Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote

Team Overview

Infernape ZapdosVenusaurCharizardSnorlax

Note: One Pokemon is missing; I might need some suggestions for it!

Infernape @ Heat Rock
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sunny Day
- Stealth Rock
- Power-Up Punch
- Fire Punch

Infernape helps set up Sunny Day and Stealth Rock. Power-Up Punch and Fire Punch just abuse Iron Fist. The EV spread enables Infernape to be a fast, bulky support.

Zapdos @ Heat Rock
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Sunny Day
- Volt Switch
- Heat Wave
- Steel Wing

Zapdos is an alternative Sun Inducer. It can use Sunny Day and then use Volt Switch to switch into other team members. It also gets nice STAB. Heat Wave gains a good boost from Sun for great power and Steel Wing is coverage.

Petals (Venusaur) @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Solar Beam
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Synthesis

Petals is a Chlorophyll Sun Sweeper! Sludge Bomb is STAB and Solar Beam is another STAB move that gains no charge under sun. Hidden Power [Fire] is great because it gets a good boost from sun and provides coverage. Synthesis is a reliable healing method.

Zard (Charizard) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Solar Power
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- SolarBeam
- Fire Blast
- Air Slash
- Dragon Pulse

Zard is my main Sweeper. SolarBeam is coverage and gets no charge. Fire Blast and Air Slash are great STAB moves. Dragon Pulse covers Dragon types.

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 200 Sp. Def/ 252 Atk /56 HP
Careful Nature
- Return
- Pursuit
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake

Snorlax is a great tank in general. It can soak up Fire-type moves that try to abuse the sun too (with Thick Fat). Earthquake can deal with those Fire types. Pursuit and Fire Punch can provide coverage. Pursuit can also deal with Psychic types that switch in like Latias. Return is great STAB.

I'm not sure what to put for the last Pokemon...I was thinking that another tank or physical sweeper could be in the slot.
Thanks in advance and all suggestions are welcome! :D

1) Giga Drain is better for Sun Sweeper Venu, as it doesn't leave it completely helpless if sun goes down. Also consider Black Sludge if you feel like you could use some recovery.

2) Focus Sash on Infernape garuntees getting SR up, and you don't have to worry too much about getting Sun up because Zapdos can do that.

EDIT: For your final Pokémon, I reccommend a spinner/defogger as you have a deathly Stealth Rock weakness. One that can take advantage of the Sun, preferably. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'll try to find one.
For the last pokemon I would suggest Torkoal , as Torkoal gets Rapid Spin and Solar Beam. Try this:
Torkoal @ Rocky Helmet
EVs:252 Hp, 128 SpA, 128 D
Ability: White Smoke
Bold Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Flamethrower
- Toxic
- Solar Beam
Run Offensive EVs on Infernape. and there's no need to carry 3 weather setters
Venusaur is a superior sweeper in Sun teams rather than a wall @ Hawluchinations
Snorlax is useless.
A slight weakness to water is generally unavoidable on sun teams @ Hawluchinations

Anyway, I agree with Hawluchinations that sun teams are generally pretty bleh (Hell, I was the one who told him that), but it's not impossible to use one. If you honestly want to run sun, only use 1 or at a maximum, 2 weather setters. Remember that your team should still be able to function somewhat outside of Sun. Generically speaking, you'll find that Ninetails is an alternative to Charizard-Y as a Sun Setter, since it can make use of Heat Rock and it also frees up your Mega slot. A defogger is also a useful Pokemon to have on a Sun team, and really, any team. There are a few alright Sun teams that you can find on Smogon, use them as inspiration.
^^ One of them. They're rare as hell tho, so you'll need to dig through quite a big to find other alright ones.
why are there so many answers now... :/

3 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Lets see, this looks like a really solid team. Lets get right into the rate.

Generally Power-Up Punch on Infernape is quite a bad idea as it has virtually nonexistent bulk and it can't set up reliably. I would rather go with Close Combat for the immediate power. In terms of a Sun inducer, Zapdos and Charizard are pretty much sufficient, so I may replace it with Fake Out or Endeavour, with Focus Sash as the held item. The former assures that you can take out Jolly Lead Mamoswine by breaking its Focus Sash with Fake out and using Close Combat on it after. The latter abuses your Focus Sash by bringing the enemy down to 1hp to be easy pickings for the next pokemon you send in.

