I am just so pleased with how this team has been working together for me. Ubers might become my "Thing" if it continues to prove such success. I also can understand why you might not want to rate this team, for its synergy is already nearly perfect ;P. Please rate!

Wall-y (Forretress) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
A wonderful lead that can get up so many entry hazards. Entry hazards might be more important in the Uber tier than any other, for they really break down all kinds of offensive powerhouses, and take a chunk out of the rest. Forretress, with his awesome defensive power and typing can tank anything in the rain. Draco Meteors, Psycho-Boosts, HP Fire, all fall short of finishing him off. This gives Forretress so many chances to put up spikes, stealth rock, and rapid spin to get rid of the stealth rocks that could break through Lugia's Multiscale. He also pairs well with Chansey, allowing special attacks to be absorbed into her plush, pink, bosom. Volt switch is great with his slow speed, because it allows another pokemon to enter without taking a hit, allowing the defensively-fragile Deoxys-Attack to come in, and let Lugia enter without having his multiscale broken. He truly works well with the team.

Whale (Kyogre) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Water Spout
- Thunder
- Ice Beam
- Surf
I like the scarfed Kyogre, it really gets to abuse the rain. Water spout is just so strong when it's at full power, a base 337.5 power with STAB and the Rain boost (This makes Forretress all the more valuable to get those entry hazards out). Thunder hits so many things, and has a nifty 30% chance of paralysis. Ice Beam hurts Dragons, and surf still does a hefty amount if the whale is at low HP. Just this morning I was using the Wi-fi Smogon battle finder and defeated a Physically defensive Giratina with surf, 3-HKO-ing after entry hazard damage (The poor n00b was this close to putting up a sub). Bringing in the rain is also important for keeping Forretress a little safer from HP fires.

Blue (Lugia) @ Leftovers
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 252 HP / 228 Def / 28 SDef
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Whirlwind
- Earthquake
- Toxic
My favorite Uber pokemon, and, in my opinion, the best wall in the Uber tier. With the highest combined Defensive stats (HP, Special Defense, Defense) besides Giratina, Multiscale allows him to tank ridiculous Stuff. For Example, we have an Adamant Natured Normal type Arceus, with 252 attack EVs, a Life Orb, and +6 Attack (3 Sword Dances Up). What does it do to the Lugia above at Max HP? 51.4-60.8%. What happens if you sensibly give him a Jolly Nature instead? 46.9-55.5%. Finally, what happens if you give him leftovers instead of a life orb? 36.3-42.8%. <-- This allows Lugia, provided he has the chance to Toxic Arceus, to stall and KO (With Roost) a +6 Arceus, not even resisting the attack. Of course, if this is something you just don't want to haggle with, go ahead and whirlwind the Arceus. Whirlwind can stop any of the Uber sweepers provided Lugia is at max HP, (Yes, this includes a +6 Timid Darkrai's Dark Pulse). Lastly, earthquake puts some OK damage on the steels that don't get poisoned, (Arceus Steele, Dialga, etc.). No matter the circumstance, KOing Lugia will be no easy feat.

ImpFace (Deoxys-Attack) @ Life Orb
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 40 Atk / 216 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- Psycho Boost
- Ice Beam
- Thunder
- Superpower
Now I really don't like mixed attackers. Whenever I use them, I feel like I'm not utilizing their attack stat to its full potential. However, I can choose between Deoxys full Special attack, and missing every single time with Focus Blast, or I can give him a wee tad Attack and take down Darkrais, Blisseys, Chanseys, Dialgas, Kyurems, and all that good stuff. Honestly, for the first time I really feel like spreading the EVs just slightly with the attack and Special attack was worth it. Besides, Life Orb helps me gain those EVs that I took out of Special Attack. Psycho Boost is just all powerful, the Draco Meteor for Deoxys. This makes Deoxys great for revenge killing, or just tearing huge holes in the opponents team. Ice Beam and Thunder give me a bolt-beam combo, while taking advantage of the rain in the process.

Tankster (Groudon) @ Leftovers
Trait: Drought
EVs: 36 HP / 252 Atk / 220 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Rock Polish
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
Groudon offers excellent defense for my team, covering up the defense issue with Electricity. He hits super hard with Earthquake, and outspeeds all the tanks with 0 EVs in the Uber tier. One Rock Polish allows him to outspeed all the scarfed Kyogres, Kyurem-W, Kyurem-B and Deoxys Attacks (Not Scarfed). Fire Punch is REALLY handy in taking out Ferrothorn and Forretress, while still taking advantage of the sun, getting a 50% boost. Dragon Claw hits Giratina, Latios/Latias, and Rayquaza. Drought when up also allows my team to take Hydro Pumps/Surfs a wee tad easier, if necessary. With Groudon's awesome base attack, he can sweep without any boost, when Adamant.

Happy:D (Chansey) (F) @ Eviolite
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef/ 4 Def
Calm Nature
- Wish
- Seismic Toss
- Heal Bell
- Toxic
Since my team is so rock solid and all powerful, it's likely that my opponents will look to take over my team with status: Toxic Lugia, burn Groudon, paralyze Deoxys and Kyogre, etc. This is why the final member of my team is Chansey, the greatest special wall of all time, and an excellent healer. Physical defense isn't worth the trouble, I'm more interested in making him almost impervious to special attacks. Forretress and Lugia can tank physical hits, anyway. With Eviolite, this guy's Special Defense comes up to 508.5, which is massive, and plenty to satisfy his HP stat. Now, some may suggest Blissey instead, but blissey can't use Eviolite, and his HP stat is only 7 Extra HP. Because of these awesome Special defenses, Chansey can make a very effective Staller with toxic, and get some damage in with Seismic Toss. Wish-passing is great for healing up all my pokemon, Kyogre especially with his Water Spout. Chansey ties the team together quite well.
As for weaknesses to this team, my team has equal, or more resistance to every type of attack (with no more than 2 pokemon being weak to any given type) except for electricity, which my team has 2 weaknesses to (Kyogre, Lugia). Not too shabby eh? Not that this is a major threat to the team ANYWAY, with Groudon Immune to these attacks, and a Chansey that can take Thunder/Thunderbolts the way Mountains deal with fleas.
I'm welcome to all ideas for improvement, please rate!