Pokémon Rate My Team
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Haii people.
Anyway so, here I am with Valet, also known as Jojo, also known as Aeternis etc. my Databse brother (Sempi and Aeternis :3) with our first joint RMT together, as well as one of the first (Maybe the first? I don't know >.>) Gen 6 Pokebank Uber RMTs so far.
Josh and Jojo. Alliteration. Yush. And yes my name is Josh like the many other couple hundred users on this site called Josh. Booo.

Anyway so yeah, with both of us having played Ubers a bit, we decided to make a team together to enter the new generation, which brought in new threats in the form of mega-pokemon and the new type, Fairy which made Dragon Types run home with their tails between their legs.

How to cause the Apocalypse

So the moment we got onto our pad and decided to build a team together we had to include one of the newly introduced ubers - so we had a pick between Xerneas and Yveltal. After much deliberation, we decided Xerneas was basically too mainstream and threw it out the window, to give Yveltal some glory on our new team. In regards to what Yveltal would do, we had a look at it, and decided that with it's nice speed and excellent offensive stats, to make it a scarfer. So yeah, wow we had our Revenge Killer all done right off the bat. XD

So after that, we decided to grab something that would at least somewhat cover Yveltal. To make this a little bit quicker, here's what was up on our pad right after Yveltal made his star debut on our team;
>Let's see.......weak to electric...which is quite common....weak to SR....so we will most likely need a spinner/defogger....weak to Rock...which is uncommon....weak to Ice....which is still uncommon besides Kyogre's Ice Beam....and the rare Arceus-Ice......weak to well I think that's all T^T
Perhaps a Pokemonmon that enjoys electric type attacks and that can mind a paralysis
Oh and maybe...just maybe a spinner/defogger....

You get the gist. Anyway, so we debated utilising Arceus Ground because it could take Electric attacks with ease (Because it's immune), as well as Rock attacks. We also decided to use Defog as our choice of Hazard-Remover over Rapid Spin, so Arceus-Ground could function in that role too. However, after staring at our pad aimlessly, we decided that the dual Ice Weakness Arceus-Ground provided wouldn't be nice and decided to go an extremely wierd direction - Support Arceus Electric. It gave us a pokemon to take Electric attacks, wasn't weak to Ice, and was also a solid check to Ho-oh and could take on some variants of Kyogre.

Our next pokemon we decided on was Florges, one of the new Fairy type pokemon. Why you ask? Florge's massive special defense and decent enough HP allowed it to be our lovely Dragon Counter- and more importantly stopping people with a Flower has got to be one of the best things ever. And it's b00tiful! Additionally Florges was an excellent response to alot of the major uber pokemon (I'm looking at you Palkia), and also provided us with Wish Support. Blissey saks k?

So just a quick recap. Yveltal, Arceus-Electric and Florges on our team so far.
At this point we realised will still needed to address the pressing problem of Xerneas, who right now rampaged unchecked through our team. And then we saw it. Guess plz? :3
Mega Scizor of course.
So Mega Scizor's fantastic attack and defense, as well as good special defense made it an instant standout, and it's ability to kill Xerneas with a Technician Bullet Punch, as well as set up a Swords Dance with ease made it an instant bringer of doom and death. So of course we'd stick it onto this team.

Alright. So next up we decided that we wanted a Tank.
enter image description here
Oh wait wrong one. Eerrm. Well in truth we never actually ended up with a tank of any kind. We ended up using a wall. A Great Wall. A Giratina :D
An excellent counter to Extremekiller Arceus, as well as other boosting pokemon who Giratina can just phaze out and physically based pokemon who Giratina can just burn. Also providing a good counter to Mewtwos utilising a Psystrike + Aura Sphere combo, and the Mega Forms with burn to screw up X and Y is basically the normal one but stronger. ^_^

So here comes the hard part. The last pokemon. This one took us the longest amount of time, as we were really unsure what pokemon to use. We considered one of the staples from Gen 5 and before, Kyogre, but the weather nerf put us off, and the fact Kyogre didn't do anything particularly important for our team. However, another look at our team showed us we lacked a little in the Physical Department - so we settled with one of the old ubers who got thrown into OU, but was still a great pokemon for Ubers (And I have no idea what I'm saying) - Blaziken. So this chicken, in all it's blazing glory became the last member of our team, with it's high attack and awesome speed boost ability. We decided that we would replace it if it failed epically - but luckily it didn't.


