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Wall for Kookoonut TM (page 9)

Hm, I promised to rate 2 other teams, but I think I can find the time to rate that since X sniped my RMT. Might not be for a few days though, but I can certainly do it :)
Sep 19, 2020 by y-chai
Are you playing Pokemon Showdown at the moment?
Sep 19, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
The Glazio News
Whee machines! I got a few more Legends, not all of them, and decided to start my new playthrough. A playthrough in another language, which makes it seem sorta new. Ultra Moon: Japanese version! Yesssss! It's actually not as hard to play as you'd think... anyway, I named myself グラジオ with much difficulty and begun my adventure! My starter was actually a male Popplio this time. I named him Bliss! Why? I dunno, there's only 6 spaces to name your Pokemon and I didn't wanna use Japanese characters 'cause I don't understand Japanese aaaaaaahhhhhhh! It took me forever to beat the stupid Teacher at the Trainers' School, but I eventually did. Then ol' Lima Bean Ilima got in my way with his stupid Smeargle. I leveled up Bliss and he evolved into Brionne! Then I destroyed Ilima and laughed about it! Ha ha! Anyway, I did the Normal-type trial with ease. It was simple, just spam Disarming Voice. Heh. So I got a Z-Crystal that I don't have any use for at the moment! Then I caught a male Growlithe whom I named Gladie. I don't know, it just came to mind. Then I beat the fat old psychic Hala bread and got another Z-Crystal I have no use for at the moment! So then I caught a male Rockruff named Rei and headed to Akala Island! I didn't get far 'cause I ran into Iridio- wait that's Italian. Glazio! Hmm... Gladizio. Iridiadizio. Frick I'm awesome. Try to say Iridiadizio! It's fun! Anyway, I blasted his music and just barely beat him in battle! Hey, Glazio's actually a tough opponent! An adorable one too! I just wish I understood a fricking word he's saying. I cannot readed a Japaneseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I love how they were trying to teach me how to Mantine Surf and I couldn't understand anything. I can barely recognize my own's character's name... which, by the way, is Gladion's Japanese name. Yes. It's the Japanese equivilent of me naming myself Gladion. Heh heh heh... I'm called Glazio for a reason. I guess. Or something.
Sep 18, 2020 by Gau
I edited your answer because the grammar needed a bit of fixing, and I was going through the moveset questions to fix up some answers in general. It's nothing personal -- I just figured it would look better :)
Sep 18, 2020 by Amethyst
Aegislash is Uber, not allowed in Gen 7 OU
Sep 18, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
Well, it is not mine, this is of GreninjaF4n
Sep 18, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu Will you forgive Greninja for giving you such a Pokemon (nickname)?
Sep 18, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
The Glazio News
I didn't do any fanfic work today. Instead, I played Ultra Moon and went to catch the Legendaries from Ultra Wormholes! Why? Because I'm planning on starting a new file! Hee hee, it's gonna be fun... anyway, I caught Entei, Virizion, Lugia, Moltres, whom I believe I got a critical capture on, Mewtwo, Palkia, Zekrom, Uxie, Yveltal, Mesprit, Thundurus, Regigigas, Regirock, Zapdos, Registeel, Regice, and Articuno, whom I Master Balled because it was being a pain in the neck and would not stay in the Ultra Balls. Also, Zekrom has a Modest nature. Well then! That kinda sucks! But whatever. Also, I caught Virizion in a Great Ball that I accidentally threw. That must've been a pretty great Great Ball, heh... OK, bad pun. Oh, and once, Lunala was out of energy and was flying into a green, two-ringed Wormhole... and right to the side of it was a red, really fancy one. You know, the ones that always give you a Legend unless there's none left? Yeah. Those ones. Frick. Oh, and did I mention that the Legends' AI is garbage? They'll use moves you're immune to and, in the case of Articuno, use Reflect when it's already active. For example, I was using Gladion the Sneasel, a part Dark-type, against Mesprit. It spammed Future Sight a bit, which would deal no damage to him. And it knew Swift and hadn't used it much, so it's not like it didn't have a choice. Sheesh. That's all for now! See ya!
Sep 17, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I did big Pokeymans. I have no idea what I did in Pokemon. I played the two 3DS Mystery Dungeon games a bit, I went to play that creepy ????? channel at the Ruins of Alph on Silver... yeah. So fanfic news time. In The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika, Gladion stares at Pika with hatred eyes! Fancy. He tells her to not forget what he said before walking away, and Hau yells at him. So Pika's frightened by Gladion's threat and Hau asks if she's all right. Dude. You were there. You had a front-row seat. She's not fricking all right, she's terrified. Pika's about to cry and says that maybe she shouldn't stay at Aether Paradise, since Gladion hates her and he's probably there all the time but spoilers no he's not and her staying would probably make things worse for him and his family. Hau begs her to not leave because of Gladion. Fricking Hau calling Gladion a jerk. For once in his life he's ticked off and I hate it. And I wrote it. He says that Pika's just a sweet girl who needs a place to stay, and that if Gladion wasn't related to Lusamine, he'd say that Pika has more of a right to be there than him. Which is kinda stupid. Round 483 of Hau being dumb. Oh, then he hugs her and she has to comment on the fact that he called her sweet. So her gets super awkward because he seems to have just realized that he did just that. Moron. So then he runs away! I'm legit not kidding. So then here comes Lusamine saying that she saw Gladion being ticked off and Hau running by in a panic and now Pika sitting on the ground upset. She asks if Pika could explain what's going on, so she tells her what happened and how they fell down the stairs with an epic whee lemonade spree. And that bit about the epic whee lemonade spree is not included. That's it for now, see ya!
Sep 16, 2020 by Gau
I defeated Cynthia's Garchomp by switching to Staraptor to Gyarados about three to four times so its attack was the lowest then Ice Fang of Gyarados. Lucky that it didn't land a critical. What is your Showdown name?
Sep 16, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu