Before I show you the team I'd like too show you how successful it is
And my original ladder was 1515
This has been an alteration of my other team, but I'd still like to make another introduction.
I had this team based on Mega-Kangaskhan (which is in many people's opinion, broken but honestly, any fighting type that's faster can handle this guy). After a few fails with my original team, I changed it up a little and wa-la, probably my most successful team yet. Anyways I hope you enjoy, because I really put a lot of effort into this team. If you have any suggestions or comments, please do! I'm happy to accept any advice ^.^

Ability: Scrappy->Parental Bond
EVs: 4 HP 252 atk 252 sp
Jolly Nature
-Power-up Punch
-Sucker Punch
Behold the pokemon that has had so many 6-0 sweeps, Mega-Khan! Why is he so good you may ask, well that's a simple question to answer
-Easy set-up
-Good bulk
-Decent Speed
-Double hits which break subs and focus sashes that prevents revenge killing
-Good priority in Sucker Punch
There aren't many true hard counters to this guy, he's that good. Power-up Punch allows you to do a little damage while getting to a +2 boost. That's incredibly useful for picking of weakened pokemon. After you get the boost you're virtually impossible to stop until something faster and bulky enough to survive a sucker punch comes to end your sweep. Bulky Ghost types are also a problem to face since you can't hit them with STAB return, which, have I mentioned is crazy powerful and hits stuff good, Earthquake comes in to hit stuff that don't die from Return and has a OHKO on Standard Ferrothorn and a 2HKO on standard Forretress after a +2 boost from power-up punch. Sucker Punch is a great move to hit scarves that ain't fighting types such as Genesect. If you are having a really hard time hitting bulky ghosts, Crunch is always an alternative to Sucker Punch if you're willing to give up the priority.
Landorus@Choice Band

Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 200 HP 252 atk 56 Spd
Adamant Nature
-Stone Edge
I originally wanted a Fighting type counter that can play offense, so this thing came to mind immediately. In the original stages of the team, an experienced player showed me the benefits of adding a band on to the set. The loss in versatility was painful especially due to Earthquake having so many immunities, but the gain in power was amazing. This thing BREAKS walls. Anything that doesn't resist STAB Earthquake gets straight OHKO'd or 2HKO'd. Flying types and Levitaters will not have a fun switch in to Stone Edge. Superpower hits Air Balloon variants of Heatran and Excadrill hard and can be used as an alternative to stone edge to some extent. U-turn provides momentum like it does to pretty much anything. It's an underused set and is overlooked but by no means is it bad.

Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP 12 def 244 spd
Modest Nature
-Earth Power
-Stealth Rock
Originally having a Ferrothorn, but random Trevenants kept annoying me and I needed more offense so Heatran became the candidate of replacing Ferro. It already carries good bulk and great offense. As you can see I let it have some pretty barfworthy EVs but it's all good. It carries Stealth Rock to get in free damage on switches and break Sashes and is overall a useful move. Will-O-Wisp shuts down physical attackers and catches pokes on the switch, and it walls physical attacks like a charm, in fact while a regular Landorus OHKO's with Earthquake, a burned one 2HKO's, and that's pretty bulky taking into consideration Landorus's Offensive stats and Heatran's crippling ground weakness. Flamethrower is to land STAB hits on the rising line of Genesects and is preferred over Fire Blast for Accuracy. Earth Power was a great coverage move for Heatran before and it still is now, hitting other Heatran and water types for neutrality.
Starmie@Life Orb

Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP 252 spa 252 spe
Timid Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
-Rapid Spin
I really would have loved Gengar here, but with hazards becoming ever so dominantly popular I needed a spinner, but I still wanted Gengar's fire power. Starmie immediately came to mind. It's IMO, the best offensive rapid spinner out there. It's great speed allows it to take out weakened pokemon with great coverage moves like Ice Beam and Thunderbolt. With life orb, Hydro Pump, though nerfed hits pretty hard. And for the Grand Finale we have Rapid Spin, which gets an OHKO on Sunkern and spins away hazards. Pros over Gengar is it actually has enough bulk to switch into things without exploding over minor damage. Though it might not last long, I always find it useful during a battle.
Terrakion@Choice Scarf

Ability: Justified
EVs: 4 HP 252 atk 252 spe
Jolly Nature
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
-Rock Slide
By far my favorite scarfer in OU. Smogon's pretty much got it covered but I'd still like to say a few things.
When in the course of Pokemon events, it becomes necessary for a
competitive battler to carry a scarfer with good attack and good speed
with balling STABs that destroy the enemies of your cause. We hold
these truths to be self-evident that that all pokemon are created
equal(that's why we have tiers) and they are endowed by Arceus with
certain unalienable rights, that among these are Sweepers, Walls, AND
-TechnoBlastBoy (Declaration of Brown Horses)
nuff said
Thundurus@Expert Belt

Ability: Prankster
EVs: 4 HP 252 HP 252 spe
Timid Nature
-Nasty Plot
-Hidden Power[Ice]
-Focus Blast
A pokemon I've never got to use in Ubers, so I've decided to use it in OU to see it's prowess. do not want many pokemon weak to this thing and you definitely want a resist. Nasty plot allows you to get your special attack to horrific levels and with prankster, allows you to avoid faster Taunters(but who'd taunt this guy). In fact he gets so powerful with Nasty Plot that he can 2HKO Blissey with Stealth Rocks and Focus Blast. That's...some powerful stuff. Thunderbolt is good reliable STAB and dents stuff that don't resist and aren't immune. And for those resists and immunites I present to them HP ice, which even with a nerf, OHKOs everything that it's super effective against, especially with that handy expert belt. It's also in a unique speed tier that lets it outspeed gengar and lati@s just by one base stat lol. Overall a nice addition to the team and a powerhouse that packs a punch.