Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Gau (page 231)

I had a weird dream last night that's most likely inferior to Primal's stories. I can't remember all of it, but here goes:
So I was in like a place underground on a cliff that had lava. It looked anime-ish. I saw a giant creature that looked like it should be a cartoon character. It was gray, and it was holding a giant Escavalier arm. It started to point the Escavalier arm towards another creature that was the same species of it, nearly killing me in the process. I managed to dodge it.
  Later, I was in my room, and I saw the same creature. The creature was somehow small enough to fit in my room. The giant Escavalier arm had broken into 9 arms, and the creature looked like it really wanted to kill me. So, I ran out of my room, went into my parent's bedroom and locked the door, then went inside my parent's closet, and locked the door.


So, what do you think?
Dec 5, 2020 by -RisingManectric-
I can't help but think of Ike's Final Smash when I read th "Aether" part of your name. Great... AETHER!!! If you don't know what I am talking about this is Super Smash Bros.
Dec 5, 2020 by Blaziken787
Dec 5, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Dec 5, 2020 by Blaziken787
I am very offended that u did not liek my story >:(
Dec 5, 2020 by JaJaDingDong
Dec 5, 2020 by Matrix_7439
Once upon a time, a little boy had come back to his home with his Zigzagoon after battling some trainers. He sat down, but he saw a figure in the shadows. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but then it moved. It threw something in to the air, and the room went dark. He heard it run to the other room. When he could see again, his Zigzagoon was gone. He heard a screaming noise in the other room, and then the sound of something being....swallowed. Then he heard the window break. The boy thought it must have eaten the zigzagoon. The same incident of the same thing that happened to this boy started to occur in very certain places, and from satellite view the cases seem to be spelling something. At the moment it had D, E, and R. Meanwhile, a boy named Gladion was walking around with his Silvally. He noticed that there was breaking news:The person that was called the “Pokemon eater” had stopped, and they had found that the letters spelled “DERP”. Gladion immediately realized who it was, and he headed to the Team Plasma base. He broke in and yelled “Ok idiots, where is that lamehead you call your king?” They replied with “HE IS OFF DOING OPERATION KICK MUNNA AND IS PLANNING ON GETTING REVENGE ON ANTI LAMEHEADS”. When Gladion returned to his home, he saw a shadowy figure in the corner, and Gladion said “Show yourself, N.” But then N threw something in to the air, like he always did, and Gladion couldn’t see. He heard his Silvally being dragged away, and when he could see again, he bearded screeching. But it wasn’t from Silvally, it was from N. He came over to see Silvally had torn off two of his fingers. Gladion prepared to punch N, but he beamed Baked Beans at his face, and broke out of a window. N then waited for the night and went to Primal’s cave. He dragged away his chandelure, but Chandelure escaped his grasp and shadow balled him. Primal woke up and watched out of the corner of his eye as Chandelure’s flames grew bigger and it let out eerie, sinister laughter. Primal smirked as N watched Chandelure’s flames grow with his eyes widened. He had baked beans in his hands, and Primal realized that he wasn’t eating Pokémon, he was force feeding them baked beans and releasing them. Then the clock struck “12:00 AM” and N had his soul burned. N’s body was buried, and all the people who had their Pokémon taken attended his burial. But then all the lost Pokémon returned. This scared everyone, but Primal told them the Pokémon weren’t eaten. Primal later found N’s hat, which had a burn mark on it, and he gave it to a museum. Some claim to see his hat move at 12 AM, and that his soul possesed the hat, and on a night of a red moon, an evil soul will reunite him with his hat and he will walk the earth once again.
Dec 5, 2020 by BottomlessSea
“ PrimalKyogre
3 minutes ago
what the hell is this”
-first thing I said when I saw this guy
Dec 4, 2020 by BottomlessSea
ty lol
Dec 4, 2020 by Grimer703608
It is very cool.
Dec 4, 2020 by Blaziken787