Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Hexahedron (page 28)

It will have my OT, Since i'll be the one breeding it. XP
May 16, 2015 by Flommo
Girl talk...plz no
May 15, 2015 by gengarchomp
me no speak spanish
May 14, 2015 by Meowstic
i am back to life... thank the dark magik
May 13, 2015 by Meowstic
Pokemon:latios (derpy)
Current status: deceased (or unknown?)
Date of death may/12/2015
Cause of death:flygawne's evil
May 13, 2015 by Meowstic
Merp. (hai)
May 12, 2015 by Oreo_Used_Fritz
Look at the emoticon I made: (\o.o)\
May 8, 2015 by mailjiggly
your answer is PERFECT!!!!!!  I can beat Darkrai now with no problems!!!
May 5, 2015 by Mr.Absol(Deo)
Are you gonna trade ?
You suddenly left Chat and I can't get you to trade
May 5, 2015 by Silverdragon :D
May 5, 2015 by gengarchomp