Pokémon Rate My Team
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Note from the author:

This rmt has a great chance of being a little lenghty due to the fact that my intentions are to explain the team till the tiniest detail in order for my way of thinking whiles building this team will be made clear and why certain decisions were made
I do promise that the next rmt I will make or will be part of will not be as long as this one will most likely be so please excuse me for this time

Well hello and welcome to my rmt. I am guessing that if you are reading this you already have your reading glasses on so I guess there is only one thing left to say...
Enjoy :D

From a flame...to a Solar Prominence

At first, the idea if building a sun team sounded preposterous in my ears seeing as I had no interest in the rivaling weather of my precious rain. But then the following happened...
One day I was helping a good friend of mine with a rain team that was in all truth very solid. An excellent Ubers rain-stall team wielding Pokemon that profit from the rain like no other and that wield the bulk of Hephaestus himself.....but then in a battle against a Semi-stall Sun team that mythical bird managed to show it's presence on the battlefield when rain was at the upper hand. I expected it's attack to perhaps dent the impervious walls that formed the rain-team but gravely contradicting my expectations, it left a huge hole in the entire team KOing Palkia, Ferrothorn, 2HKOing Giratina etc....
Upon seeing such a wonderful legendary Pokemon that earned it's title like no other in such magnificent combat, I said o myself:" The day I decide to make a sun team, Ho-oh shall surely be in it, no matter how many times I would have to adjust the team to make it Ho-oh friendly"
And so the first member of this team was forged and destined for greatness

Well, my intentions were to make Ho-oh shine till the fullest and the only way I accomplish this was to place it in it's paternal weather, sun. It was rather easy finding the second teammate. However I must say that in the beginning I was rather unhandy with Groudon seeing as I am usually busy with it's counterpart Kyogre. At this moment the types seemed to be pretty well balanced and Ho-oh could nearly always switch into Groudon knowing that it's weakness would either be weakened or nulified. I figured that there were many ways to utilize Groudon effectively and to keep it around longer then Kyogre but this did take a lot of time and practice manily because I had never faced an opponent that was able to keep Groudon alive for a very long time seeing as a lot of unsafe and obvious switch ins-and out were made. Currently I had near perfect coverage but there was still one thing that I was currently undealt with, Water.

I figured that I should abuse rain till the fullest without having a graving weakness to water. I figured that a grass type would not only be able to set-up well in sun but in all the weathers. I had a supporter and a physical attacker, but I had no special attacker yet. Though Shaymin-Sky was incredible in my previous team, I did realize that in sun there is still a Pokemon that harshly rivals. Venusaur. A little bulkier then Shaymin on the specially defensive side and faster then it in sun whiles also being one of my Water resisters as well as special sweeper, Venusaur soon proved to me that it was an excellent Pokemon on the team and thus rounded up the first 3 weaknesses as it's weaknesses were also either neutralized or resisted by.
Though Shaymin too has access to Growth, the fact that it is a rather frail Pokemon, this can be a little harder to pull of so I just played safe and went for Venusaur. Another reason for picking it over Shaymin was though Shaymin is only weak to one hazard, Venusaur often prohibits and or nulifies probably the most annoying hazard ever, Toxic Spikes clearing them off the field for the entire team without me having to waste turn switching in a spinner, spinning and switching back out.

Even with Venusaur, Kyogre was still a major threat for Venusaur suffers from a straight KO from a Choice Speced rain boosted Water Spout from a Modest Kyogre. With it gone I would have to rely on Ho-oh to deal with Kyogre which was possible seeing as I did some investment in speed but also rather unreliable and should Ho-oh return to Ash's before the 5 centuries are over, I would be in a dilemma. Firstly I immediately thought of Palkia that can possibly wall or force out Kyogre but then I would need a fast variant leaving me with a scarf Palkia. So well I started off with some few test battles with Palkia in sun which to be very frank costed me a lot of losses as it repeatedly failed to land a straight KO on Kyogre often enabling Kyogre to Calm Mind rest in my face or to just dent me with Ice Beam. If not this I usually had my bait switch in for Blissey that kept Kyogre alive for long with a strategy I use myself.....Mega Wish. Also seeing that many Pokemon in the tier seem to have monstrous special bulk I figured I had one way to turn to. So again Zekrom had become my prime revenge killer as well as my Kyogre check, Stallbreaker and Semi-Wall breaker all in one and to be honest works like a wonder. The ability to KO leads that often determine the battle is just wonderful and unlike Palkia guaranteed me to land a clean and successful KO each time I faced a Kyogre. With this the team seemed to be becoming more and more fun to play with

