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Wall for Mega-Roserade (page 4)

S-she did?!? No, sorry, I don't know what happened! Maybe she's really busy? I don't want to think of any alternatives....
Nov 5, 2016 by Torchic the Ninja~
Exactly my thoughts.
Nov 1, 2016 by Muguet
I'm all-in for a ban.
Magic Bounce makes it too difficult to get hazards, statuses, infatuations, taunts and all kinds of stallbreaking strategies working against stall, which in turn makes Stall rein supreme in the high ladder. It's not right.
Oct 30, 2016 by Muguet
Nice replay! I'm glad you're liking my team which you rated. I've made two logical changes:
Hex over Shadow Ball on Gengar since the team is quite good at statusing
and Earthquake on Terrakion instead of Rock Slide as Ground coverage is needed

In your ladder, I noticed you have speed EVs on Rotom-Wash. They are not necessary. They're helpful in teams that struggle against Suicune, Venusaur or Azumarill but yours does most certainly not. Thunder Gengar is a good idea as an anti-rain and bulky Water killer, and Suicune really isn't common. Azumarill fears your MCham and Venusaur too. Invest in more bulk imo.
Oct 26, 2016 by Muguet
Hey Mega-Roserade,
The adorable pictures I used for my team are their Pokémon Shuffle icons :)
Thanks for the rate. I was reluctant to play Rotom-Wash but your reasoning and comprehensive answer changed my mind. I went as high as 1602 with the changes! It's AMAZING. I didn't lose much except I miss the STAB Overheat sometimes but Rotom-Wash has some important redeeming qualities after all.
Oct 25, 2016 by Muguet
I got it from tumblr
Tumblr always has the craziest, most genius, relatable things.
Oct 20, 2016 by wokeboke

I'm dying of helplessness. What I would like is to casually not exist but without dying...
Oct 19, 2016 by wokeboke
oh nose, all the weekend-ness is over *screaming intensifies* and yes, its like when its your worst moment, like youre sick, having cramps, havent showered yet, and just got outta bed
Dad: #SMILE *takes selfie*
Me: wait what
Oct 13, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
Sorry I was so late to respond to this! Seems I haven't checked my wall in a while. :/
Looks like the user you reported already has their account blocked, anyway. The screenshots you provided are more than enough to warrant a ban, so I'm glad whoever else this was reported to was able to address this quickly.
My contribution to this will be to block the user's IP address, so that they won't be able to return even if they create another account. The user shows signs of having used a dynamic IP which may allow them to bypass this, but I think the site blocks IPs based on the host name anyway so this user should not return. Let me know if they manage a way back in though.
Oct 11, 2016 by Fizz
2Awesome told Charizard all about the hatin' channel and such.
Oct 11, 2016 by I'm Gay so are you