Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

Hai, Hai, Hai (Bai?), and welcome to another RMT by Lenub. Previously, all you saw here were somewhat standard and typical teams that you got bored with, but not anymore. With the introduction of Gen 6, I've decided to start fresh and kick some butt. And thanks to this team, I have. Though I haven't laddered it yet (because 8000+ people on main is a sign of terrible lag on an iPod), I still can boast an achievement that this team has not lost a single Pokébank tourney on the DB server so far. That in mind, let's hop into the team!

Aegislash @ Leftovers

Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword

This Generation is lots of fun and lols and having to build teams that specifically can counter, wall, or check Aegislash. And to be honest, for a good reason. This thing is by far the most OP bulky set-up/glass canon sweeper. With perfect coverage, nothing gets in its way. If it's a good day, and all the extreme checks to Aegislash and Diggersby are not in the opponent's team, then I usually like to start things off with a nice Swords Dance. After that, if I predict nothing will switch-in, I'll just keep setting up. However, if it's a physical attacker (i.e. Weakness Policy Dragonite with Fire Punch) trying to weaken me so a teammate can finish me off, then I simply use King's Shield and make his attack drop by -2. It also helps Aegislash get back to its Shield Stance, and set up another SD or 2 if necessary to take the foe down. Now, with the buff that Ghost types got this gen, Aegislash's coverage moves are completely overwhelming. Shadow Sneak is the most abused moved, granted that Aegislash is terribly slow. This move is a remedy for that, allowing me to always move first, due to the fact that Aegislash resists or is immune to all common forms of Priority, bar Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak. +2 is a world of pain for the opponent, and +3 or +4 is gg. But sadly, Ghost types still cant hurt Dark types real well, and can't touch Normal types at all. But I have Sacred Sword, so it's all good. This move is the move that takes the most prediction, especially since if the opponent may have a Pyroar or Hydreigon, or Diggersby in the party. So most of the time, I will purposely use this move instead of setting up, to show the person that I am fully aware of what checks and counters me, and I get a lot of kills from this, since they will usually send their counter in, so yay. 0 Speed IVs are to surely move last against opposing Aegislash, and thus kill them with a Shadow Sneak when they're in the Blade-Stance.

Greninja @ Expert Belt

Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Quick Attack

Remember when Alakazam was like, the 2nd fastest thing in OU? Those were the good ol' days. Anyways, Greninja is a complete boss, boasting a whopping base 122 Speed stat, and a respectable base 103 SAtk. Now, you may question yourself as to why I have a certain move, and I'll tell you later :P Dark Pulse is a perfect coverage move this Gen, and an even more perfect STAB move to have. Thanks to Protean, Greninja gets STAB on every move it uses, since it changes its type to the move it uses. So yay for the 1.5x boost. Anyways, Dark Pulse hits Alakazam and LO variants of Gengar very hard (OHKO's both) and doesnt really do anything else except hit whatever my other moves cant. Hydro Pump is still the best Water STAB choice, even after the 10 point nerf it got. It kills Pyroar's and Diggersby's for my Aegislash, thus making each other ideal teammates. It also hit almost everything for good damage, and makes Greninja a worthy threat to most teams. Ice Beam is here to deal with Gliscor (I still have accuracy issues with Hydro Miss) and the Dragons that have hung around for a new Gen, and the ones that were just introduced, like Goodra and Noivern. With Protean STAB + Expert Belt, Ice Beam KO's all of them, and leaves Assault Vest Goodra in the thirties, and Multiscale Dragonite in the high teens and low twenties. Quick Attack is my gimmick of being able to defeat opposing Aegislash with Greninja. Since Greninja outspeeds, a good player would either preserve his Aegislash, or use Shadow Sneak. However, thanks to Protean, Quick Attack makes me immune to ghost moves, and thus forcing the opponent's Aegislash to go to Blade-Stance and eat a good 60-80% Dark Pulse, or switch. And trust me, while it may sound completely irrational, it works, due to the fact that people go full-out noob in those situations. So my gimmick is still "viable", and I've gotten more kills from it that I expected.

Heatran @ Air Balloon

Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 SDef
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Flash Cannon
- Flamethrower
- Will-O-Wisp

