Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Poke'slash (page 1)

Hi lmao
Feb 25, 2018 by gengarchomp
I cannot believe you've been back on the site for at least a week now...

Feb 14, 2018 by ~-~WILL~-~
Long time slash. How are you doing?
Feb 11, 2018 by Jofly
Ah right, forgot about that. Anyway, I accepted it and you should have the link now!
Feb 8, 2018 by Fizz
I never got your email, kept forgetting to ask. I have one on my profile though so add me there, or are you on discord much?

I'm glad to hear you're doing much better. I know what depression is like all too well, but it seems both of us are doing great. I do want to catch up with you properly though :D
Feb 7, 2018 by PX
OK nice! I won't post the link publicly since we wouldn't want randoms in the server, but if you message locke_d#4016 and state who you are, I'll send it to you from there.
Glad to know you've still got some of your games -- and that you're doing better in general. Keep looking for things that make you happy, it's helped my own attitude a lot.
Feb 7, 2018 by Fizz
General update for anyone concerned about my well being while I was gone:

Partly I left because I was simply moving on a bit from the Database, though I still love it and I'm glad to be back. Part of the reason I was gone was depression.
I isolated myself from people because I was running out of energy for communication. I don't want to post the full details of what happened to me here, but I assure you all I'm doing okay now.
I'm actually really loving my life. It's partly that which allowed me to consider coming back to the DB at all, although really what happened was I decided to look for the server logo, went to the website because I couldn't resist posting a hello, then got pulled in and decided to check on everything haha.
My energy still varies and so I will not be as active as I used to be, but I'm happy to help out and talk and socialize a bit.

Lots is going on. I'm learning a lot and dealing with things that are tough and I don't want to sweep under the rug, but I'm also trying to remember how happy I am to be not-depressed and having so much good stuff happening to. I'm just glad I'm able to get that kind of perspective, to feel these things, and still here to see this all happen.
Love you all! Going for now but glad to be back.
Feb 7, 2018 by Poke'slash
Feb 6, 2018 by PX
Oh wow. That sucks. That would sort of devastate me, I hope you took it alright lol.
But yeah, just pop in when you feel like it. This place will be a lot more interesting when the hype starts building again, and also when we get a forum feature, which has resurfaced in conversation recently.
And before I forget... do you use Discord at all? A bunch of us old folks (trachy, Star, Mew, PX etc.) hang around on a server there. I can pass you my user tag and invite you into it from there.
Feb 6, 2018 by Fizz
Hey Slash! Don’t worry, I have a good enough memory. :P
I’m doing fine, good to see you around. We’re at a much lower point of activity since you would have been active last, but I’m doing my best to keep us strong for when the Switch game picks the franchise back up.
Feb 6, 2018 by Fizz