The Zapdos set you are running is a little bit weird, but it doesn't work all too well in my opinion. I would rather replace it with the Bulky Defog set in order to provide Defog support as Charizard would not want to lose 50% of his health upon switch in.

Switch Snorlax's item to Assault Vest as it is the one supposed to take special hits for the team and Assault Vest helps with that role.

By going through the threat list for your team, I found that Mega Charizard X is an enormous threat to your team. It sets up pretty much for free on your current Zapdos and Infernape sets and runs through your entire team.

+1 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 56 HP / 0 Def Snorlax: 406-478 (85.4 - 100.6%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Another huge threat is Mega Lopunny. You have absolutely no safe switch-ins and it can Return/HJK/Ice Punch your entire team.

A possible way to mitigate this is to put Scarf Landorus-Therian on your team to revenge kill these threats. It can outspeed Adamant Mega Charizard X at +1 and OHKO with Earthquake, it can also outspeed Mega Lopunny. It cannot switch into Ice Punch however.

Here are the sets:

enter image description here
Infernape @ Focus Sash
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Jolly Nature
-Fire Punch
-Close Combat
-Stealth Rock
-Fake out/Endeavor

enter image description here
Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/188 Def/68 SpAtk
Bold Nature
-Heat Wave/Sunny Day

enter image description here
Snorlax @ Assault Vest
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 56 HP/252 Atk/200 SpDef
Careful Nature
-Fire Punch

enter image description here
Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk/24 Def/232 Spe
Jolly Nature
-Explosion/Knock Off/Superpower
-Stone Edge

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Thanks for the help! I would upvote this, but I don't have enough points...
0 votes

For Charizard dragon pulse doesn't offer alot of coverage, so id recommend either Roost to extend the longtivity, or Focus Blast to deal with Heatran.

Lead Infernape @ Focus Sash
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Spe/ 252 Atk/ 4 SpA/
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- U-turn
- Overheat
- Close Combat

For Zapdos switch steel wing for defog and the EV spread should be 252 HP/ 168 Def/ 68 SpA/ 20 Spe/ with bold nature to be physical bulk and give him leftovers

Your Snorlax could give some special bulk so give it assault vest, 252 Atk/ 252 Def/ 4 SpD/ and an Adamant Nature

as for your final pokemon you could you landorus-therian

0 votes

I decided to rate your team. I like to divide my ratings into three sections. These sections are Typing, Synergy and Movesets. I don't really have anything else to say so I'll begin.

Typing: You have some pretty big weaknesses on this team. A x2 to flying, x6 to rock, x2 to water and x4 to psychic. This is bad, if you meet a lando with stone edge he can do some big damage, or a MMetagross with zen headbutt or many others. Usually you try and create the team around typing to make sure you don't have big weaknesses like you do.

Synergy: I'm gonna be honest, sun teams don't work. Really most weather teams are pretty easily countered. But I'll look at the synergy anyway.

I see 4 sweepers and a tank. You want some other pokemon. walls, scouts and pivots. You have one other spot on your team, but you need some more roles.

Infernape: Power-up-punch doesn't work, especially on this moveset. You are using it to set up, so have it have really strong moves imo. Give it flare blitz and Close combat as it's attack moves. It's EV's are a little odd to set up. I might give it more defense and HP ev's.

Zapdos: One big mistake on this. You don't have roost. Switch Steel wing to roost to help keep zapdos alive.

Venusaur: Your using him more as a sweeper, which is ok, but you need at least one wall and venusaur is a good wall. I might consider switching him to a wall set. If you are keeping him as a sweeper he is good.

Charizard-Y: Focus blast or roost instead of air slash. Everything else is good though.

Snorlax: I might give it an assault vest instead of leftovers. He is using all attack anyway. Fine moveset, the only suggestion on it's moves is to consider switching return to body slam.

I'm gonna be honest with you. I would scrap this team. Sun doesn't work in OU and you have some big weaknesses that one pokemon can't cover. Your movesets are pretty good.

Hope this helps and if you have any questions please ask in comments!

Thanks for the help!
I was going to make weather teams for all tiers (1 for each); but weather teams aren't so good in upper tiers.