The last team members are just 2 Pokemon that have proven to be one of the best defensive cores if not the best in the Uber tier mainly because they are capable of walling and supporting to no end. I have used them both in all my Uber teams and not once have they seized to amaze me
The moment I knew that I was going to have Ho-oh on my team, I knew that I needed a spinner otherwise Ho-oh would be doomed to fall
Anyhow my point is that I went for Forretress once again. What stuns me is that how a Pokemon that has no fraction of offense can be such a pain to deal with even when things or rather negative for it. It's physical bulk is very appealing thus serving as my physical sponge, hazard layer and spinner. Once a foe is locked into Outrage or similar move, laying hazards and or spinning myself out of them is child's play

I must confess that Blissey was originally not going to be part of this team but I was rather going to use Mewtwo, however though Mewtwo seemed to be quite the Pokemon, the fact that it isn't exactly bulky enough to take repeated attacks and relies on attack hard and fast it became the team's Achilles Heel. So yes I replaced one of the most powerful Pokemon for the pink blob. As you might have realized I tend to be much handier with bulky Pokemon then with plain offensive ones. I am a much deadlier opponent with a Blissey then I am with a Mewtwo. For some reason there is just more magic in the battle when I have a Blissey by my side. She is like the mother of the team. She makes sure that big bully Kyogre dpesn't harm her young ones as well as all other special attackers/sweepers and status inducers. Thanks to the wishes she sends of from her benevolent egg of happiness, she is able to restore a weakened team to it's full potential. Even when I try to manage without her, I can't and with this I have come to conclusion that Blissey is just that one puzzle piece that makes my Uber teams whole

Details on the moveset and roles shall be explained below


I want upvotes for my teams though. And c'mon, so does everyone. If this is someone's RMT writing style, so be it (btw, my RMTs will revolve around be being an asshat from now on).

So I agree that upvoting before the team's even posted is premature, but I also agree that people write this truckload of information because they want to see their team liked by others, and I guess writing more detail is proof of more effort? Not that I necessarily think that's true, but it just gives the impression of more effort.
I would say this detail is great if you have a confusing looking team (which yours don't tend to be). That said, I actually like reading all of your stuff, because as someone (tazzie?) said it can help to understand your thoughts.

Blobby, I read the first sentence of your comment and knew it was you :P
Yeah another reason is that you don't suck teams out of your thumb and since I only do this for Uber rmts I do think it can be nice to know how and why Pokemon were added and removed. After all, no one is forced to read the team building process and like tazzie said, if you really don't want to read, the sets are there. I don't feel hurt if it isn't read mainly because I enjoy writing it.

2 Answers

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Groudon @ Leftovers

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Trait: Drought
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spd
Impish Nature

