Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

After making this team a few days ago, I can prouldy say that CeleTran is a beastly core and has probably overthrown SkarmBliss as my favorite defensive core in OU. The name comes from the album I was listening to when making the team and it sounds kinda cool, idk. The team is made around Choice Specs Slowbro, a set I've been dying to use, and I love it. Slowbro is still quite bulky, and Regenerator tends to keep him at decent help, while his awesome coverage and Base 100 SAtk let him hit surprisingly hard. Celebi and Heatran run support roles and troll the masses, Terrakion rapes stuff late game, Skarmory acts as a physical wall and second phazer, and Salamence provides another physical pokemon as well as decent synergy. Note that for the synergy tables, bolded means it's a 4x weakness. I will be adding to this later today, so come back later and tomorow for the additions c:

Replay #1

Replay #2

Replay #3

Replay #4

Replay #5

(Slowbro) @ Choice Specs
enter image description here
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Psyshock

While not as bulky as my beloved physical tank set, SpecsBro has a few other niches. Number 1 would be surprise. Most OU players don't even realize (or acknowledge) that it has Base 100 SAtk, and coupled with it's awesome movepool, Slowbro is not fun to switch into. Flamethrower > Fire Blast to avoid missing, as it doesn't miss the OHKO on standard Ferrothorn or Scizor, which would be the 2 main pokemon it's there for. Ice Beam stomps out Dragon types trying to switch into a water move, or Ground types coming in to absorb a Thunder Wave that will never come. Surf is Slowbro's main STAB, dealing decent damage to neutral targets and managing to put decent damage on resisting targets. Psyshock is for hitting things such as Keldeo, Gyarados, Politoed, and other Water types that wall the rest of the set, while dealing good damage to Chansey and Blissey. I'm thinking about running HP Grass over Psyshock but I kinda like Psyshock because it's STAB and quite reliable. Another niche Slowbro has is Regenerator. As long as Slowbro can endure a hit to get his own off, I can always switch him out and then do some double switching to get him back to at least roughly 60% HP.

> Electric: Celebi, Heatran
> Grass: Celebi, Heatran, Skarmory, Salamence
> Bug: Heatran, Terrakion, Skarmory, Salamence
> Ghost: Heatran, Skamrory
> Dark: Heatran, Terrakion, Skarmory

Celebi @ Leftovers
enter image description here
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 224 SDef / 248 HP / 36 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Baton Pass
- Giga Drain
- Recover
- Thunder Wave

Saying that I am madly in love with Celebi would be an understatement. See, if there's a few things I don't like in OU it's rain and Keldeo. The thing about Celebi is that walks all over rain teams, and serves as a great special wall, as well as being virtually invincible with backing from Heatran. Baton Pass escapes Pursuit users and is one of the sets most important moves, as I use it for scouting all the time. If I predict a switch to something, I don't predict it, I just use Baton Pass, so they switch first, then me, giving me the typing advantage. Giga Drain is STAB, Recover is pretty straightforward, and Thunder Wave helps slower teammates like Slowbro and Heatran.

> Fire: Slowbro, Heatran, Terrakion, Salamence
> Ice: Slowbro, Heatran, Terrakion
> Poison: Heatran, Skarmory
> Flying: Heatran, Skarmory
> Bug: Heatran, Terrakion, Skarmory, Salamence
> Ghost: Heatran, Skarmory
> Dark: Heatran, Terrakion, Skarmory

Heatran @ Leftovers
enter image description here
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 SAtk
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Lava Plume
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power
- Roar

Heatran is important to this team because it is essentially Celebi's sustenance, and it has a very strenous job of setting rocks. Lava Plume is STAB and doesn't burn as often as it should but technically it has a decent 30% chance. Earth Power smashes other Heatrans and wrecks most sun teams, and Roar is for phazing out set-up sweepers like SubCM Lati@s, as well as getting some Stealth Rock phazing to wear down dem Dragonites and stuffz.

Descrips tomorow

> Water: Slowbro, Celebi, Salamence
> Fighting: Slowbro, Celebi, Salamence
> Ground: Celebi, Skarmory, Salamence

Terrakion @ Choice Scarf
enter image description here
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature (+Spd, - SAtk)

- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
- Sleep Talk

You don't even have to say late-game and Terrakion knows its alotted role. I have won so many matches with this team just by gradually wearing down opposing pokemon that can take a Close Combat, and then coming in and completely demolishing the now weakened opposing team. Close Combat and Stone Edge need no explanation, nor does X-scissor. Sleep Talk however, turns Terrakion into an awesome sleep absorber. I know what you're thinking, Breloom is the most common sleep inducer and Breloom eats Terra for breakfast, but he can come in, take a Spore, then switch out again, rendering Spore useless, and Terrakion still functional.

