Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

Yup, Uber team brought to you by Poke'slash and KnightofDragón

Poke'slash: So here I was, derping around with Knightofdragon in chat, talking about the Gym Leader spots and wishing each other good luck, when we discovered something amazing: We both have a love for Ubers! Thus, a team was born. Team Poke'Knight.

Knightofdragon: A wild Poke'slash stormed into chat, and being the polite (not) person I was, I wished it (:3) luck on it's journey to become a Gym Leader. Then we somehow ended up talking about ubers and our mutual love for it, the amount of time which we had both been out of the metagame, thennn we made a team. And so Poke'Knight was born. And a really horrible team.

Ze building process

This is simplified as much as possible :3
So, since both of us excelled in rain uber teams (apparently) we decided to be mainstream, and make yet another rain team. So duh we needed kyogre.
After that, we went to go find our defensive core. And so it happened, Giratina + Arceus-Steel. Did I mention, Poke'Slash thought that Arceus's ability was Multiscale? :3
To simplify this part. Poke'slash went 'Can we have mewtwo? :3' so yeah >:D. And then we got Forretress because our team loves having hazards on the opposing side, and also appreciates not having pointed rocks digging into them every time they switch in.
Last but not least, we chucked in Zekrom. We needed a strong physical attacker, so we went through the list, throwing them all out, until... we reached the last pokemon on the list. Zekrom.

After that we went to test the team, but not before we had a great big trouble importing the team. Why we had trouble importing you ask? Well, we forgot to put Zekrom's EV set, we also forgot the hyphens on the moveset for Forretress, Arceus's ability was written as Multiscale and I misspelled Choice Specs as Choice Spes...
Anyway lets fast forward to the end of testing - we didn't exactly test for a year and a half, I managed to get up to mid 1600s on an alt in laddering , before falling and not being bothered to continue laddering. Then Poke'slash had to go :c.
Also, if you've read this bit and are thinking 'OMG NUBS, ground weakness helllloo' We know :P. However, Forretress and Giratina both have the ability to take those ground attacks, primarily the physical ones. The special ones? (Earth power) - bah Kyogre can take them as well as Giratina.

The Team - Stare at it till your eyes pop out

Descriptions done by the both of us

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Stare in horror as the bringer of the rains, master of the seas bears down upon you puny mortals and unleashes his devestating downpour
Dieplz (Kyogre) @ Choice Specs
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Water Spout
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Thunder
This was originally going to be a CM Rest-Talk set, but the KoD pointed out, two Rest-Talkers on the same team may not be wise. So I voted for HYPER OFFENSE. I think you can see where this is going.
Since being lazy is a great thing here's the ridiculous power of Kyogre
Base 131 Water Spout (Factoring a Stealth Rock switch with Kyogre);
>vs 252/216+ Ludicolo: 29.67% - 34.89%
vs 248/252+ Giratina: 36.97% - 43.53%
vs 0/0 Palkia: 38.94% - 45.79%
vs 4/252+ Chansey: 42.52% - 50.16% (Possible 2HKO; guaranteed on Bold with Stealth Rock)
vs 252/224+ Tentacruel: 52.2% - 61.5% (Might survive for a bit with Rain Dish + Protect)
vs 252/252+ Ferrothorn: 53.98% - 63.64% (2HKO)
vs 252/4 Arceus (resist): 56.08% - 66.22% (OHKO on other Arceus)
vs 104/0 Zekrom: 79.84% - 94.01% (Possible OHKO with Stealth Rock)
vs 252/80 Lugia: 91.59%+ (OHKO with Stealth Rock)

Considering some of them quad resist Water Spout (Palkia, Ludicolo), thats a pretty hefty amount of damage.
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Tremble in fear as the mighty psychic being know as Mewtwo destroys all that stand in his way
Y U Live? (Mewtwo) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Psystrike
- Ice Beam
- Shadow Ball
- Aura Sphere

Ahh, Revengekiller Mewtwo. Timid Nature and Scarf lets it hit 591 speed, allowing it to outspeed the entire unboosted tier, as well as a nice chunk of the +1 tier. It also gives it a Speed Tie against Ditto, which is actually quite common in Main's Ubers Ladder.
The moves are typical Mewtwo, except with Shadow Ball, which is run in place of the usual Fire Blast thingy, since this is a rain team.
You know the drill, no point writing anything more