  • Dragon Tail/Roar
  • Earthquake
  • Fire Blast
  • Stealth Rock

This is a pretty standard Support Groudon set however I did dedecut a little HP to invest a little in speed just outpace slow bulky attackers and to possible rid of them when weakened before they can still attack. Groudon's presence is of vital importance to the team as it does not only serve as my sun summoner but also as my SR setter and physical wall and phazer and with this one of my 2 counters for Extremekiller Arceus. Though a little unreliable compared to Roar, I prefer Dragon Tail for the sole reason of it being able to damage as well as phaze. Though I am completely blocked by the Substitute in which Ho-oh and Kyogre seem to be the main abusers of substitute in Ubers, I think Dragon Tail works just that tad bit more effective though I must say from time to times I do replace it with Roar. Earthquake is my only STAB but nonetheless still very power. Helps get passed Heatran, Terrakion and opposing Zekrom as well as enable me to hit Dialga for noticeable damage on the switch-in. It is also a nice way to rid of opposing pink blob's though I will most likley get intoxicated so I often avoid attacking them unless I predict a switch-in. I chose Fire Blast over Stone Edge mainly because I see so much more use in it. The only Pokemon that would give me a reason to run Stone Edge would be Ho-oh which I already have solidly countered by Zekrom and Ho-oh. Fire Blast enables me to get past Ferrothorn, Forretress, Genesect, Skarmory and Scizor. All who tend to be menaces in today's Uber metagame. Stealth Rock is just that little surprise you leave in front of the door usually hoping for Ho=oh to be the first to see it. It is also helps ware down some annoying Pokemon such as Dialga to a level where Zekrom can easily finish it off

Ho-oh @ Life Orb

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Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Adamant Nature

  • Tailwind
  • Sacred Fire
  • Brave Bird
  • Earthquake

The bright star itself. Ho-oh is an incredibly powerful Pokemon that threatens to KO-2HKO every single thing in the tier with relative ease. I decided not to run a choice band set mainly due to how harshly it limits Ho-oh. With the release of Regenerator Ho-oh I can now freely spam high powered moves without having to worry that my health will get to low for once I switch out and back in, I have recovered a whole load of HP. With some Blissey support Ho-oh just seems impossible to stop. Thanks a reliable spin support I saw little utility in Roost so I replaced the neverbeing roost with Tailwind. One of Ho-oh's drawbacks was it's middling speed. I was thinking of Flame Charge at first seeing as it has nice power in sun, however Ho-oh rarely gets the chance to stay in on all of it's boost so it seemed much more convenient to have not only it's speed but the speed stat of the entire team to be boosted by 2 stages seeing as it will be a waste of time to lose all the effort put in raising it's speed when you are forced out and with phazing moves being popular in Ubers, it was just redundant in my opinion. Sacred Fire is probably the best physically damaging Fire type move in the entire game seeing as it has no drawback whatsoever. With a beautiful chance to burn the opponent and with sacred power in sun, Sacred Fire is not only Ho-oh's signature move but also one of it's deadliest. Brave Bird is that move that brings the tier to it's knees. There is no such thing that can safely switch in on Brave Bird for even those that resist it will be dented for life for it will damage even the most prominent physical walls for noticeable damage and destroy every team that did not prepare to face this magnificent bird.

Forretress (M)@ Red Card

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Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature

  • Spikes
  • Toxic Spikes
  • Rapid Spin
  • Pain Split

Credits to Mr.K for the set

Anyhow, Forretress serves as the spinner, hazard layer and physical sponge. However I gave it the Red Card mainly due to my fear for Extremekiller Arceus. With Groudon already laying the Stealth Rock, Forretress continues to lay the remaining hazards that weaken Pokemon enough for them to be revenge killed by Zekrom. Spikes is really most essential as unlike Toxic Spikes it isn't nulified by a poison type whiles it hits every non levitating/flying Pokemon a decent amount of HP once fully executed. Toxic Spikes was just added for an extra annoyance seeing as I don't need to waste a turn intoxicating a foe. Once damage is taken from Stealth Rocks, Spikes and Toxic Spikes, Blissey and or Zekrom can easily finish off a weakened foe. The team in general doesn't really mind hazards but on the other hand, Ho-oh, around which the team i built around can't afford to take damage from the most popular entry hazard, Stealth Rock. With Rapid Spin Forretress provides a safe field for it's teammates. Due to the fact that Forretress doesn't have access to reliable recovery, Pain Split is the only way that Forretress can restore it's health. With the tier's Pokemon possessing great HPand with Forretress having access to Sturdy, it has the potential to not only heal but also to dent opponents

