Pokémon Rate My Team
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So, this is my first attempt to create an actual, not-just-for-ingame team, and I'm struggling a bit (read: a lot). I've been doing a lot of research and this is what I've come up with, but if any of you guys with more experience have any suggestions at all I will literally worship the ground you walk on because I am so, so lost. This is basically the result of me trying to clumsily fit together pre-made pieces and strategies that I got from online, so... yeah. Anyway, please help. please... especially with EV's and items, as both of those are going a bit over my head at the moment.

Serene Grace, Jolly Nature
Iron Head
Fire Punch
Ice Punch
Stealth Rock
EV's: 252 HP, 80 SAtk, 176 Spe

Water Absorb, Bold Nature
Ice Beam
EV's: 248 HP, 224 Def, 36 SpD

Poison Heal, Adamant Nature
Focus Punch
Seed Bomb
EV's: 12 HP, 252 Atk, 244 Spe

Sand Stream, Jolly Nature
Dragon Dance
Stone Edge
EV's: 252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Spe

Serene Grace, Bold Nature
Air Slash
Thunder Wave
Aura Sphere
EV's: 252 HP, 188 Def, 68 SpD

Volt Absorb, Timid Nature
Shadow Ball
Hidden Power (Grass)
Baton Pass
EV's: 252 SpA, 4 SpD, 252 Spe

Thanks guys! I really appreciate it.

Replace Togekiss and Jolteon with Zapdos for better type and heat wave and wash Rotom for better type and trick. Give Jirachi a leftovers to heal and 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe timid for more speed. Replace its iron head, fire punch, and ice punch with psychic for more power, thunderbolt to cover water, and grass knot to cover ground. Give Vaporeon a leftovers to heal. Replace its ice beam with electric hidden power to cover water. Give Breloom a toxic orb to heal. Give Tyranitar a choice scarf for more speed. Replace its dragon dance and earthquake with pursuit to hit dark-weak Pokemon even if they switch and superpower to cover dark and steel.
Thanks! Ok, I understand the reasoning behind a lot of that, and I can't thank you enough for the tips, but I'm a bit confused with the changes you suggested for Jirachi... like, isn't one of Jirachi's best features the fact that with Serene Grace/Iron head it can flinch everything into oblivion? And then fire punch/ice punch for coverage (plus increased chance of burn/freeze) and stealth rock to set up for the rest of the team. I'm sure you're right, but I just don't really understand why...

Additionally, with Tyranitar, if I switched it from DD/StoneEdge/Earthquake/Crunch to Pursuit/Superpower/StoneEdge/Crunch... Isn't having two dark-type moves a little wasteful (it might not be, like with how Draco Meteor+another dragon move is common in movesets but... yeah I'm confused) and a different typed move/status move would be a better use of that last slot? Would it be better to swap out crunch, but keep earthquake or dragon dance?

Again, thank you so much for your help!
Iron head works pretty well when you're both fast and lucky, but not so much otherwise. The set I recommended is much more reliable when dealing with common threats like Starmie, Skarmory, and bulky water Pokemon. On Tyranitar, pursuit and crunch are so different that it's a good idea to have both. Teaching Tyranitar a status move is a bad idea because, when you use the status move, the choice scarf will prevent it from attacking and you'll have to either waste a turn switching out or waste your Tyranitar.
Huh, didn't see the Gen IV. RIP me I guess :P
So, I really like Wash Rotom (though I don't really have a good way to get it atm... I'll figure that out later), but I believe in gen IV it's an electric/ghost type still, and the water/electric type doesn't take effect until gen V. Is it still a good option?
It has three immunities, it gets STAB for shadow ball, and it can learn trick. Of course it's a good option.

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