Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Gau (page 258)


does this make u a boy
Apr 13, 2020 by iloveflareon
Faller scene 8?
(Altar of the Sunne pacing un front of the wirmhole entrance is a girl wearing a tuxedo and black  pants she has short brown hair and brught excited wyes she is taken aback when the wormhole widens and Solgalek jumps out as an instinct she oulls out a poke ball and calls out a pokemon)
???: Drifty i choose you! I know you can do jt!  Use Fire Blast!
Kiara: what the-! (Solgalek flues away with Kiara and X who is half Awake  still on it’s back successfully avoiding the  kamikaze  Fire Blast)
Mallory: (telepathically) what the hex nut is wrong with you? Are you TRYING to kill ny bew friends?”
???: maaaybe maaybe not i AM however coma trying to st- wait hold the phione did you just
Mallory: (telepathically) no i was talking to to your mom,yes i talked  to you!  
Kiara: (hissing) Mallory stop we don’t know what this gurls capable of, she may be a hunter.

???: a-a hunter?! What?! Lsten my nanes Pika. That’s rivght P-I-K-A,Pika
X: alright alright we get it you're Pika like Pikachu cool but uhm wh-what are you doing here? Other than trying to torch us via wajt Furs Blast? Hang on whers the fire type?
Pika:  no fire type...yet just Drufty (she points at her sh Sylveon ) he has...intresting moves
X: i’ll say
Kiara: gah we can’t talk much longer we need tk head back to Aether real soin.
Pika: (wide eyed) did you say “Aether?”
Kiara: uh yeah we work there as part if Mission UR.
Pika: ooh Aether equals Gladdion and Gladdion equals-
Pika: what? I was vonna say something else entirely but...
X: no i mean we have to go back but Lusamine was furious when we left (shudders) i hope she’s calm now.

Pika: hmm dovyou think that maybe i could help?
Kiara: well i din’t see why not
X: i do, Kiara we can’t just say heres a new recruit that’s not our job
Mallory: ( telepathically ) what IS you’re job?
Kiara: to rescue unfortunate Pokemon like yourself  with nowhere else to turn to to, sorry i quoted Ms. Lusamine.
X:i’ll say
Mallory: ( telepathically ) no no please no i-i can’t stand labs don’t make me go and DON’T give me to some some stranger.(She buries her head in Kiara’s shiukder)
Kiara: shh shh it’s okay i win’g leaves you alone shh  okay. (X looks away but he has a small smile. Kiara Mallory and X jump off Solgaleo lat it and get ready to head to Aether Mallory does not return to her Luxury Ball instead choosing to walj alongside Kiara Pika follows uninvited but cheerful)
Pika: so are we walking ir flying?
X: “we?” Pika  you can’t just-
Kiara: (giving X a sharp look) were flying after we get off the Altar, Mallory you’ll have ti eeturn then you can cime back iut ibce we la s at Aether.
Mallory (in Kiara’s head) okay and thank you for saving me  in Ultra Space. (Everyone keaves the Altar Pika is iverniyed skjpping unstead of walking Mallory is holding Kiara’s hand like she were Kiara’s little sister and X is lagging behind.)
Apr 13, 2020 by Dyla N
can you explain please
Apr 11, 2020 by cranpper
Apr 11, 2020 by CC ☽
"its about these kids who werre captured and forced to be gladiator people, etc. and they escape and whatnot"
Apr 9, 2020 by iloveflareon

want to be in my not-a-fanfic?
Apr 8, 2020 by iloveflareon
Oh poop i think i also have the state-owned oreo itch
Apr 7, 2020 by iloveflareon
*remembers that i said i wouldnt make a fanfic/story/thingy*

frick. guess i lied...

check my wall for more info
Apr 7, 2020 by iloveflareon
WAOT astral is also from sunolle right
Apr 7, 2020 by iloveflareon
Whenever i try to say that something is literal and figurative, i instead say "literally and phisically!" and i dont care one bit.
Apr 6, 2020 by iloveflareon