Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for LeDragónTamer (page 7)

Oh, I'm sorry for the late response ShinySuicune! I just had to leave the database for a while because I was busy but, now I'm back. I'm pretty sure I'll be here for a while. (Overlap isn't that bad isn't it? because I wouldn't know because I'm on my DSI)
Oct 4, 2013 by TERKOIZ
How about..... YOU STOP STALKING ME!!!!
Oct 2, 2013 by Keldedee
Keldedee, you can't stop us from playing with other Pokebase members first.
Oct 2, 2013 by JarJar
The tournament will start as soon as I get home on Friday ( I have school :P)  The rules are simple: Bring 3 of your strongest OU pokemon and try to win! accepted Pokémon Include Garchomp.  I will edit the page if I feel like it :3  The two victors that win in the semi finals will be the first to play Pokémon X and Y over wifi over Pokebase.  Meaning, U cannot play X and Y with other pokebase members until The Victors of the tournament battle it out on X and Y.  Wishing u the best of luck.

-Keldedee :3
Oct 2, 2013 by Keldedee
aw :3
Oct 2, 2013 by Aeternis
What state ya live in?
Oct 2, 2013 by Mosmic Dragoon
Oh,you did, I really appreciate it :)
Oct 1, 2013 by Aeternis
Ugh! stupid Sunday, it's my least favorite day since it marks the end of the weekend... I wish I could just hang out with everyone from the database and battle with them all day. *sigh* ;-;
Sep 30, 2013 by TERKOIZ
Nice, I will be free in a few minutes. I shall leave a wall post  when I am done :D
Sep 28, 2013 by Aeternis
how am i a thingy ;~;
Sep 27, 2013 by Sempi