Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Terlor (page 13)


Yes, me likes.
May 9, 2014 by [Dark Star] Greninja
Saw your GoT comment in chat and are just going to inform you that Telltale is currently working on a GoT game. Those are the guys that made The Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us and Sam & Max :)
May 8, 2014 by Flafpert
Nice shinies!
May 1, 2014 by Care :D
I'm scared, you might pass me point wise 0.0
May 1, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
Hello - battle me sometime cause I finaly beat midnight_storm for the first time in my -20 losses; lol.
Apr 30, 2014 by Haribos_01
Cool Grav...
Apr 28, 2014 by Torterra02
Apparently I have a shiny 3iv(hp, sp.atk, and speed) cyndiquil 0.0
Apr 27, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
yay me 500 points *pops one of those little confetti poppers*
Apr 17, 2014 by Terlor
Excadrill is on my ground team
Apr 15, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon