This team suffers naturally against Mono Ghost, Steel, and Fighting teams. However, this team can certainly be improved to remedy this.
Staraptor: It's funny that you are using Defensive Staraptor, as I was ranting about how great this guy is! Great minds do think alike, ya know. Anyhow, that's not the correct set. In order to maximize the unexpected potential of this guy's to wall, you will need Featherdance. Facade will also be needed to offer a reliable STAB that works to your advantage when the foe trys to Burn or Paralyze him, 2 commonly status effects used against Staraptor, while you score decent coverage with Revenge.
*Keep in mind this set is not built to KO or to attack.
Chansey: First of all, get rid of Heal Bell. With Staraptor's Facade and Chansey's Natural Cure, you now have not one but 2 Status Absorbers, so Heal Bell is redundant. Just carefully predict when a T-wave or WoW is coming, which I am sure your more than capable of doing. Stealth Rock is where? Snorlax needs hazards to abuse Whirlwind effectively. Stealth Rocks over Thunder Wave.
Stealth Rock<Thunder Wave
Protect<Heal Bell
Meloetta: Shadow Ball<Ehcoed Voice. I get how deadly it can be, but with the current EV spread Meloetta will barely survive long enough to make great use of it, (much less rack up boost on Charge Beam). Shadow Ball is needed for hitting Ghost for Super Effective damage, something no one else on the rest of the team can do. She above all will need it as Ghost type are strong against her.
Good team, I love Mono Normals. I hope I have made it better. BTW Im Kyron's apprentice.