Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Meowstic (page 2)

Get on nard
Apr 18, 2017 by Rapty
The two warnings I had before are for the #dontkysflamey thing and then posting about my previous warning in my diary-thing (iirc i included the screenshot so maybe that's it)

Here's the text that shows up when I log into my account now:
"Reason: Accumulated warnings - We, collectively, feel that you have taken just one step too far. The blog, together with you actively involving PH is something we simply cannot overlook. Your current behavior, together with your earlier warnings, shows us that some downtime and some time to think on the way you've been behaving, might not be such a bad idea. We trust that you'll take down the blog [or talk to the person who can] and use this time away from PH wisely to reflect on your behavior and how you can improve yourself, rather than keep looking for anything negative."

At the moment I just wonder if they'll ban me again if I don't delete the blog. I think just in case something happens again, I'll give away/sell most of my Pokemon and items so it's not a waste.

Also, the warning I got was actually mostly about the 7/7/17 avatar I had for a day.

"Regarding your avatar, which is actively calling our user base to collectively ban together against one specific user [referred to as SBG on your "blog"] in attempts to harass them to such an extent that they'd either snap and get banned for it, or decide to leave the site forever "of their own free will" [read - forced into it]." -A part of the warning

The rest of the warning just says stuff like "you're making users hateful which is unacceptable on here" and "apparently you don't even need to follow your own rules".
Apr 14, 2017 by Flommo
Yeah, the blog was part of it
I also think my previous two warnings (and friendly reminder) were a part of it too since I have generally been quite rude on PH, I can go find what was said on the warning I got right before they banned me if you want more info

Good job PH mods
Apr 12, 2017 by Flommo
I also like how they banned me for something I didn't even do on PH
Apr 12, 2017 by Flommo
sell tickets in spinda's café imo
Mar 30, 2017 by Flommo
ah I see

how much will two tickets cost
Mar 26, 2017 by Hexahedron
what kind of tickets
like tickets from a police? or like tickets to an event
if it is the latter what kind of event is it, a movie, a baseball game, etc
Mar 26, 2017 by Hexahedron
I have a personality that is very distinctly far away from Earth, and is also very vast and massive
Mar 26, 2017 by Hexahedron
meows ticket
Mar 26, 2017 by Hexahedron
yes :))
Mar 24, 2017 by wokeboke