.
If you decide to use the Sableye set, use it as your lead Pokemon."

The answer I made on RMT when I was pretty nooby. XD
Feb 3, 2021 by -RisingManectric-
Necrozma-Dusk-Mane @ Solganium Z  
Ability: Prism Armor  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD  
Careful Nature  
- Toxic  
- Sunsteel Strike  
- Stealth Rock  
- Morning Sun  

Rayquaza-Mega @ Choice Band  
Ability: Delta Stream  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Waterfall  
- Dragon Ascent  
- V-create  
- Extreme Speed  

Arceus-Fairy @ Pixie Plate  
Ability: Multitype  
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Judgment  
- Toxic  
- Defog  
- Recover  

Kyogre-Primal @ Blue Orb  
Ability: Primordial Sea  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Water Spout  
- Origin Pulse  
- Thunder  
- Ice Beam  

Yveltal @ Choice Scarf  
Ability: Dark Aura  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Dark Pulse  
- Oblivion Wing  
- Foul Play  
- U-turn  

Arceus @ Chople Berry  
Ability: Multitype  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Swords Dance  
- Extreme Speed  
- Shadow Claw  
- Recover
Feb 3, 2021 by BottomlessSea
There is a parlor swipple song on the radio right now
help me
Feb 2, 2021 by BottomlessSea
here is my audition
"GLEEP I LADISO MUN I BOOSF YU!" Awesomeccas insisted "no your not. nobody likes latios man." responded in a very supremely cool way that couldn't be rivaled "NORGEL LATIOS MOM MAKE YOU VERY DED!" awesomeccas shrieked before promptly getting crushed by a boulder.

(you do include me please don't actually depict me like this)
Feb 2, 2021 by Awesome.C.C.As
how much do i have to pay you to get put in one of your great works of literature?
Feb 2, 2021 by Awesome.C.C.As
You write so much in 1 post more than I wrote in all of my examinations :O
Feb 2, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
Feb 2, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Feb 2, 2021 by IsItReallyTho