Pokémon Rate My Team
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I didn't spend hours thinking about this, but I did spend quite some time thinking about it.

Talonflame @Sky Plate (252 HP, 252 Att, 6 Speed)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Gale Wings
-Roost (Predicting switches/Healing against pokemon who do less than 1/2 damage)
-Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz
-Aerial Ace

Dragonite @Lum Berry (252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Multiscale
-Dragon Dance
-Fire Punch

Klefki @Leftovers (252 HP, 200 Def, 58 SpDef)
Nature: Impish
Ability: Prankster
-Thunder Wave
-Light Screen

Aggron @Aggronite (252 HP, 252 SpDef, 6 Def)
Nature: Careful
Ability: Sturdy / Filter
-Dragon Tail
-Iron Head
-Rain Dance
Now,Mega-Aggron becomes full steel, meaning it's only weakness is Ground, Fighting, and Fire. It's very rare that you find someone using Special attacking Fighting/Ground moves, so fire is the only real threat when Filter is an ability. Rain dance will remove that threat.

Espeon @Focus Sash (252 Speed, 252 SpAtt, 6 HP)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Magic Bounce
-Calm Mind
-Shadow Ball
-Protect (I do not know what else, please suggest).
Rotom-Wash @Lum Berry (252 HP, 126 Def, 132 SpDef)
Nature: Calm
Ability: Levitate
-Confuse Ray

Please tell me what I should replace, remove, etc. Thanks! :)

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EVs are always multiple of 4.
I'd advise chesto berry over lum berry on rotom as to ensure that rest, which cure all status anyway, can be used to gain maximum health whenever needed without having to be inactive afterwards
I don't see a point in rain dance on Aggron as it only helps Rotom (slightly) and doesn't help talonflame and dragonite. You would be better of using like stealth rocks, but that would mean new breeding... Also what if you run into someone using say hydro pump? rain dance would get 30% buff to their damage.

Espeon: baton pass over protect? would let you pass on calm minds. Up to you.

Not sure if you would need a spinner for easier switches into dragonite and talonflame?
Spinner NAO :P

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