In all honesty, Heatran was the last addition to this team. When I was teambuilding, Rotom-W seemed like a superior choice and provided better synergy. However, Excadrill was causing Rotom-W som problems, and nothing could really switch in to it, in fear of its Dual STAB's and Rock Slide. Thinking of the Pokémons that were gods last Gen, I remembered a variant of Heatran that I never got the chance to use; BalloonTran. Stealth Rock on Balloon Heatran is about the easiest thing to set up. Since i can freely come in on an EQ from SubProtect Gliscor or Standard Excadrill, the first is completely walled, while the latter is checked. Knowing that most teams wouldn't want to lose those Pokémons, I set up on the switch and get out of there asap, to keep my balloon intact. Once I can come in again, I have easy options to cripple stuff, or hurt stuff. Flash Canon is great to deal with remaining Fairies, such as Sylveon and Florges. Seeing that Heatran x4 resists their STAB Fairy moves, it can happily spam Flash Canon. Flamethrower is my secondary STAB, and used to deal with Steel, Grass, and Bug types, such as Genesect, Aegislash, Scizor, Ferrothorn, etc. And while Lava Plume may be more enticing thanks to its high burn chance, I prefer power + Status to be separate (unless it's the almighty Scald), just because 30% is still unreliable, no matter Showdown's high chance of secondary effects to happen. And speaking about status, Heatran carries the new and improved Will-O-Wisp, now able to hit more often and burn more pokemons. Heatran and Florges also make a great core, and this the backbone that supports this team. (Also, since I carry 2 other steel types, Heatran offers a much needed Fire immunity, and makes a good core with them.)

Continued Below ↓

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Dayum, I never saw this team. Nice team though Lenub, wish it had some more love.

1 Answer

0 votes

Hai, continued here;

Lucario @ Lucarionite

Ability: Inner Focus ---> Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Close Combat
- Crunch

One look at this team, and it's quite obvious who the Mega is. Lucario is easily the most overpowering Mega so far, thanks to Adaptability, 2-stage boosting moves for each attacking stat, and a great movepool. Combine these all, and you have an unstoppable force. I decided to use the more common MLucario set. Swords Dance makes a nightmare turn into the devil himself. Once Lucario is at +2, there is absolutely no stopping him, unless you carry a Focus Sash. Close Combat is the main STAB of this set, being able to just obliterate any pokemon in my way. Hell, I encourage you to look below and see how much a +2 Close Combat does to MAggron. Now, the problem every MLucario user has is to choose between Extreme speed or Bullet Punch. At first, I had chosen Extreme Speed as my priority of choice, thus being able to obliterate the annoying Talonflame's and opposing Greninja's around. However, realizing Dragonite took care of those, I opted to switch to Bullet Punch, and have fun killing off MGengar noobs and MAlakazam. Finally, Crunch is here for predicted Aegislash switch-ins, and rounds out the coverage on Lucario. Inner Focus was chosen over the other abilities, due to the fact that Lucario will be able to set up Swords Dance on Kangaskhan's who try to Fake Out him, and then allowing me to KO it.

Dragonite @ Life Orb

Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 168 HP / 252 Atk / 88 SAtk
Naughty Nature
- ExtremeSpeed
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake
- Outrage

My typical lead and extreme wallbreaker. Thanks to its respectable Special Attack stat, humongous Attack stat, and great movepool, Dragonite is a force to be reckoned with. ExtremeSpeed is a great move, able to dent Talonflame to a point where it kills itself with Brave Bird. Since it has +2 priority, it can evade Gale Wings Flying attacks, and Sucker Punch MAbsol and MKangaskahn who will try to reveng kill Dragonite. Fire Blast is my fire move of choice, being able to seriously fry up Skarmory and Ferrothorn, who can take a Fire Punch, and retaliate with either Leech Seed, or heal up with Roost. Earthquake is here to deal with Aegislash, and putting it in KO range for MLucario's Bullet Punch, even if it's at -2 (granted that SR is up). I can also hit opposing Heatran's for the kill, and also kills off non-balloon variants of Excadrill. Outrage is here, just for Dragon type purposes, and allows me to hit anything hard that I suspect will switch in, such as Defensive variants of Rotom-W/F. I prefer it over Dragon Claw, just because it haz vewy much powerrz :3

Florges (F) @ Leftovers

Ability: Symbiosis
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
- Aromatherapy
- Wish
- Protect
- Moonblast

Florges is the mini-Blissey of this gen, so I'm not gonna spend much time on it. Aromatherapy is for healing status purposes, especially when Dragonite is asleep due to Smeargle leads. Although Florges has a mediocre HP stat, with investment, it passes along 180 HP wishes, thus proving decent recovery to the whole team, especially helping out Heatran and Dragonite, So I added a much-needed Wish. Protect helps me scout choiced Pokés, helps me stall out a turn for Wish, or just simply grab a nice 6% recovery to live an attack. Moonblast is a nice attacking option, and helps KO threats that Florges can wall, such as Greninja, who Florges can 2HKO. It also helps kill Dragons who outspeed Dragonite, such as ScarfMence and Specs Latios.

Banded Azumarill.
Rotom-W (Choiced Variants)

And that's the team. Hope you liked it, and welcome to Gen 6 OU.

edited by
Try Shadow Ball > Crunch on Mega Luke as to prevent Aegislash from pulling off King's Shield mind games.
You mispelled cannon a lot. Just saying