Forretress@ Quick Claw
Iv:loves to eat
Ev: sp defense,hp
Moves: Toxic spikes, spikes, explosion, rock polish.
This is a standard opener (gen 4), and one his speed is up and his job is done, he can either be switched out for use later (explosion) or detonate right away.
Cresselia@ __
Trait: Modest
Iv: mischievous
Ev: sp atk, hp
Moves: Moonlight, Psychic, shadow ball, calm mind
Cresselia is for later if a sp atk tank comes in, with it's great defenses and hp. Defiantly open to suggestions.
Garchomp@wide lens
Trait: adamant
Iv: scatters things often
Ev: speed, atk
Moves: stealth rock, dragon rush, stones edge, roar
Garchomp has always been one of my favourites. His stealth rock is a little extra insurance. His amazing speed combined with roar can damage the foes entire lineup. He can also polish of foes with dragon rush and stone edge.
Dusknoir@lax incense
Trait: impish
Iv: likes to thrash about
Ev: hp, atk
Moves: will o wisp, confuse ray, embargo, focus punch
With the lax incense and confuse ray, his focus punch has a great chance of hitting, his embargo also stops opponents from healing their ailments.
Drifblim@ spell tag
Trait: docile
Iv: often dozes off
Ev: sp atk, hp
Moves: stockpile, swallow, fly, shadow ball
Drifblim can heal himself, then become untouchable with great defenses, and can get out of the way of damage with fly, shadow ball is great STAB.
Blissey@ bright powder
Trait: hardy
Iv: loves to eat
Ev: defense, hp
Moves: sofboiled, substitute, double team, toxic
Nuff said, idestructable ( except against poison)