It really sucks that Marrilands doesn't support Gen 6 properly yet. T^T

Type                            Resist                           Weakness
Normal                      Scizor, Giratina
Fire                        Giratina, Blaziken                   Scizor
Fighting                    Giratina, Florges
Water                       Giratina      Blaziken
Flying                      Arceus        Blaziken
Grass                  Blaziken, Scizor, Giratina, Yveltal
Poison                      Giratina, Scizor                     Florges
Electric                    Giratina, Arceus                     Yveltal
Ground                      Yveltal                            Arcues, Blaziken
Psychic                     Yveltal, Scizor                      Blaziken
Rock                       We-has-will-o-wisp                    Yveltal
Ice                         Blaziken, Scizor                 Yveltal, Giratina
Bug                   Blaziken, Scizor, Giratina, Florges
Dragon                      Scizor, Florges                      Giratina
Ghost                       Yveltal                              Giratina
Dark                  Yveltal, Florges, Blaziken                 Giratina
Steel                       Blaziken, Arceus                     Florges
Fairy                       Scizor                               Blaziken

Replays and Rating

Showdown replays not working, ladder saks. Later.
VS CS Gen 6 Team
Vs Pika Master
Vs Guy who was 2062 rating on the ladder
Replay 4
Replay 5
Replay 6

Some more on the pad, I'll fetch them later too.

Aeternis - 1776
Sempiternus - 1583
(Yes we've both barely laddered. I've done like 6 matches, Aeternis has done like 15 :P)

Anyway team in detail coming in the Answers with Jojo.

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1 Answer

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Uriel(Yveltal) @ Choice Scarf

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Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 20 HP / 252 SAtk / 236 Spd
Modest Nature

  • Dark Pulse
  • Focus Blast
  • Oblivion Wing
  • U-turn

Forever hiding behind the shadow of Xerneas this magnificent bird, Yveltal's potential is forever forgotten. It serves as our scarfer and does an excellent job at it as it's base 99 speed enables it to outpace all the common scarfers barring Palkia and Terrakion. It's diverse movepool enables it to counter and hit nearly every Lead Pokemon with relative ease. Dark Pulse serves as our primary STAB and most potential move as it gets that beautiful Dark Aura boost and with this enables us to 2HKO many many Pokemon including what was always called Great Wall, Lugia. Dark+Fighting+Flying makes perfect coverage thus making Focus Blast and Oblivion Wing very complimenting to this set <: opening the way for us to stop EKiller Arceus and dent the bulky steel type. We decided to use Oblivion Wing over Hurricane because we couldn't afford having 2 very unreliable moves and recovering whiles hitting hard is always fun. Finally U-Turn to keep the momentum and to scout out to various members including our Xerneas counter Scizor. 236 Speed EVs lets us outspeed base 150s by 1 measly point and lets us outspeed base 95 scarfers or at +1 who don't run positive natures. Special Attack is maxed and the rest is dumped onto HP

Disgruntled Goat(Arceus-Electric) @ Zap Plate

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Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spd
Bold Nature

  • Defog
  • Recover
  • Judgment
  • Will-O-Wisp

We calmed down Arceus in his rampaging form and humbled him down to a Disgruntled Goat supporting the team with Defog. Since we aren't placing any hazards Defog was just perfect <:
Long Live Arceus! With Recover this is very much possible and will cause it to Defog for much longer. No one escapes the wrath of the mighty Arceus lest thou be struck by lightning. It's only STAB move that will grant us the power to strike down Kyogre and Ho-oh. Finally Will-O-Wisp making crippling physical sweepers child play. The 16 Speed EVs are to outspeed neutral base 90s, allowing us to topple Kyogre and Ho-oh, as well as cripple the likes of Groudon. HP is maxed, and the rest is put onto defense.

Anthousia(Florges) @ Leftovers

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Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 52 SDef
Calm Nature

  • Wish
  • Aromatherapy
  • Moonblast
  • Protect

Feel the wrath of a flower!
Yes indeed we decided to try out Florges and thus moving Blissey out of the way. Despite her not having the sublime HP of Blissey which is rather unfortunate her ability to wall all Dragon type moves is something all must wish for. Paired up with Giratina the 2 make an outstanding defensive core. Wishing upon a star was Blissey's job but Florges is now our Wisher. Despite not recovering as much health as Blissey it's still a lot. Protect ensures a safe Wish for Florges herself of course and helps out stall time to recover just the amount of required HP with the leftovers. To keep our offensive core safe from all status and to awaken a Giratina who switched out in deep slumber we added Aromatherapy. With this move we don't only support our team but also keep her status free baring sleep. Finally Moonblast. a move that does a ridiculous amount of damage to the majority of the tier thus stopping many dragons in a fracture of time. The EVs are to bolster Florge's lower defense, while maintaining a respectable special defense stat as well.

