Pokémon Rate My Team
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Frosty@Life Orb
252 Special Attack, 252 Health, 4 Special Defense
Energy Ball
Focus Blast
Of course, a hail team needs a hail setter. Life Orb increases his power even more. Blizzard is an incredibly strong attack and with 100% accuracy can pack a punch. Energy Ball is another STAB move and can pack a punch. Focus Blast is for coverage against rock and steel types. Protect is to scout moves and protect itself from teammate's attacks.

Manny@Life Orb
252 Health, 126 Attack, 126 Special Attack
Ice Shard
Stone Edge
Back from the Ice Age, Manfred the Mammoth is back to kick some butt. With life orb, Manny's attack is increased by 30%. Blizzard is a powerful STAB move that Mamoswine can utilize well with it's OK special attack. Ice Shard is there to finish off foes and to revenge kill. Earthquake is the most powerful attack Mamoswine has.Stone Edge is coverage against fire types.

Snow Ghost@Life Orb
252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Defense
Shadow Ball
Thunder Wave
The Snow Ghost of Christmas past is here to spook the foes in battle. Like the other teammates mentioned so far, Snow Ghost also wields a life orb. Snow Ghost also has 100% accuracy blizzard. Shadow Ball is another STAB move. Thunderbolt is for coverage against water types while Psychic is for coverage against fighting types that my team fears so much.

Bronzong@Light Clay
252 Health, 126 Defense, 126 Special Defense
Light Screen
Bronzong is my dual screen setter... nothing unusual here. Payback is for attacking. Hypnosis is a good support move to use. When paired up with one of my Earthquakers, Bronzong is pretty useful because of it's ability levitate.

252 Health, 126 Defense, 126 Special Attack
Fake Out
Doug the Dewgong is my staller. With fake out, it sets up a chance for my other pokemon to KO the foe without being KO'd itself. Blizzard is a strong STAB that can deal a decent amount of damage. Protect is to scout and regain health via leftovers. Encore is to deal with sword dancers, taunters, etc.

Sumo Sam@Expert Belt
252 Attack, 252 Health, 4 Defense
Close Combat
Bulk Up
Stone Edge
If you think a Tyranitar can easily rip my team to shreds, than you haven't seen Sumo Sam in action. With STAB Close Combat + Expert Belt, Sumo Sam can deal a lot of damage. Bulk up is to increase his already high attack stat even further as well as an increase in defense. The other moves use the StoneQuake Combo.

So this is my team. Let me know what you think of it. This is for OU by the way.

edited by
Det fire weakness o.o
Hariyama can usually take down fire types with earthquake or stone edge. Also, Froslass should be able to out-speed fire types and cripple them with thunder wave. Then, Hariyama or Mamoswine can take them down with a nice good earthquake or stone edge. In particular, are there any pokemon that threaten my team?
did scarf exist in gen 4? I think so. Anyway, fires with a scarf will eat this team alive
you also desperately need a spinner
Choice scarf did exist in Gen 4. What Rapid Spinner do you suggest? Starmie perhaps to take care of my fire weakness?

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