After playing way too much OU lately, and discovering that it was getting extremely stale, I decided to start delving into lower tiers and have some fun. I didn't like NU, and recently posted an RU team on site that was pretty successful, but for the longest time, I didn't post a team for UU, a tier which I was quite good at before I went full blown OU. Because I wanted to, I built a team around a Pokemon that was somewhat revered in Generation 4 for being a bulky sweeper. That, my friends, is Deoxys-A. It's base 20 Defense is absolutely nothing to scoff at. It walls everything from Unown to Sunkern.
Just kidding.
In all seriousness, you'll see the bulky sweeper later on, I guess :P
Laddering wise, I hit 1915 yesterday, but my sisters got into TestingAlt123 and messed it up to 1800+ :C
So I decided to ladder a little with Mewderator. 1700+.
And I just noticed this team has no Gen 5 Pokemon. o3o
Team Preview:
Rotom-H and Flygon both are immune to Ground ~ this thing doesn't count abilities...
The Team:
Mew @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef | IVs: 0 Atk
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Will-O-Wisp
- Roost
- Night Shade
D'awwww, Mew has got to be the cutest Pokemon ever <3
Specially Defensive Mew is so boss. And no, I am not running SlipperyDevil's hated Mew set. Close, but I lack the Substitute :P
One can say that Mew is more or less the Celebi of UU; just with fewer key resistances. It tanks stuff really well, even though it is uninvested on the Physical side. Although a moveslot on the set does help in doing so. EVs are for maximum Special walling capabilities, while the IVs minimize Foul Play damage, a move that is quite prominent in UU. The moveset is quite standard for a Mew. Stealth Rock sets up hazards on my opponent's side, allowing my Pokemon to secure KOs easily, as well as wearing down walls for my sweepers. Will-O-Wisp bolsters Mew's Defense and makes Hitmontop a pain to bring down. Will-O-Wisp is also crucial against Umbreon, as Synchronizes gives Mew the burn, making Foul Play's damage weaker. Roost heals off any residual damage that Mew has taken, and is used over Softboild because Roost sounds cooler :3 And finally, Night Shade was used over Psychic and Seismic Toss due to the utility of Night Shade. Ghosts are rather common in UU, ruling out Seismic Toss, while Psychic had limited coverage.
Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- Sucker Punch
- Rapid Spin
- Toxic
Hitmontop is a crucial member on this team. Besides being a hard counter to one of UU's most threatening Physical sweepers, Heracross, Hitmontop also is necessary to my team's little VoltTurn core. EVs give maximum Physical walling capabilities, as well as 4 Spd EVs to outspeed opposing Hitmontops. Its Psychic weakness draws in Pokemon for my Weavile to screw over. Close Combat is STAB that is used over my favorite Hi Jump Kick because of accuracy, although the drops in Defense can suck at times, especially when I'm up against a Pokemon I should be walling. Close Combat's low PP also hurts when I'm up against something like the freaking wall named Umbreon. An edit to the team changed that situation slightly, however. Sucker Punch is useful priority against the Psychic and Ghost types Hitmontop draws in, and is able to pick off weakened sweepers. Hitmontop's niche in UU is mainly its ability to utilize Rapid Spin, removing hazards that UU almost always has on teams. FInally, Toxic let's me grab passive damage on Ghost Pokemon that switch into Hitmontop to spinblock, as well as walls such as Slowbro and Snorlax.
Suicune @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk | IVs: 0 Atk
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Scald
The bulky sweeper from Gen 4 as back, and it isn't slacking...most of the times, anyway. Suicune's walling sets seemed to be one of the best when I used Suicune in the past, but I really have to reconsider that statement. This set, although it can't do as much as it can with stat boosters as it could with Roar from its Defensive set. Being able to wall both sides of the attacking spectrum is a plus for this legendary CroCune set. EVs allow it to take as many Physical hits as possible while being able to boost in the Special side, and 0 IVs in Atk to minimize Foul Play damage. Calm Mind is the crux of the set, allowing the boosts to begin. After some boosts, it allows Suicune to be an effective mixed wall. Suicune will often face residual damage when boosting; therefore, Rest is a way for Suicune to continue to boost / attack, as it heals Suicune completely. Sleep Talk allows Suicune not to be completely useless when Rest is in play; it allows me to boost, Attack, or do nothing at all :P
Finally, STAB Scald is chosen over other offensive moves because of burn chance, racking up damage on the opponent quickly.
Continued below!