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Wall for Gau (page 235)

I read your story on Primal Kyogre’s wall. I loved it.
Nov 10, 2020 by PoppolioMan
s c r e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e
Nov 10, 2020 by BottomlessSea
X head said my jokes are stale so now I’m gonna have to repeatedly stuff stale malasadas in to Cheren’s ears.
Nov 10, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Oh nice! :)
Nov 10, 2020 by user74534
Airika and Leah

“Alola Professor Kukui.” Ny entire class,minis me and Ilima, called  towards a tan-skinned guy who was maybe in his mid twenties and shirtless save for a lab coat. He waved enthusiastically back at us, I wasn’t sure what yo make of this guy  he didn’t look much like a professor of anything..except maybe joe to get a gold tan. When he got closet he saw Ilima who looked away embarrassed. I gently nudged Ilima forward and grinned Dumbly. Kukui said “Ilima, has something happened?” Kukui didn’t sound stern just concerned. Ilima nodded awkwardly and just as I was about to say something myself Ilima sighed and explained that Tupp,the bully, had come looking for a fight Ilima had tried to ignore him but had ultimately failed. When Ilima showed Kukui his wrist the professor clucked his tongue and directed Ilima to head to Hau’Oul city where Nurse Joy could fix him up. Ilima didn’t look to happy at that idea. Before I could stop myself I said “um Professor? If it’s okay by you and Ilima obviously i’d l   Be happy to go with him.” Kukui nodded and looked at Ilima,who looked confused but slowly nodded. A minute later we were off to the city. As we approached Ilima said, quietly “i suppose you’re not coming just to be nice?” I squinted at him and even Leah seemed to stare in confusion
. He continued “bed par pardon, I don’t mean to sound...ungrateful but I assumed you were looking for Puka. “the Alolan cutie” can’t say as I know her personally but she’s known for her       Looks...i guess . I scoffed “oh do all Alilan boys fall for her?” Ilima coughed, flinched and almost choked on his laughter. I said “i don’t even know who this Pika person is no Ilima I DIDN’T come to see a random girl I cane cuz I THOUGHT I was being nice.” I hadn’t realized ut   It but we were at Hau’Oils Pokemon center. Looking slightly embarrassed again Ilima sad “well thank you Airika and yes some Alilan boys fall for Pika but not all you’ll most likely find het at the Malasada shop, i’ll be alright go see het for yourself.” He entered the Center and left me wondering what he’d just meant and how the heck he knew where Pika, whoever she was, would be. I wasn’t there 10 seconds when I heard “CRASH”  and a girly voice say something like “frick this shop” I ran inside and found a gurl in black pants,a gray top and a black tux, in the middle of the floor with a Malasada on get head and secular others all around her she even had a Mythical one in her lap which Leah stole dispute me telling her “Leah, no!” The girl who had brown hair and blue eyes  stared at Leah then me. I walked over and asked “are you er alright?” She jumped up, startling me , saying “yep super tot-tally awesomely fine!” I pointed up at her hair and her eyes followed me. Instead of taking the Makasada off her head and tossing it she ate it. Despite my vest intentions I burst out laughing “oh my gaudiness of Alola! Did you SERIOUSLY just eat that?” She stared at me  and said “what? My hairs clean and it’s MY hair i can eat off it if I wanna!” I had to admit i liked het so I introduced myself “hi i’m Airika Winn, from Kalos that Gumshoos is my martinet Leah!” She rolled her eyes and said “i’m Pika and Leah owes me a Malasada since theres no more mythical Malasada’s you’ll have to battle me. Mkay?” I replied “alright! Chalking accepted.”
Nov 10, 2020 by Dyla N
I battled X with my mono water, but he had a mono grass. I almost beat him, but my Gyarados’s Bounce missed, and his Tsareena beat my toxapex at the end. Sorry.....
Nov 9, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Airika and Leah
“C’mon Leah we’re gonna be late!” My Gumshoos, Leah, was actually right on my heels and she hadn’t slept in, I had. I was just about to enter the Pokemon School’s grounds when I heard an argument, it was between two boys  both a little older than me, one guy was in all black and muscular the other was much smaller and not muscular at all. The bigger boy had a Salandit beside him who appeared to be bidding the smaller one had an Eevee who was growling at the bogged boy. “Oh hey look here guys Ilima thinks he can beat me with his sickeningly sweet Eevee, i’m terroted what you gonna do? Cute Charm me?” A few kids surrounding the two boys actually laughed. Ilima, the smaller boy grew pale but tried to hide his feelings. Ilima started to talk but suddenly the bigger boy grabbed him and threw him inti a tree. Ilima groaned and clutched his wrist I was mad know and it was hard to to make me mad. “C’mon Leah let’s run   Interference” I ran straight towards the bigger boy while Leah went to help Ilima. Who was struggling to get up his Eevee speed walked towards me and sat down facing the bully. I glared and put my hands on my hips saying “excuses me, I couldn’t help but overhear you’re... “ Conversation“ what gives you any right to insult another person? I mean seriously what’s WRONG with you?” Apparently I’d surprised everyone  the bully glared at mr slowly he said “and you are?” I turned towards Leah answering “oh just that pink Gumshoos’s trainer nothing special.” Leah nodded at me , by now Ilima was standing though he still held his wrist tightly at his side and I could sed him trying desperately not to groan or indicate in aby way he was hurt. The bully gulped visibly I don’t know why but iy seems if a Pokemon is definitely colored, people think it’s stronger. Sure Leah had an awesome set  well at least a physical set including crunch, k, Earthquake and Fire Punch but she wasn’t any strong
 beyond her Strong Jaw ability which made Crunch stronger. Finally the bully relented throwing   “I’m nit done here!” His Salandit looked back almost worriedly but quickly ran after it’s trainer. I walked over to Ilima who slumped against the tree behind him. “Hey um are you okay? You look like you’re in pain.” He half smiled  at me though his eyes told me I was correct. I crossed my arms at him “you know I know you’re hurt drop the act.” He dished saying “thank you, yes you’re correct I’m pretty sure i broke my wrist when I tried to stop my impending tree crash.”  I gently as possible  took his wrist and started poking around between gasps and sharp intakes if breath he gave me a confused look. “white are you?-“ he stopped and groaned  “owww why’d you do that?” I looked up finally trying to blush “I was seeing where the break was , i’m no nurse Joy but I know a little about healing.” He smiled again abd thanked  me. I looked at him confusedly ge clarified “thank you for helping stop Tupp, he pretty much hates me. I could’ve guessed that far myself but said nothing.  AccepT “Kukui’s here you better go tell him what happened, oh by the way i’m Airika and someday i’ll be a Trial Captain alongside Leah.”
Nov 9, 2020 by Dyla N
How creative lol
Nov 8, 2020 by ~Dragapulse~
I do too :3
Nov 7, 2020 by PoppolioMan
What's a brain asparagus?
Nov 7, 2020 by ~Dragapulse~