Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

This questions is answered, but I'm still open to new ideas so if you have any, please drop 'em off in the comments or an answer.

Registeel @ Life Orb
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave
- Iron Head
- Earthquake

Sets up Stealth Rocks which helps the other Pokémon land KOs, break sashes, Sturdy, etc. Also limits some switches. Thunder Wave support is generally nice, and Registeel can get a nice Paraflinch going on with STAB Iron Head. Earthquake is the other attack and does have pretty nice coverage.

Escavalier (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Megahorn
- Iron Head
- Double-Edge
- Pursuit

Hits extremely hard with max Attack, Adamant, Choice Band. Megahorn does a lot of damage to whatever it hits, and it sometimes gets the Swarm boost, which is nice. STAB Iron Head is the other attack, making dual STAB. Double Edge hits Pokémon that the STABs aren't very effective against, but Iron Head and Megahorn are the main attacks. Pursuit is a handy little attack, making sure to get threats eliminated.

Mismagius (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Taunt

Nasty Plot boosts Special Attack to a very nice level. Shadow Ball is STAB, and Thunderbolt hits Water-types and Flying-types. Taunt is a very nice addition, as it helps out a lot. The team is actually based around Mismagius, pretty much. She, along with Chandelure, takes Fighting-type attacks for Porygon-Z and Registeel.

Chandelure (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Fire Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Pain Split

Flash Fire grants immunity to Fire-type attacks, which especially helps Registeel and Escavalier, as well as the team in general. Chandelure sets up the Substitute and hits hard with Life Orb-boosted Fire Blast and Shadow Ball. The Substitute damage, along with Life Orb and the opponent’s attacks, racks up, so Pain Split helps recover HP. Works well with Chandelure's decent defenses and mediocre HP.

Zapdos @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Roost

Takes Ground-type attacks for Chandelure and Registeel. Also has STAB Thunderbolt to hit Water-types, which the team sometimes struggles against. Heat Wave allows Zapdos to deal with Steel-types and Grass-types, helping out Thunderbolt. Hidden Power [Ice] is for Landorus, Gliscor, and Dragons. Roost heals Zapdos from Life Orb damage and opponent's attacks.

Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Tri Attack
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Trick

Tri Attack is the main attack Porygon-Z will be using. STAB, boosted by Adaptability, doubles the damage, which is the same as super effective. Dark Pulse is there to hit Ghost-types, which are immune to Tri Attack, and it also has a nifty flinch chance. Hidden Power [Fighting] is there to hit Steel-types, who resist both the above attacks. Trick can really mess with an opponent's setup.

I'm hoping I can get more out of this post than my opponents looking at this team while battling me to have the advantage.

If you see an improvement that could be made, or a possible change, please post so in a comment or answer.

edited by
the giant registeel scared me (O.O)
Can you use smaller sprites please?
@Tyson hahaha nice.
@trachy don't see the point. I took 'em right off of bulbagarden's archives, So I didn't choose the size.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Okay, I'm gonna start by saying, Nice team!
I really like the flow of it, and I've battled it and seen it run, but you're right, you can get more out of it this way, because there are a lot of things I wouldn't have caught, unless I was nitpicking with the blue prints, so yeah, here's my opinion, just a few things that I think you need to change :3


You're going to get more out of a 128 - 128 defensive bulk layout then 252 Hp, as his defensive stats are a bit higher, you're going to get more extra stat points, out of the EVs.
On the same hand, Life Orb drains a percentage of your Hp, ( You probably already know this ) meaning that adding on Hp for bulk, just makes it take more Hp from you every turn, but the same basic amount, when applying to you. Having defense EVs will make your opponents do less, instead of having them be able to do more, before you knock out. If you see what I'm saying as to why Defensive would be better then having more hit points here, I'm glad, because I hate explaining :3


Love the set, although I honestly hate this thing ( From the, " I keep getting murdered by it perspective " but that doesn't take away the awasomeness from it.
Anyway, he's got some great bulk going on here, but I suggest using Return or Frustration
Intead of Double Edge this will help you not die off faster if you get Choiced into a Double Edge ( On the rare occasion that you do need to use it ) that's pretty much my only suggestion for him. I would like you to consider trying out X-Scissor instead of Megahorn as it is more reliable, and he already has power down. I'm not saying it's better, it's just something you might want to try out.


Love it, the only thing I can say, is with you still having a 100 base Sp Def, you might want to try out Calm Mind in there instead of Nasty Plot, for more overall bulk, although Nasty Plot does give you a better Sp Atk boost, she's quick enough to set up before more threats will touch her, meaning being able to randomly buff off a special move or 2 along the way can prove useful, even if she isn't standardly a tank, that would be leading you to a bit of a " Bulky Sweeper " approach. Just something to try.


This is just something that might be hazardous. When substituting down to low health to abuse Pain Split, Life orb might get a bit messy. ( Substitute! Oh... Life orb killed it ) While I don't think it would be too bad, there's an item that will be really awasome here.
Salac Berry is my suggested item, when you get down to low health, ( Substitute ) your speed will go up by 1 stage which as you know, is 50%. Giving you enough speed to guarentee a first hit Pain Split, and be able to sweep like a Machine later on :3


Pefection, no comments here.


I wouldn't suggest trying to Trick off a Choice Scarf, while it will screw an opponent up for a turn.. Well, you never know what they can do after that.
While Dual STAB on a single type pokemon, is normally looked down upon, consider adding in Hyper Beam in it's place, and having an epic revenge killer along side, as Hyper Beam can take down... a lot.

And now, I'm going to end off, by once again saying. Great team!
Most of my suggestions where little things, nothing super big, awasome team as usual Hex.

Ok here's my little reply to the suggestions.
Registeel: Registeel's HP needs to be maxed out before touching the sky high defenses.
The 128 - 128 layout won't actually do much to Registeel's bulk. The HP isn't high compared to the defenses, So it's needed to have 252 in HP.
Though you have a good point, So I'll swith item to Leftovers. I'll get more out of switching item to lefties than switch EVs.
Escavalier: Definitely switching Double Edge to Return, Good point there.
I'm not as positive to go with X-Scissor though, But I can see why you mentioned it.
It might happen that I try it out, But I do like Megahorn.
Mismagius: I've used Sub Calm Mind Mismagius in the past, And I think Nasty Plot/Taunt is better for the team.
It only takes 1 turn to make Mismagius into a deadly sweeper with Nasty Plot which is awasome.
And Taunt has proved to be very useful. But I'll try Calm Mind again.
Chandelure: Subbing down to a Salac Berry is not the approach I want.
And trust me, Life Orb does not get messy. the sub usually happens on the opponent's switch to a Pokemon they think can handle Chandelure, And Pain Split immediately takes effect then.
Life Orb boost is pretty critical since I'm running dual STAB, So if the hit is neutral it might be needed.
Also, It happens Chandelure needs to switch, And the Salac Berry is pretty useless then.
Zapdos: Heyderlol.
Porygon-Z: Definitely trying Hyper Beam instead of Trick.
Trick usually isn't needed, But it saved me a game once (tricked a Sableye).
Thanks for the suggestions, And answering!
