Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Hellfire Taco (page 86)

"Bob Ross descends from the heavens with his two inch brush to beat the devil one last time." -unknown
Jul 20, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"What is his puppies?" -My mom
Jul 15, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"That's where you're wrong PM, I must have millions of people hunting me down at this very moment. I wouldn't be surprised if this message was written by somebody who hacked me. I'm like Han Solo but a lot cooler." -Me
Jun 8, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"Wow! A dead body!"
Jun 6, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"You must be one of those awful things I've heard about! You're a... a... TEENAGER! You are! You're a teenager! That's worse than having cooties! Run away! RUN AWAY!" -Female Kana
Jun 3, 2016 by wokeboke
"With a little bit of teamwork and a strong guy with a truck, anything is possible." -Some Advertisement
May 31, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"Gay and lizbiyan marrage is ok but I like using male pokemon" -Youtube Commenter
May 30, 2016 by Flommo
"When I was a wee lad I snorted a french fry up my nose and down my throat." -Astro
May 29, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"I have eaten mud, random leaves, and an ant. It was free-range. None of this ant-farm crap. Taste like rubber, they do." -Astro
May 29, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"I'm not wearing any parents" -Youtube commenter
May 27, 2016 by Hellfire Taco