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Wall for Gau (page 238)

(hides in metal box that says “if you enter, you aren’t a Gladion fangirl” on it)
Oct 18, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Oct 17, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Primal rage...?
Oct 17, 2020 by user74534
Hello there is a new user named KawaiiCloudd
Oct 15, 2020 by ~Dragapulse~
Oct 14, 2020 by Haze
Ch 3 Shade and Moonlight

“You’re running awfully fast.” Moonlight observed. Shade answered “yeah, your point?” Moonlight said “you’re running AWAY from everyone.” Shade A properly halted and turned to glare at Moonlight but a flash of movement  stopped him half-turned  “did you sed that?” Shade asked Moonlight. The Ocean-Tribe puffer gave hum a skeptical look. Then he too saw it a flash of movement like, “shoot were being followed” shade wanted tp say something other than “shoot” but held back. He grabbed up the Puffer but it was too late their our-surer had appeared. shade groaned and unceremoniously dropped Moonlight who dryly said “ow” Shade was now back to his normal fury and loudly said “what gives? First you run into me now you’re STALKING me?” It was only then he realized this wasn’t the same girl who’d rudely ryn hum over. “Oh great, theres TWO of yoy will the universe NEVER leave me alone?” The girl, sadly, didn’t look mad, just confused. She answered “I am  Nala, you will cease your ridiculous taunts and step aside.” Shade at least wild have a reason to hate Nala. He stepped closer, ignoring the punk fluffy thing he nearly stepped on. And answered Nala “do you know who I am? I do NOT take orders from a  blonde bimbo in pink satin.” Her only answer was “do YOU know who you are?” That was it, Shade  stepped back a bit then he landed a perfect karate kick tp Nala’s stomach. She gasped and fell to her knees. Shade just left her there saying “c’mon Moonlight ket’s move.”
Oct 14, 2020 by Dyla N
Thanks for your opinion.  I really don't know what to do.  I just... Am grateful people like you actually care.  Thank you.
Oct 13, 2020 by J™
Hi there!
Oct 13, 2020 by ~Dragapulse~
Oct 13, 2020 by user74534
Gladion has that name in Italian version.
Well, I've a Galarian variant of Ho-oh (LOL)
Check my profile! *Charges up 'n emits currents which no ugly-hearted persons can prevent*
Oct 12, 2020 by user74534