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Watch in awe, as this mighty goat... thingabobby. Oh wait wrong picture
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Tremble in fear as the mighty Creator dons his impenetrable armour of steel and enters the battlefield and passes judgement on the mortals which he created
Arceus-Flying (Arceus-Steel) @ Iron Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Recover

We stared at this pokemon for 5 minutes before KoD suggested a bulky sweeper. I honestly have not used Arceus-Steel recently, despite it being one of my favorites. But this set works pretty well as a staller and a sweeper.
Anyway, Swords Dance sets up, Iron Head+Earthquake for the attacking moves and good coverage, with Recover to heal off damage and get some more boosts. Also, it works well when Giratina's burned the opponent.
Nobody likes Extremekiller Arceus. >:C

Character limits sak, rest of the team coming in a fishy (Kod --> cod :3) answer

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;o a SD Arceus W/out Extremespeed, :O gj Sexy Pocket'Slash! .... that is all c:
Thank you sexy Starsign. :P
That moment when you realize you've gotten +3 votes in one night. Wow.
This Team is incredibly weak to Sand, specifically Excadrill, who after a SD, destroys this entire Team with Kyogre down. It also can simply spin away your Hazards. I'd suggest replacing Arceus-Steel with a Levitate Poke, or Rayquaza(Air Lock) to take down Exca easily. Scarf Genesect poses as a big threat here too.
Mike is right. The reason I failed was because you still had Kyogre alive ;P

That and I sacked my weather setter. And I was still asleep.
jk bout the last one
Wow. I tried to write "Kijanub shaddup" and autocorrect changed it to "KIJANIWOO" in those all caps. *awkward cough*

@ Mike, you make valid points. I think we could take on Excadrill, as neither Giratina(Will-O-Wisp), nor Arceus(Earthquake) will allow Exca to set up if Kyogre's down.
I'd rather not replace Arceus, but Genesect does seem like a threat. I'll let KoD have the final say here.
*points out that Exca got 2HKO on Giratina*
bump again.

1 Answer

0 votes

Ze rest of the team

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The master of the distortion world rises from its Shadowy depths and stand firm as it laughs at the myriad of attacks launched at it
It'dBeAShame (Giratina) @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Sleep Talk
- Rest
- Dragon Tail

One of my favourite Giratina sets :3. Will-O-Wisp allows it to shut down physical attackers (I'm looking at you, extremekiller Arceus). Rest+Sleep Talk gives it reliable recovery and Dragon Tail allows it to phaze boosting threats not behind a substitute out. It's walling capacities are immense, being able to take on even Kyogre's choice specs Water Spout (Below is a calculation factoring stealth rock damage to Kyogre, but Giratina can stil take it on without Stealth Rocks in play - Water Spout is base 131 power after rocks damage).
>252+ Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs 248/252+ Giratina: 36.97% - 43.53%

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The odd one out in this team of mighty legends and myths, Forretress struggles to find a place among such teammates. However, his strength comes out best when his teammates are threataned by the hazards which the opponents have cowardly put up in a futile attempt to weaken them
AFortOfSteel (Forretress) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Volt Switch

Yeah I'm a coward too, using hazards. Pwoblem? :3
Anyway, standard fare forretress. Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards, Stealth Rock + Spikes for your own hazards. Originally Forretress has Toxic Spikes + Stealth Rock, but we changed it to Spikes to give Giratina's Will-O-Wisp more times to be used. Volt Switch is to run away, or for switch initiative (Slow volt switches, ftw)

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As he thunders across the land, the might Dragon of Ideals known as Zekrom frys all those stupid enough to face his wrath
YouCan'tHide (Zekrom) @ Leftovers
Trait: Teravolt
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Impish Nature
- Substitute
- Hone Claws
- Bolt Strike
- Outrage

Substitute + Hone Claws Zekrom. Yay :D
Normally don't see this guy in Ubers, but his still pretty damn good. Substitue gives him a buffer against Status, while Hone Claws allows him to set up, lifting his attack and the accuracy of his moves, most notably Bolt Strike. Bolt Strike and Outrage are the STAB moves of choice, with strong coverage.

http://pokemonshowdown.com/replay/ubers-52441394 (This one was... so wierd. Poke'slash also posted it on the replays thread, watch at your own risk)
Fail Kijanub is not so fail: http://pokemonshowdown.com/replay/pokemondatabase-ubers-558
+ Some other ones which can't be bothered to post/didn't save. Yay :D

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Amazing job man!