Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for SmolGlaceon (page 41)

Jan 6 by Spex
Jan 6 by Spex
PS,yeah i’m sure having the surgery will be no easy feed but hey for still talking at that point when it happens, you’ve got my support
Jan 6 by Dyla N
I should probably already know this, but worked up DWO mmean? And ohh cat is it a fancy cat?
Jan 6 by Dyla N
Jan 6 by Mr. Fish
become a god and smite all those who ever wronged you
Jan 6 by Spex
Jan 6 by Zyla™️
How is it January 6th and your mom is already on the naughty list?
Jan 6 by Mr. Fish
Oh what the hell is wrong with your mom?
Jan 6 by Mr. Fish
what the actual what
Jan 6 by Spex