Your biggest worry about running Red Card is if you come in on Rocks, they come in with EKiller, they'll just set-up completely, or they'll get loads of free set-up while you have to switch out because any good battler will see you don't have Lefties. Pain Split won't get you to full HP either. So you'll have to switch and they'll have at the least two free SDances. Chances are you'd switch back to Forre (I can't remember if Red Card forces a switch even if the poke is knocked out). But you still lose your EKiller wall. Although Groudon can be back up.
So should I stick with lefties?
If your goal with the team is to ladder on PS, then stick with Red Card as people tend to not notice small things like that. If your pupose is to enter tournaments and defeat people who actually know how to battle, go with lefties. I prefer Lefties + Pain Split as I can get to max health more often that way.
oh ok, ty :)
0 votes

Blissey (F) @Leftovers

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Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SDef / 4 Spd
Calm Nature

  • Wish
  • Toxic
  • Seismic Toss
  • Protect

Blissey's main purpose on this team is to sponge them special attacks. However she also functions as the overall supporter. Natural Cure also earned her the title of status absorber as she is one of the few Pokemon that can actually live with a status condition.With Wish she doesn’t only recover her own health but also that of her own teammates. With good prediction she can keep the team up for a decent amount of time. With the fact that she wields the largest HP in Pokemon, her wishes will most likely always maximize the health of her teammates. The Toxic and Seismic Toss combination and will bring a Pokemon to 0 before you actually notice it. Mainly here to slowly take care of Walls and threatening Pokemon should Toxic Spikes not be set up yet or should it fail.. Protect has 3 functions:

  • Stall out Pokemon with Toxic
  • See what move choiced Pokemon will be landing
  • Keep Blissey safe when expecting Wish

Deadly Nightshade (Venusaur) (F) @ Life orb

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Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Naive Nature

  • Growth
  • Giga Drain/Grass Knot
  • Hidden Power [Fire]
  • Earthquake

Venusaur is pretty much one of the 3 Pokemon that abuses sun and the only one that fully abuses it. In sun Growth raises it's offensive presence by 2 stages making it a near unstoppable force as long as it's preferred weather is active. To be honest I am not sure if I should run Giga Drain or Grass Knot. Giga Drain has constant power which is much more reliable and it enables me to still hit Manaphy for a good amount of damage, however Grass Knot hits much harder in the Uber tier seeing as nearly every Pokemon in the tier weighs over 100 kg so a suggestion on this would be appreciated. Previously Sludge Bomb was in this moveslot as it was a powerful STAB with a good amount of chance to poison the foe. However I replaced it with Hidden Power Fire for the sole reason to not be completely walled by Ferrothorn and Genesect. Though I am not sure if it was a smart idea so I will highly appreciate every form of feedback on this. Lastly I have Earthquake which is extremely powerful after a few growths and it enables Venusaur to hit Dialga, Zekrom, Heatran etc extremely hard and threaten them with a KO after a few boost

Zekrom @ Choice Scarf

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Trait: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Adamant Nature

  • Bolt Strike
  • Outrage
  • Volt Switch
  • Dragon Claw

Though slower then the most used scarfers, Zekrom can do something that every one of them fails to do, kill Kyogre. Zekrom can determine victory in the first turn that it makes it's appearance on the battlefield. Bolt Strike is the most powerful move in this moveset and will threaten many Uber Pokemon with a straight KO as well as eviscerate many leads before they get too comfortable. He is pretty much The Anti-Lead and revenge killer and parallel to my expectations it even does a better job then Palkia at it. Volt Switch is just a move I decided to add to scout out and to at least still do some damage. Outrage is nicely spammable move once all of Zekrom's checks are removed and only a few weakened Pokemon are left over, Outrage is just they way to clean the field. However in many cases I will just tend to use Dragon Claw as it still wields great power+it gets STAB. An overall safer move to use when killing of dragons or weakened Pokemon seeing as it is too risky to go on a wild Outrage.


Well that was pretty much it. I do appreciate any form of constructive criticism. Seeing as it is really late here I will most likely reply to later comments much later
kudos if you read it, kudos if you didn't


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Woo! Great team!
Female Venasaur can't get Chlorophyll :3
Yeah I realized since I set it to female but anytime I battle it is male xD