> Water: Slowbro, Celebi, Salamence
> Grass: Celebi, Heatran, Skarmory, Salamence
> Fighting: Slowbro, Celebi, Salamence
> Ground: Celebi, Skarmory, Salamence
> Steel: Slowbro, Heatran, Skarmory

Skarmory @ Leftovers
enter image description here
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 232 Def / 248 HP / 28 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, +SAtk)

- Brave Bird
- Roost
- Spikes
- Whirlwind

Running 4 more speed than standard Skarm to Whirlwind first, otherwise you'll have seen this Skarmory many times before. Brave Bird is STAB, Roost recovers HP, Spikes lend support to Terrakion and Salamence, and Whirlwind phazes out set-up sweepers and racks up Spikes damage for Terrakion to come out and play.

> Fire: Slowbro, Heatran, Terrakion, Salamence
> Electric: Celebi

Salamence @ Lum Berry
enter image description here
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SAtk
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- Outrage

Salamence is a monster. Dragon Dance is pretty much the perfect set-up move for Salamence (Besides Shift Gear but that's irrelevant), and he can then come in with his awesome coverage and pull off a Moxie sweep, provided fast enemy scarfers are eradicated first. Earthquake buries Heatran and Magnezone and Jirachi, while Fire Blast melts Scizor and Ferrothorn into little puddle of liquid. Outrage hits incredibly hard especially after a Moxie boost or two, and Salamence's job is basically to just rip massive holes for team mates to exploit, and it performs this role with vigor.

> Ice: Slowbro, Heatran
> Rock: Terrakion
> Dragon: Heatran, Skarmory

edited by
Descrips may be pretty short because of the character limit.
Hows does Heatran counter Electric a good Thunder can deal a lot of damage to it.
I'd like to respond to that comment Doc, *clears throat*

252 SpA Thundurus-T Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Heatran: 117-138 (30.38 - 35.84%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

Oh and Ben I edited the title, unless you were intending to make it seem like Celebi had a tan :P
First of all, MrK, I was just saying that because Heatran doesn't resist electric, lol. And also Nasty Plot Thundurus can 2HKO it.
Ohh my bad then,

*cough* Roar *cough*
Heatran doesn't resist Electric, no, but I decided it must be noted that he is one of my main Electric absorbers when I want to keep Celebi healthy, and for the record, Terrakion eats Nasty Plot Thundy for breakfast.
Is it not illegal to have a Salamence with Moxie, Dragon Dance and Outrage? Cause im pretty sure it is...
Aaaaaaand damn you Smogon, for making that deadly combination legal now. >.>
det double negative threw me Lenub xD
A replay is expired..
MrK you missed my entire point. My point is that Heatran isn't a counter to Electric, and Roar doesn't to crap to it.
He absorbs electric attacks like a boss, even if he doesn't resist electric.
Roar says "Screw you" to Nasty Plot set-up which *cough* you mentioned.
Yeah but eventually Heatran will die, Roar is not always reliable especially if a counter comes in.
hence the reason we switch, and roar is my counter to you mentioning Nasty Plot set-up. If a counter comes in we A)predict B)predict-switch.

They don't need to resist a type just to counter it.
Well, the fact that not a whole lot of people run NP Thun-T is also another reason why you shouldn't worry about it.
OMG. my whole purpose about writing my first comment was to say that Heatran DOES NOT resist electric.... Sure I said Thunder could hurt it... but the point was to say it does not resist...
Is it that important?
IKR!!! Oh, and sorry, I didn't even see the EV's on Heatran, I didn't know it was specially defensive. So then banded Infernape with Thunder Punch could do major damage to it. Nuff' said.
I was about to mention Celebi/Slowbro as switch ins, until... I realized you are weak to EBelt Inferape running, Close Combat, Mach Punch, Thunder Punch, and Fire Blast. Conk outspeeds with Scarf but if he takes some damage then you'll be crying when he bites a Mach Punch.

Doc u so brilliant 0.0 whodda thought. So Ben, Mixrape counter is needed I think.
As long as I can predict his move (And I think we can all agree if there's one thing I can do it's predict) Nape isn't and hasn't been a problem. Btw don't say HP Ice because I have never seen a Nape run HP Ice besides my own. Also, it depends on the moves being run, as Nape suffers from large movepool syndrome, meaning it can't run everything. So I scout what it's running and then pedict accordingly.
Fair nuff then :)

I always run HP Ice on mixnape....
Never seen another person run HP Ice on Nape?

Wiar Wiar, pwants on fiya.
Never seen HP Ice a any Nape but my own. usomad?
lol Ben, I counted da characters because I'm bored (I estimated the pics) your characters add upto 7973 :D
HP Ice is run on every mixnape :P
Fortunately mixnape is not so common and though it may single handily destroy this team (lets face it :L) it is only a major threat. Most teams that have major threats will tend to loose to these major threats simple as. Not much that can be done without changing one threat for another. No team is perfect.

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