Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote

>So this is an RMT by Jojo & Jojo About a team by Jojo & Jojo, Im Jojo & this is Jojo we present our team;

The original Leads:

Dusknoir Eccavlier

As you Can see from The Titlle This, Is a Trick Room team :D

Jojo had the Idea of Using Dusknoir as Our trick room Setter, Then Jojo Decided Excavlier would work as our other lead. So we Built the Sets;

Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Trick Room
- Shadow Punch
- Brick Break
- Earthquake

And of Course;

Escavalier @ Leftovers
Trait: Swarm
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Iron Head
- Megahorn
- Swords Dance
- Protect

and so, we had our leads.

After Saying Ideas and getting nowhere for about a half-hour AD came on Chat, So Jojo Suggested we go and get him to Help. And with his Help we Made THIS!

Jellicent Eccavlier Conkeldurr Bronzong![Rhyperior] (http://sprites.pokecheck.org/i/464.gif)Amoongus

So AD came on the PPad and saw Dusknoir, when he was done being violently sick at the sight of Dusknoir he suggested we change it to Jellicent :3, and so this was born!!!

Jellicent (M) @ Water Gem


Trait: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 HP / 124 Def / 80 SAtk / 52 SDef
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Water Spout
- Shadow Ball
- Recover
- Trick Room

Jellicent is Our Trick Room Setter, It KNows The Move Water Spout wich Hits Both of the Foes Pokémon in Doubls, It Also Knows Shadow Ball for a more reliable attack when HP is Low. It Knows Trick Room ofc, and it finally knows Recovert wich brings up its HP and Allows Water Spout To Do More Damage.

The Next Thing AD did was suggest Substitute Over Swords dance on Excavlier, Jojo didn't like it, But Jojo Loved the Idea! :D

And So Our Final Excavlier set was this;

Escavalier @ Bug Gem


Trait: Swarm
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Iron Head
- Megahorn
- Substitute
- Protect

Escavlier is Our Prime Threat and a Physichal sweeper, Escavlier never really gets much action, so we decided to put it in our Trick Room Team, Where it can sweep with Ease! :D
It Knows Megahorn for a Godly Powerfully attack boosted by the Bug Gem, It Has Iron Head for another stab and a more Reliable Attack, Protect is so It Can Be Safe from fake Outs on first turn And substitute is to stop it being crippled by sleep Or Paralysis.

And Then AD Suggested a Conkeldurr :D Both Jojo and Jojo loved the Idea :D

Conkeldurr (M) @ Life Orb


Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Def / 64 SDef
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Hammer Arm
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch
- Detect

Conkeldurr is our second Trick Room Sweeper. It's power is to be compared to none as even a not very effective Hammer Arm will bring Landorus-I's HP below half. Hammer Arm is his most important STAB move as it allows it to take advanatge from it's low speed under Trick Room. Mach Punch that priority move that makes Tyranitar cry. Ice Punch is for some extra coverage and it deal extremely well with Thunderus who seems to form an obstabcle for many leads. And Detect is the key to succes as it enables Conkeldurr to stay safe in the time it's needs to be the most. Especially when you need to set up Trick Room and need him alive.


Since Both Jojo & Jojo Made the Team and RMT We decided we should both Put it here :3 Fire Away Jojo`

edited by
I think Flame Orb > Toxic Orb
Toxic Orb does less Damage after 3 Turns.
ty Enoch :)
No prob. And one little nitpick: 0 Atk IVs on your Ghost for Foul Play users.
oh cool, ty again :)

2 Answers

1 vote

Continued by Jojo

So after Conkeldurr was created, Jojo suggested that we had another Trick Room set-up. A bulky Pokemon to set-up Trick Room for the team if Jellicent should fail. So AD suggested Bronzong.

Bronzong @ Mental Herb


Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef
Sassy Nature
- Gyro Ball
- Light Screen
- Trick Room
- Psyshock

Bronzong is the Teams Back Up Trick Room Sweeper, It Has Levitate Over Heat Proof Because we were afraid of earthquake spammers >.> [they're everywhere] <.< It Knows Gyro Ball Because it has bad speed and that makes for a powerful Gyro Ball and it has Light Screen so the team eats up dem Special Attacks.It Has Mental Herb so its Unaffected By Taunt.

Earlier That very Same year jojo had seen a video With a trick Room Rhyperior, so he suggested the idea to AD & Jojo and they Loved it :D

Rhyperior @ Leftovers

![Rhyperior] (http://sprites.pokecheck.org/i/464.gif)

Trait: Lightningrod
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Ice Punch
- Drill Run
- Protect
- Rock Slide

Yes i Saw the Idea In A Pikawu Video, But Still its a good Pokemon, You Might Be wondering why Lightning rod? its a ground type? Well My Friend [ur prolly my friend js] It Has Lightning Ros So that My Precious Jellicent isn't hit by an Electric Type Attack, it also stop T-Wave from Crippling my team :3
*our team :>
It knows Drill Run Over Earthquake Because is partner doesn't appreciate the Extra Damage, it Has Rock Slide because it Hits Both Foes, Ice Punch Is Coverage And Protect s there cuz Because : I

And Finally All three Of us Decided Amoongus would be beneficial to the team :D

Amoongus @ Sitrus Berry


Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Def / 172 SDef
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Rage Powder
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Protect

Amoonguss should be that Pokemon that is most essential to Jellicent due to the presence of an excellent move in Rage Powder. Now it can take in all moves aimed at it's teammates whiles they sweep half of the Pokemon on the opponent's side. Spore is to make Pokemon go to their final resting place, as a sleeping Pokemon becomes vulnarable to any attack. Giga Drain, a little STAB move and recovery move. It will leech the life out of Gastrodon and co. Protect. What are we doing without Protect in smogon doubles? This move will enable Amoonguss to evade a critical move that can dent our entire strategy

Synergy Check

Electric-Amoongus-m Rhyperior-m
Grass- Amoongus-m Bronzong-mini Escavlier-m

Fire-Rhyperior-m Jellicen-m

Psychic- Bronzong-mini Escavlier-m
Flying- Rhyperior-m

Fire- Jellicen-mRhyperior-m

Psychic- Bronzong-mini Escavlier-m
Fire- Jellicen-m
Flying- Bronzong-mini

Anyways this the RMT made by Jojo and Jojo.
Did you figure out what Jojo was meant in the parts?
Anyhow The double Jojo's will appreciate any feedback and will take any form of constructive criticism
Thanks for Reading,

With double greetings from Jojo & Jojo ;)

:Dm good job Jojo,
Not a downvote, just moved the vote from the answer to the question.
lul why u no just upvote both?
Only Eevee gets the points then. Not that it matters that much but still... :/
O I didn't see that :o
1 vote

Hey guys!
Great team!

Only a few things that I want to point out:

  • You guys lack Intimidate support which means you always get a full physical blow (Pokemon like Jellicent don't like those hits)

I would recommend of replacing Bronzong with Musharna with Mental Herb

Musharna @ Mental Herb
Trait: Telepathy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm/Bold Nature
- Psyshock
- Helping Hand
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Moonlight/ Status move/ Trick Room

I chose for HP Fire since you dont have a thing to hit Scizor

Also consider Porygon 2 with his amazing bulk

Good luck guys

ty AD :)
ty AD ;)
Who should select?
Yw Guys ;) Good luck with it ;)
ty AD :&
meh, I will upvote and if Jojo feels like he will select :P
im not gonna select either. if i select this it'll go to the top, so like hey half a team, then suggestions to make it better, then the other half
That is true though