Pokémon Rate My Team
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My Team currently :
Evs: Atk & Speed
Move Set:
Swords dance ( For Raising my already ridiculous attack stat )
Fire fang ( For 4x Weakness on ice )
Earthquake ( STAB, Really high power 'Nuff said )
Dragon Claw ( Also STAB Fairly high power useful for killing other dragons )
( Sand Veil Abiliy Works with Tryannitar )

Evs : Attack & HP ( All Most stats are equally trained on this pokemon though, Attack and hp are just the most )
Move set:
Crunch ( STAB )
Dragon Claw
Stone Edge ( STAB )
( All good physical attack moves Enough said ^^ )
( Sand Stream makes a good evasion bonus to garchomp weather it be double battle or just switching the 2 out )

Evs : Speed and Sp.Atk ( Holy poop this is fast )
Move Set:
Future sight ( Just Cuz )
Fire Blast ( STAB and high power )
Flame Thrower ( Same as above ^ )
Psychic ( STAB and coverage against fighting )
( Blaze, I didn't really have a choice on this one... )

Evs : Atk and speed
Move Set :
Strength ( Cause there HM's i was planning on getting rid of these hms but whatever... ^ Same for above )
Earth quake ( STAB Why do i even answer why... )
Dragon claw ( STAB Fairly high power )
Levitate ( Cause thats flygon's ability :l )

Charizard ( Y ) @ Mega stone
Evs: Sp.atk & Speed ( All my pokemon are really fast :P )
Move Set :
Wing Attack ( STAB )
Flame Thrower ( STAB )
Heat Wave ( STAB )
Dragon Claw ( High attack power )

Evs: Sp.Atk & Sp.Def
Moves :
Waterfall ( Stab its a HM Ok move )
Thunderbolt ( Suprise!, Kills off fellow waters along with water absorb damage
Surf ( HM Stab )
Ice Beam ( High damage STAB )
( Water Absorb )

Like I Said im a Noob to competitive battling or even battling in general because im aware theres probally many flaws in my team and its not the best would be very helpful if you suggest moves / Switching in or out new pokemon i apriciate giving me a chance and clicking on this post <3
Also Item suggestions would be helpful as my team has next to none Again thanks for your time
- Mewawesome

Consider a spinner like excadrill or starmie
Thinking about starmie to replace lapras then replacing charizard or delphox for an electric like jolteon

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