Pokémon Rate My Team
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Another OU rain team. It seems to be the only type of team I can get decent results out of. I threw this together in a few minutes, and with the amount of time it took to make, I have to say I'm pretty satisfied with the results. I've won a few battles, and I lost one where my team was torn up by Life Orb Tornadus's Hurricane in the rain, 2HKOing everything on the team. I finally ended up with the KO from Kyurem-B as it barely hung on and retaliated with Fusion Bolt (When he was still Scarfed).

The team started when I got an urge to try out specs Politoed, which can put a good dent in a lot of common Pokemon. From there the team just came together. I added some of my favorite OU Pokemon, with some of my favorite sets. The star of the team is Scizor, finding plenty of times to set up a Swords Dance, and score a KO.

So without further ado, here's the team!

Politoed (F) @ Choice Specs
enter image description here
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 Spd
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Grass]

This Politoed has won the spot of my favorite set for her. Nobody really expects a STAB, Rain boosted, Choice Specs Hydro Pump. Ice Beam gets coverage mainly on Dragons who resist my STAB. Focus Blast gets coverage on Ferrothorn. Hidden Power [Grass] can take care of Gastrodon and Jellicent, who take less damage from the rest of the moves, and are immune to the STAB.

Scizor (M) @ Leftovers
enter image description here
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 8 Spd / 248 HP
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Superpower

I might like this Scizor even more than Politoed. I get numerous opportunities to set up a Swords Dance, because a lot of people predict a Banded attack right off the bat. I don't think I even need to explain Bullet Punch. Bug Bite is a secondary STAB for when I don't need priority or when it's super effective. Superpower is coverage against Steels and the attack drop isn't as big of a deal when I have an attack boost.

Tentacruel (M) @ Black Sludge
enter image description here
Trait: Rain Dish
EVs: 20 Spd / 252 HP / 236 Def
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Toxic
- Protect
- Rapid Spin

Tentacruel is a great rain abuser, and can effectively stall out Pokemon such as Keldeo. Scald is STAB and has a great burn chance. Toxic is great with Protect and Black Sludge + Rain Dish because I can heal while wearing the foe down. Rapid Spin is to get rid of the hazards that cause a problem for Kyurem-Black, who will most likely be switching out often due to the confusion and being locked on one move by the Choice Band.

Ferrothorn (F) @ Leftovers
enter image description here
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 88 Def / 168 SDef / 252 HP
Impish Nature
- Leech Seed
- Power Whip
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave

Ferrothorn is a must for almost any rain team, and for good reason. Leech Seed slowly drains the foe's HP while restoring mine, which is pretty handy. Power Whip does a good chunk of damage to Rotom-W and Jellicent, but he has to watch out for Will-O-Wisp. Stealth Rock is a basic hazard and is chosen over Spikes as it deals damage to Flying types and Levitators. Thunder Wave supports Kyurem-B, Scizor, and Politoed who aren't the fastest Pokemon ever.

Latios (M) @ Choice Scarf
enter image description here
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Surf
- Thunder

This is my first team with Scarfed Latios, and I have to say I like it. Even though I don't have Specs, STAB Draco Meteor Still hits really hard on anything that doesn't resist. Psyshock is STAB and destroys special walls. Just the presence of this move makes most players think twice about sending Blissey in. Surf is boosted by the rain, and is my main move for finishing off weak or frail foes. Thunder gets perfect accuracy, and hits bulky Waters better than anything else most of the time.

Kyurem-Black @ Choice Band
enter image description here
Trait: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 SAtk
Naive Nature
- Fusion Bolt
- Outrage
- Ice Beam
- Dragon Claw

Kyurem-B is possibly my favorite OU Pokemon. Outrage is STAB, and I can't describe how powerful it is with words. Fusion Bolt is a secondary STAB and gets more coverage. Ice Beam is there to hit stuff trying to tank physical physical hits, a few of which are Ground types. Dragon Claw is to pick off weaker foes, and for when I don't want to get locked on.


Replay #1

Replay #2

All suggestions are welcome. :)

edited by
Did the sprites for you ;)

Might want to consider a different set for Politoed as Latios is your Scecs abuser. Maybe a SDef variant would be cool to absorb fire and ice from Ferro, Scizor, and Lati.
Lol, I didn't notice I had two Specs users. xD I think I'll run a Life Orb on Latios instead.
Actually, i propose otherwise.

Scarfed Latios is possibly one of the best Scarfers in OU, outspeeding all but the somewhat common Scarfed Tornadus. It also allows you to have a reliable counter to +2 Cloyster, since Cloyster reaches a max of 524 at  a Max Jolly +2, while Scarfed Base 110's reach a max of 525. This also means that you can outspeed and ko some of the most prominent scarfers in OU, thus being Terrakion and Keldeo, who can rip your team apart if your counters to it are weak or gone.

Since you have 3 choice pokes, i propose this...
Politoed: Specs
Latios: Scarf
Kyurem-B: Band or Roost + 3 attacks.
Scarf Jolteon, Starmie, and Gengar... (I suppose I'm the only one that uses them, but still. They outspeed Scarf Latios/as)
Thanks, I'll definitely take that advice :)

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