Daddy(Scizor)(M) @ Scizorite

http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/d9c12511bc48ea1c0b4c978e199f7206/http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss154/SoulGimpi/Rp%20characters/ScizorSprite.pngenter image description here
Ability: Technician
EVs: 200 HP / 132 Atk / 176 SDef
Adamant Nature

  • Swords Dance
  • Bullet Punch
  • Bug Bite
  • Roost

This one is for you Daddynician c:
With Mega Scizor around there is no such thing as a Xerneas. Should this monster get to 4x everything will die to either Bullet Punch or Bug Bite for even Kyogre will die to Bullet Punch. However to get to these extreme levels we do need a boosting move, 2 words:Sword Dance. A few turns of this move and victory is declared. Everyone knows the popular technician Bullet Punch..I don't think I must explain why Scizor has this move...
Bug Bite is just for when we want hit the Bulkier Pokemon in the tier but mainly the bulkier Dark and Psychic types. Though a few in number, we take no risks e_e
It's not Superpower...it's not Pursuit...it's not Quick Attack...It's Roost!Yeah just to ensure that Scizor gets enough boost Roost is pretty much the move it needs to survive.
A more bulky EV spread lets us take attacks with better ease, and the attack evs allow us to hit just over 400 attack.

Roasted Chicken(Blaziken) (M) @ Life Orb

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Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature

  • Protect
  • Swords Dance
  • Earthquake
  • Flare Blitz

Fallen from Ubers we have Blaziken terrorizing the OU tier, however it still is a potent threat in it's former home. As you can see this is just the standard set of terror but if I must explain....
Protect is to get that first Speed Boost
Sword Dance is to ensure a sweep....one is all we need...
So yeah High Jump Kick always misses but like always and since the only thing it covers more the Ground is Fighting is Dark....we just replaced it with Earthquake so in other words.....no more Heatran.
And Flare Blitz is our most powerful move. At 2x Blaziken can potentially 1-2HKO the entire tier.
Self-explanatory EVs for a sweeper set :D

Anitarig(Giratina-A) @ Leftovers

enter image description here
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Impish Nature

  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Rest
  • Sleep Talk
  • Dragon Tail

Last but most certainly not least we have The Great Wall itself, Giratina. It serves as our phazer. Despite not having hazards, set-up walls and sweepers are like everywhere. Will-O-Wisp is just here for the nullifying of physical sweepers whiles Dragon Tail is here to phaze them out...What Extreme Killer? Rest and Sleep Talk form an excellent combo. I mean who doesn't like to Talk whiles Sleeping e_e. With this we not only recover on health but we also shrug of status ailments. The standard smogon set, the EVs maximise Giratina's walling capabilities.

Anyway that's it from us - our Gen 6 Pokebank Ubers team. We hope you didn't hate it too much so goodbye for now our friends, and may we meet again!

~Jojo and Josh

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Idk, Kyogre can give you trouble once Florges is down.
Hmm IDK whether I like the team. You are trying out Pokemon that just don't preform in ubers such as Florges and Scizor (both forms). Blissey pretty much has dragons locked down anyway unless its physical but gl with the flower taking any physical hit. Even then Florges can't really tank choicd specs rain boosted Water Spout due to no resistances and a low HP.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs. 252 HP / 52 SpD (custom) in rain: 444-523 (123.33 - 145.27%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Not the sturdiest special wall, right?

Scizor I'm not fond of. It never had a place in ubers and even now only has the ability to semi check Xerneas. Same goes for Arceus-E which is outclassed in so many ways.

The biggest problem with this team is pretty much the fact you have forgotten to try check every major threat, instead you have tried to get perfect synergy which isn't that practical. When you are relying so much on synergy, plays become obvious. Also you may resist fire ect but how do you plan to counter it? Good luck dealing with Ho-oh because I don't believe anything on your team actually has the potential to 2hko it apart from possibly Arceus. Which brings me onto my final point. Maybe ubers has changed since I last played but I'm pretty certain hazards are pretty much essential on any team.
Yeah Arcues get the 2HKO and also outspeeds non scarf/flame charge variants who run Adamant
Also, the problem with hazards is we run Defog - which gets rid of hazards from both sides now so we can't run hazards as a matter of fact.
Choice variants of Kyogre can also be handled with Giratina :<
I would've called blaziken KFC. Either blaziken or moltres could be named that I guess.
I'd say Xerneas gives Scizor enough of a reason to be used in Ubers, as it is the best way to deal with it in my experience (and based off my damage calculations, I believe I can safely say in everybody's experience) thanks to the guaranteed OHKO. The thing has only two non-gimmick counters, Arceus Poison and Ho-oh, which are fairly unreliable since Arceus only counters if no Psyshock and Ho-oh only counters if no Rocks. Lacking Scizor means you're in for a world of hurt, relying on the 30% probability of Focus Blast missing. Sure Scizor only checks Xerneas, but a check on it is more useful than a check on other Pokemon, since you're preventing it from easily getting up Geomancy in future encounters with it.