This team is now outdated, as Keldeo is no longer in NU.

Steelix (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 44 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Def / 136 SpD
Brave Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast
Sturdy allows it to set up Stealth Rock in the majority of cases. Stealth Rock does damage to many of the Pokemon in NU. After that, Steelix can start hitting hard. Gyro Ball and Earthquake provide STAB of course. Rock Blast is my favorite Rock type attack. In addition to having better accuracy than Stone Edge and a good chance of doing more damage than Rock Slide, it breaks through Substitutes, and more importantly Focus Sashes (and Sturdy, but that isn't so important as I will unlikely be using Rock Blast against a Pokemon with the Sturdy ability in NU due to the types Sturdy is given to.) Breaking through Focus Sashes is important for a lead, as plenty of leads run a Focus Sash. 44 HP EVs gives Steelix 302 HP, which in addition to providing bulk also allows it to survive four hits from Seismic Toss and Night Shade, moves which a fair number of NU Pokemon rely on to do damage. The SpD EVs give a nice 200 Special Defense, meaning it can take non-boosted neutral hits fairly well. 252 defense EVs give Steelix plenty of bulk, so much so that even a super-effective Physical hit is unlikely to take down Steelix. Since Steelix is used for attacking after Stealth Rock, I gave it some Attack EVs and an Attack boosting nature. The result isn't spectacular, but it works when taking into account the high base power of the attacks. Leftovers is a standard item which further provides bulk to my Steelix. I have plenty of Pokemon on my team who can switch in on Fire type attacks directed at Steelix, while Druddigon and Keldeo can switch in on Water type attacks. As the majority of Ground and Fighting attacks are physical, Steelix will have no problem there, although I would still probably switch on a predicted use so as to lessen the damage. Steelix has low Speed, and benefits from Trick Room.

Lampent (M) @ Eviolite
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 160 HP / 48 Def / 252 SpA / 48 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Fire Blast
- Trick Room
- Shadow Ball
- Clear Smog
An interesting Pokemon on my team. It fills a multitude of minor roles that while not neccessary are helpful to my team. Its Ghost typing prevents Rapid Spin from removing Stealth Rock. With 301 HP as well as 252 for both defenses along with Eviolite, Lampent offers some bulk, and will not be taken down from types it resists, and will also not be taken down so easily by neutral hits. After all, it is NU. Lampent can come in and take down a weakened foe who I don't want escaping. Clear Smog stops stat boosters like Torkoal and Mothim from causing too much trouble. While Clear Smog does not work on Steel types, it can be used even if the foe Taunts me. Considering the lowwer number of Steel types in NU, I use Clear Smog. Shadow Ball and Fire Blast provides STAB. Fire Blast is used over Flamethrower, as even with 252 Sp Attack EVs and an Sp Attack boosting nature, it only reaches 317 Special Attack. While not low by any means, it isn't the highest, so I used the high base power Fire Blast. And 85% accuracy isn't so bad. Stone Edge only has 80% after all and it is still used on a number of Pokemon. Seeing as Trick Room is used, that is why there is a Speed lowering nature. Trick Room provides support for Steelix, Druddigon, Mesprit, and Nosepass, all of whom are slow Pokemon, with no Speed stat above 200. While Keldeo might not like Trick Room, the team still benefits enough from it to overlook that. Druddigon and possibly Keldeo (depending on whther or not I have Trick Room up) can switch in on Water type attacks. Mesprit has immunity to Ground. I can switch in Steelix and Keldeo in on Rock type attacks. Ghost is easy enough to deal with, especially as there are so few in NU. Dark is also dealt with easily by Steelix and Keldeo.

Druddigon (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 116 Def / 116 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Crunch
- Outrage
- Fire Fang
- Rock Slide
The physical attacker on my team. Unlike Steelix, it doesn't have any other roles. Dragon offers plenty of resistances, and since it is only weak to Dragon, it has good bulk in NU, especially with the EVs given to it. 301 HP and 245 in both defenses. It also has 372 Attack, which hits incredibly hard. This is especially true when you factor in Sheer Force and Life Orb. Crunch gets the boost and no recoil. While Sucker Punch is an option, Crunch hits harder, and can also hit Pokemon who switch in, while Sucker Punch would just fail. Fire Fang hits the Grass and Bugs of NU for super-effective damage boosted by Sheer Force and without the recoil of Life Orb. It also deals with the few Steel types that could possibly come in. Rock Slide takes down the Bugs and Flying types of NU, with the same boosts as the previously mentioned moves. Outrage might not get the boosts, but it does get STAB and hits with 120 base power. There are fewer Steel types in NU as there are in OU. As such, very few Pokemon would be able to switch in safely on Druddigon. Lampent and Keldeo are able to safely switch in on Ice type attacks. Druddigon also gets help when Trick Room is active.

Keldeo @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 248 SpA / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Secret Sword
- Calm Mind
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Scald
The special sweeper of my team. Standard EVs and Nature that should require no explanation. Life Orb lets it hit incredibly hard even without any Calm Mind boosts. Secret Sword provides reliable STAB, as does Scald. Scald is used over Surf due to the Burn chance, on PO it will Burn the foe in a majority of cases. HP Ice provides type coverage, hitting the Grass and Flying types of NU for super-effective damage. Druddigon and Steelix can switch in on Electric type attacks. Druddigon can also switch in on Grass types, if need be, as can Lampent. Also, Steelix and Nosepass can switch in on Flying type attacks. Psychic types are taken down by Lampent, and Steelix can switch in on them with ease.

Mesprit @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 60 HP / 120 Def / 112 SpA / 216 SpD
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam
Mesprit is a bulky Pokemon, 316 HP, 303 Def, and 300 Sp Def when unboosted, as well as Leftovers providing healing. Calm Mind gives Special Attack and Special Defense a boost. Psychic provides STAB. Since there are no real dedicated Special Walls in NU like there are in OU and UU, I am safe in using Psychic over Psyshock. SB is used to take on other Psychics, who are likely to switch in on Mesprit to hit with their own Shadow Ball. Ice Beam provides plenty of type coverage in NU. Bug types are no problem for this team. Ghost types aren't much of a problem for NU, and Shadow Ball can take down any who show up. Dark types fall to Steelix and Keldeo. Mesprit also has Trick Room most of the time.

Nosepass (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Toxic
- Rest
- Iron Defense
- Attract
Eviolite wall. Toxic gives damage, I set up Iron Defense, then Rest up once I fall too low on health. Attract provides nice stalling. Nosepass is Female, as most people on PO do not change the Gender of their Pokemon, making this more effective. Druddigon and Keldeo can switch in on Water attacks, Mesprit on Ground, Lampent and Mesprit on Fighting, Lampent and Druddigon on Grass, and Steel is never much of a problem. Nosepass also will able to move first when Trick Room active.