Ok I know I already asked this question, but I altered a few things, and I didn't actually explain my strategy before. Everything that I changed is typed in bold print. So here is the team-
Typhlosion @ Air Balloon

Timid Nature
Trait - Flash Fire
EVs - Fast Special Sweeper - 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Moves -
- Eruption
- Inferno
- Solarbeam
- Protect
Cherrim @ Grass Gem

Modest Nature
Trait - Flower Gift
EVs - Bulky Special Sweeper - 252 SpA / 252 HP / 4 SpD
Moves -
- Solarbeam
- Morning Sun
- Helping Hand
- Protect
Ok I might replace Cherrim with Whimsicott, so I can get a Tailwind. So I made a Whimsicott here-
Whimsicott @ Focus Sash

Sassy Nature
Trait - Prankster
EVs - Specially Defensive - 252 SpD / 252 Def / 4 HP
Moves -
- Tailwind
- Sunny Day
- Helping Hand
- Protect
Ninetails @ Wise Glasses

Timid Nature
Trait - Drought
EVs - Fast Special Sweeper - 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Moves -
- Fire Blast
- Extrasensory
- Dark Pulse
- Solarbeam
Arcanine @ Focus Sash (Focus Sash only if I am not using Whimsicott, if I am using Whimsicott then Arcanine will hold a Normal Gem)

Adamant Nature
Trait - Flash Fire
EVs - Bulky Physical Sweeper - 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SpD
Moves -
- Extremespeed
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Helping Hand
Charizard @ Choice Specs

Timid Nature
Trait - Solar Power
EVs - Fast Special Sweeper - 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Moves -
- Fire Blast
- Solarbeam
- Air Slash
- Dragon Pulse
Venusaur @ Life Orb

Modest Nature
Trait - Chlorophyll
EVs - Fast Special Sweeper - 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Moves -
- Solarbeam
- Sludge Bomb
- Synthesis
- Attract
Strategy -
Turn 1 -
Ninetails, Typhlosion, and Cherrim/Whimsicott are sent out. (In order)
Turn 2 -
Ninetails is withdrawn. Arcanine is sent out. Typhlosion uses Protect. Cherrim - Cherrim uses Protect. Whimsicott - Whimsicott uses Protect.
Turn 3 -
Arcanine uses Helping Hand on Typhlosion. Typhlosion uses Eruption. Cherrim - Cherrim uses Helping Hand on Typhlosion. Whimsicott - Whimsicott uses Tailwind.
Turn 4-
Steps in turn 3 are repeated. Although Whimsicott will use Helping Hand on Typhlosion. If Cherrim, Cherrim will still use Helping Hand on Typhlosion.
Weaknesses -
- Cloud Nine, Drizzle, Sand Stream, and Air Lock abilities
- Protect, Wide Guard, Trick Room
- Rock and Ground-type Pokémon (Water doesn't really do anything due to Drought)
- Faster Pokémon
Rate and I will give you a long-distance hug!!! :D